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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#5458 when should you go out through that? 3 mishele (michalaizi) Mar 29, 2009 
#17208 Movie title 14? 15 Tom King (sgusa) Jan 17, 2012 
#2524 flag woot 18 jessica ellison (cancer91) Mar 24, 2008 
#17428 A small animal 3 Mark Wenzel (cheezeman) Feb  3, 2012 
#10311 headless 2 GabrielMyCat (gabrielmycat) Sep 12, 2010 
#10255 Giant #8 - Okay, enough... 11 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Sep  9, 2010 
#4492 pampkin 9 shay yatim (shay3979) Dec 22, 2008 
#17451 Out on a date. 10 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Feb  4, 2012 
#10265 double 0 LOIS EDWARDS (princess) Sep  9, 2010 
#20121 WWII Enemy 2 Brandie shelby (bdbucky) Oct 20, 2012 
#10259 Ambiguously paradoxical (2 equally-valid solutions) 2 Patrick Shaughnessy (pshaughn) Sep  9, 2010 
#18519 Mathematical function 10 Tom King (sgusa) May  3, 2012 
#17852 3 and 5 3 Beth Briggs (YodaTrophy) Mar 10, 2012 
#17990 Movie title 58? 7 Tom King (sgusa) Mar 19, 2012 
#2856 my flag 2 sam clarke (clarkeysam) May 26, 2008 
#7292 house 11 Hanna Graver (roodies2cool) Dec  1, 2009 
#16985 homer 3 sophie beswick (sophieb44) Jan  2, 2012 
#7268 WC #48 morse code 10 Kayla Aldridge (KMA61290) Nov 30, 2009 
#7333 merry (what) 3 person harris (games1793) Dec  4, 2009 
#4526 Hospital chart 17 mary burnside (mary1burnside) Dec 24, 2008 
#2264 dizzy mirrors 8 jennifer Clune (jen-clune) Feb  9, 2008 
#15636 Not Jeffy 2. 7 Bart Henning (blazers67) Mar 13, 2012 
#2273 Mum 9 Rachel Freer (Little Freer) Feb 12, 2008 
#10298 OOH PRETTY COLORS!!! 3 J.D. McLure (cubfan415) Sep 11, 2010 
#2277 Calm Day 15 Rachel Freer (Little Freer) Feb 12, 2008 
#18044 For Marie ... 13 Jota (jota) Apr 21, 2012 
#2281 criss cross checkers 6 Rachel Freer (Little Freer) Feb 12, 2008 
#18133 McCreery's Necklace 2 Scarlet Noelle Masen (scarletprincess) Apr  1, 2012 
#10424 Ad #10 - Got milk 11 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Sep 26, 2010 
#4547 Square Up! 1 Itai Palmoo (igot3) Dec 27, 2008 
#18280 Rebus #4 5 Richard Coderre (chiefsox) Apr 11, 2012 
#7353 A bit of a pun 10 Alex Klages (metalfoot) Dec  7, 2009 
#18354 minimalist animal 5 3 Wombat (wombatilim) Apr 17, 2012 
#3798 6 Rachel (Lil' Freer) Oct 15, 2008 
#18604 Bruce's Minimalist #3 8 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) May 10, 2012 
#14665 happy bloomsday! 4 annalivia (annalivia) Jun 16, 2011 
#10417 WCP#68 vs 8 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Sep 20, 2010 
#2325 Take the field! 14 asobi (asobi) Feb 22, 2008 
#5586 United We Stand 4 Ryan Anderson (ryguy) Apr 11, 2009 
#18144 Old Movie Ttile 3 Richard Coderre (chiefsox) Apr  2, 2012 
#9972 Hard to name. 9 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Aug 16, 2010 
#7398 Nice job 6 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec 11, 2009 
#19039 Rebus #8 10 Richard Coderre (chiefsox) Jun 18, 2012 
#18459 Here's oldie TV show... 6 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Apr 27, 2012 
#4573 sol 29 shay yatim (shay3979) Dec 29, 2008 
#18585 WCP 108 My Junior Prom Dress 11 Kayla Aldridge (KMA61290) May  9, 2012 
#4549 simbol A 6 shay yatim (shay3979) Dec 28, 2008 
#18766 E for Emilee 3 Kayla Aldridge (KMA61290) May 26, 2012 
#7411 Illegal homophone: It's Telly, Adam and Teresa's fault. 15 Jota (jota) Dec 13, 2009 
#18300 Where is yellow? 5 frederik gravgaard (villahus) Apr 12, 2012 
#4604 he reigns 10 bexie (becinaus) Jan  1, 2009 
#2871 Ready?... 24 Helen (elena9) May 29, 2008 
#18922 Fun 5's 17 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jun  9, 2012 
#10522 FIRE!!! 7 Matt Royer (prowler0406) Oct  1, 2010 
#10528 Kind of Car 3 14 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Oct  2, 2010 
#2384 spacezone 12 Piron Kimberly (charmed) Mar  7, 2008 
#18774 Not so tough now!! 1 Nelson Peters (Ace999) May 27, 2012 
#10613 Ad #22 - 2 scoops 11 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Oct  8, 2010 
#19042 WCP #111 - One for the ladies (kind of) 14 Kristen Vognild (Kristen) Jun 18, 2012 
#2395 chears 7 Piron Kimberly (charmed) Mar  8, 2008 
#2396 you can't drink ofcourse without a ... 13 Piron Kimberly (charmed) Mar  8, 2008 
#4613 leave a light on... 5 bexie (becinaus) Jan  2, 2009 
#2404 chops 12 Susan Burgee (telesto) Mar  9, 2008 
#19118 Around and Around 13 Nelson Peters (Ace9999) Jun 25, 2012 
#10013 Back in the day... 12 Robert Shields (skweedle) Aug 17, 2010 
#18775 Land hoe 7 Nelson Peters (Ace999) May 27, 2012 
#14493 ooh la la! 15 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jun 11, 2011 
#18242 minimalist toy 5 Wombat (wombatilim) Apr  9, 2012 
#19162 Movie title #85? 20 Tom King (sgusa) Jun 29, 2012 
#19058 WCP #111 London 31 Tom King (sgusa) Jun 20, 2012 
#18161 minimalist character 3 Wombat (wombatilim) Apr  3, 2012 
#19352 Fast & Easy... 7 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Jul 19, 2012 
#10365 Song Title #3 8 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Sep 15, 2010 
#10015 Big 5 vindersloon (vindersloon) Aug 30, 2010 
#10629 Capital Idea 5 5 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Oct 10, 2010 
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