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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#4336 nocture #5 6 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Dec 12, 2008 
#4337 WC # 16 Finnish Christmas 11 Olli Sorsa (OrQ) Dec 12, 2008 
#4249 Zig Zag 8 Teresa K (fasstar) Dec 12, 2008 
#4340 read between the squares!! 7 Denise Poulin (dlp1) Dec 12, 2008 
#4339 Which Key? 12 Teresa K (fasstar) Dec 12, 2008 
#4341 WC #16 The Only One that Will Do 20 Arduinna (arduinna) Dec 12, 2008 
#4342 Suffers From Snow Blindness 15 Teresa K (fasstar) Dec 12, 2008 
#4344 red face monkey 8 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Dec 12, 2008 
#4345 "How does next week sound?" 19 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Dec 12, 2008 
#4346 jigsaw puzzle (sweet thing) 1 of 4 4 harris harris (torough4u) Dec 12, 2008 
#4347 jigsaw puzzle (sweet thing) 2 of 4 1 harris harris (torough4u) Dec 12, 2008 
#4348 jigsaw puzzle (sweet thing) 3 of 4 1 harris harris (torough4u) Dec 12, 2008 
#4349 jigsaw puzzlw (sweet thing) 4 of 4 1 harris harris (torough4u) Dec 12, 2008 
#4343 jigsaw puzzle (sweet thing) answer key 2 harris harris (torough4u) Dec 12, 2008 
#4312 In the Mirror 18 Teresa K (fasstar) Dec 12, 2008 
#4331 happy day 2 person harris (games1793) Dec 12, 2008 
#4350 Palm tree 4 PRISCILA CALDAS CABRIAL (pepita10) Dec 12, 2008 
#4351 brgwb 12 person harris (games1793) Dec 12, 2008 
#4352 ho ho ho!! 5 emily Dougan (emily1980) Dec 12, 2008 
#4357 merry christmas 2 emily Dougan (emily1980) Dec 12, 2008 
#3853 Words of Wisdom #1 8 Trent Leach (tleach) Dec 12, 2008 
#4111 Cutt-Out 7 Trent Leach (tleach) Dec 12, 2008 
#4358 WC#16-another holiday celebration 5 Jane Doe (telly) Dec 12, 2008 
#4211 Advent 13 7 Meg Tayler (rebelcat) Dec 13, 2008 
#4359 nocturne #6 8 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Dec 13, 2008 
#4360 Race around the world. 4 Piglet (piglet) Dec 13, 2008 
#4355 Zoned Out 14 Teresa K (fasstar) Dec 13, 2008 
#4361 nocturne #7 12 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Dec 13, 2008 
#4362 WC #16: just missing the Ivy... 12 jack thorn (ravenskuld) Dec 13, 2008 
#4364 cold but happy 2 MMD (mmd) Dec 13, 2008 
#4366 Happy Holidays! 4 K Chouinard (codenumerator) Dec 13, 2008 
#4365 Shadow play 7 Teresa K (fasstar) Dec 13, 2008 
#4367 "My sentiments exactly!" 4 Tonia Bergh (tonia) Dec 13, 2008 
#4356 WC#16: Christmas Ewe 20 Agneta (aggge) Dec 13, 2008 
#4368 late night with... (sorry for multiple solutions) 4 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Dec 13, 2008 
#4374 charlie 8 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Dec 13, 2008 
#4375 goatee 10 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Dec 13, 2008 
#4373 WC# 16 Little Help 6 Byrdie (byrdie) Dec 13, 2008 
#4213 Advent 14 11 Meg Tayler (rebelcat) Dec 14, 2008 
#4376 basket weave 3 kathy Bowman (Kathy.1) Dec 14, 2008 
#4378 plaid #1 1 kathy Bowman (Kathy.1) Dec 14, 2008 
#4379 manly plaid 2 kathy Bowman (Kathy.1) Dec 14, 2008 
#4363 Scrutiny 21 Teresa K (fasstar) Dec 14, 2008 
#4321 Jerry West 3 K Chouinard (codenumerator) Dec 14, 2008 
#4372 Procrastination 15 Teresa K (fasstar) Dec 14, 2008 
#4354 Where are "U"? 8 K Chouinard (codenumerator) Dec 14, 2008 
#4382 a tribute to andy warhol and shigeru miyamoto 3 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Dec 14, 2008 
#4383 early years 4 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Dec 15, 2008 
#4384 double puzzle 15 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Dec 15, 2008 
#4218 Advent 15 12 Meg Tayler (rebelcat) Dec 15, 2008 
#4387 WC #17--Happy Birthday!! 8 Joseph Jessen (gijoex2) Dec 15, 2008 
#4389 moment of joy (don't worry about the multiple solution. only one dot changes) 9 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Dec 15, 2008 
#4316 Happy Hannukah 9 Jota (Jota) Dec 15, 2008 
#4390 What you're doing! 7 Pamppampaa Joopajoo (jotainjotain) Dec 15, 2008 
#4391 "Sabrina" 5 Ashley W (shlee975) Dec 15, 2008 
#4392 WC #17 Christmas Song 5 Corey Beaudoin (red) Dec 15, 2008 
#4253 Advent 16 3 Meg Tayler (rebelcat) Dec 16, 2008 
#4370 WC#17 What I Saw 10 Teresa K (fasstar) Dec 16, 2008 
#4393 O Ignis Spiritus 11 Teresa K (fasstar) Dec 16, 2008 
#4381 In December? 10 Teresa K (fasstar) Dec 16, 2008 
#4395 WC 17: An easy one 10 K Chouinard (codenumerator) Dec 16, 2008 
#4397 Rock Chalk Champions 5 Michael Garcia (thebigtank) Dec 16, 2008 
#4398 Killer App 12 K Chouinard (codenumerator) Dec 16, 2008 
#4399 Arrowhead 5 Michael Garcia (thebigtank) Dec 16, 2008 
#4401 Stocking stuffers 5 eliza (bet72) Dec 16, 2008 
#4402 Gesu Bambino 11 Teresa K (fasstar) Dec 17, 2008 
#4388 Advent 17 4 Meg Tayler (rebelcat) Dec 17, 2008 
#4404 face bat 7 shay yatim (shay3979) Dec 17, 2008 
#4405 face snake 11 shay yatim (shay3979) Dec 17, 2008 
#4406 dog small 6 shay yatim (shay3979) Dec 17, 2008 
#4407 small frog 12 shay yatim (shay3979) Dec 17, 2008 
#4408 1 13 shay yatim (shay3979) Dec 17, 2008 
#4132 14 for Brock, 2 for Bruno 5 Nick Mostaccero (cotc18) Dec 17, 2008 
#4409 WC#17 - Naughty or Nice 5 Jake Griffin (jako7286) Dec 17, 2008 
#4410 WC # 17 part of the play 7 vindersloon (vindersloon) Dec 17, 2008 
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