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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#18099 minimalist animal 2 10 Wombat (wombatilim) Mar 28, 2012 
#18646 Tour 4 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) May 13, 2012 
#10567 Capitol Idea - Nyet 6 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Oct  4, 2010 
#2478 box 8 person harris (games1793) Mar 21, 2008 
#18665 Minimal Who #7 10 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) May 15, 2012 
#18167 minimalist monster 7 Wombat (wombatilim) Apr  4, 2012 
#10297 A tribute to..... 21 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Sep 12, 2010 
#18664 Minimal Who #6 14 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) May 15, 2012 
#6556 AMazing Woman 4 breaux (sbreaux) Aug 22, 2009 
#3052 A message for you 20 Kevin McCormick (bulb) Jul 11, 2008 
#4809 My danish fotballclub 1 frederik gravgaard (villahus) Feb  2, 2009 
#5565 Are you one? 2 Ryan Anderson (ryguy) Apr  9, 2009 
#19033 Movie title #76 12 Tom King (sgusa) Jun 17, 2012 
#10935 Top Gun Quote 3 - Take... 4 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Nov  5, 2010 
#20035 Colours 5 Micha³ Kamiñski (kaliphast) Oct 12, 2012 
#3828 Easy Letter. 21 David Martens (hillertar) Oct 21, 2008 
#19808 forist 7 x (bige) Sep 16, 2012 
#19177 in the ruins 6 cyfartha (roohoo02) Jul  1, 2012 
#20934 Mr. 1 Karen Friede (digininja02) Jan 21, 2013 
#20867 My Favorite Quote. 4 Chetari Anasazi (Chetari) Jan 13, 2013 
#4814 For those who don't like Mondrian paintings on pbn 9 vindersloon (vindersloon) Jan 22, 2009 
#19270 It's a new kind of food 6 Leah Harris (leahha) Jul  9, 2012 
#20518 What is an average puzzle in Quality and Difficulty? 83 Tom King (sgusa) Dec  2, 2012 
#20047 Movie title #96? 16 Tom King (sgusa) Oct 13, 2012 
#10896 Can you hear... 4 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Nov  3, 2010 
#19288 Erasable 4 Megan Graft (nutmeg89) Jul 11, 2012 
#18615 II 7 stephanie holdgate (holdgatee) Jun 19, 2012 
#21158 Bordering on tacky. 6 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Feb 17, 2013 
#3901 RANDOM 9 audrey behen (snails!!!) Oct 28, 2008 
#21519 Dissipation (Might be too easy. You've been warned) 4 Sarah Belsan (haras89) Mar 29, 2013 
#19491 Kiss Me Thru The Phone 6 Scarlet Noelle Masen (scarletprincess) Aug  6, 2012 
#11315 Hang 7 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec  9, 2010 
#3875 Hey There 29 Audrey Behen (snailfreak) Oct 26, 2008 
#19075 Movie title #82? Where are the 20x20 B&W? 13 Tom King (sgusa) Jun 21, 2012 
#21681 Song and Band for Aldege 16 Kim (kjh) Apr 13, 2013 
#10632 Ad #24 - Lucky strike means... 7 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Oct 10, 2010 
#3866 Bugs 7 Jota (Jota) Oct 25, 2008 
#11194 No WCP #73 When will he fall? 19 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Nov 30, 2010 
#21765 Hommage a Vasarely 5 Thomas Genuine (Genuine) Apr 21, 2013 
#11239 Which lady is this? 13 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Dec  3, 2010 
#22404 My sun burnt face 5 Karen Parker (bioteach) Jul 20, 2013 
#6704 my favorite things 4 MaryJane Anderson (o-so-clever) Sep 12, 2009 
#2523 beam me up 8 jessica ellison (cancer91) Mar 24, 2008 
#22169 SUPER SIZE ME 2 Byron Walter (papa) Jun 16, 2013 
#11317 This one is for 8 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec  9, 2010 
#11372 My contribution to the quilt 8 Jota (jota) Dec 14, 2010 
#21441 Famous monogram 11 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar 22, 2013 
#10391 Ad #3 - Brush-a, brush-a, brush-a.... 21 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Sep 19, 2010 
#4589 radio - the color si for not alternative 7 shay yatim (shay3979) Feb  4, 2009 
#2863 me inlove 9 person harris (games1793) May 27, 2008 
#11345 Love u! 9 Lila Lilas (Lilith) Dec 12, 2010 
#22606 you've got an e-mail 2 tomer liron (tomerik15) Aug 15, 2013 
#11328 cool 4 candy edwards (angel) Dec 11, 2010 
#22581 i have hw 2 shir frie (shirfrie) Aug 13, 2013 
#22331 Butter-face 10 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jul  4, 2013 
#11406 another quilt square 9 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Dec 15, 2010 
#11419 Yet Another Quilt Block 12 (Private) (Cyclone) Dec 15, 2010 
#22601 All About Me 9 Joseph Newton (Shroomyjoe) Aug 15, 2013 
#4925 farm house 1 Ellen Ritchie (emritchie) Feb  4, 2009 
#22944 Playing Cubes 3 Thomas Genuine (Genuine) Oct 13, 2013 
#11373 my contribution to the whole 3 Mary Abrams (meabrams) Dec 14, 2010 
#4564 astronaut 6 shay yatim (shay3979) Feb  4, 2009 
#7071 squaes gone wild 18 Veruca Salt (verucasalt12) Nov  6, 2009 
#7099 Unhappy Smiley 5 Erin Carroll (exts.) Nov 11, 2009 
#11400 Another Square 8 Trish (tryingmysoul) Dec 15, 2010 
#23254 Strangers in the night. 7 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Nov 29, 2013 
#22286 I hate difficulties with numbers (lol) 8 Thomas Genuine (Genuine) Jun 29, 2013 
#4718 goblet 2 shay yatim (shay3979) Feb  4, 2009 
#11414 Quilt square 3 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Dec 15, 2010 
#23252 Buck it up! 7 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Nov 29, 2013 
#2180 more Rebus *4* 78 Dana Schwartz (Dana.1) Jan 15, 2008 
#22826 some decor of mine 2 Thomas Genuine (Genuine) Sep 26, 2013 
#4926 runaway ballon. 6 Ellen Ritchie (emritchie) Mar 14, 2009 
#23268 Images from 2001.3 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec  1, 2013 
#23343 Joy to the world.... 3 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Dec 14, 2013 
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