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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#36004 special 7 cathy mcweeney (catty) Oct 21, 2022 
#36008 No One (version 3) 3 Steve (StevieB) Oct 23, 2022 
#36010 Don't throw them out. 10 Susan Eberhardt (susaneber) Oct 23, 2022 
#36005 special 2 add on 8 cathy mcweeney (catty) Oct 24, 2022 
#36014 About the size of Texas 16 Yonah Kondor (yokon965) Oct 24, 2022 
#36012 H is for 15 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Oct 24, 2022 
#36015 They ARE BIRDS 4 cathy mcweeney (catty) Oct 25, 2022 
#36016 PUZZLER 3 cathy mcweeney (catty) Oct 26, 2022 
#35981 FRUITION 8 cathy mcweeney (catty) Oct 27, 2022 
#36017 CDC#01ADAPT 12 cathy mcweeney (catty) Oct 27, 2022 
#36018 Upside Down 7 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Oct 29, 2022 
#36029 nap time ⌚ 2 cathy mcweeney (catty) Oct 31, 2022 
#36030 parks 1 5 cathy mcweeney (catty) Oct 31, 2022 
#36032 park3 5 cathy mcweeney (catty) Oct 31, 2022 
#36033 cupid 3 cathy mcweeney (catty) Oct 31, 2022 
#36031 park 2 2 cathy mcweeney (catty) Oct 31, 2022 
#36034 special story 1 4 cathy mcweeney (catty) Oct 31, 2022 
#36037 I bless the rains 10 Yonah Kondor (yokon965) Oct 31, 2022 
#36039 Zeke 3 Yonah Kondor (yokon965) Oct 31, 2022 
#35971 plat 8 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov  2, 2022 
#36048 SPECIAL 2 8 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov  2, 2022 
#36049 PARK 4 3 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov  2, 2022 
#36053 SPECIA; 3 2 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov  4, 2022 
#36055 LYE'S 3 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov  5, 2022 
#36061 IN TE ROU 8 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov  7, 2022 
#36062 When the petals fall it is no idle thing 5 Scarlet Noelle Masen (scarletprincess) Nov  7, 2022 
#36065 SOLVE IT 1 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov  7, 2022 
#36066 FOLLOW 3 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov  7, 2022 
#36068 SPECIAL ENDIN 6 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov  8, 2022 
#36069 a dozen 6 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov  9, 2022 
#36070 take your time 3 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov  9, 2022 
#36072 rattle 5 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov  9, 2022 
#36073 happy 5 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 10, 2022 
#36074 abstract 3 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 10, 2022 
#36075 ertyu 9 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 10, 2022 
#36076 Spitfire 7 Proud (Proud) Nov 11, 2022 
#36077 It was a... 9 SBrainerd (seb) Nov 12, 2022 
#36078 Download free progressbar95 safe punjabi 3 seulki (sleepground) Nov 12, 2022 
#36080 Against the current 2 Melody Arab (melodyarab) Nov 13, 2022 
#36084 TURKEY Day 5 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 14, 2022 
#36087 yum 5 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 15, 2022 
#36090 anot er lucky 2 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 18, 2022 
#36091 flame 2 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 18, 2022 
#36092 rub your eyes 3 kaitlyn cyr (cyrious) Nov 18, 2022 
#36089 You aint going nowhere 5 K.D. (dimassis) Nov 18, 2022 
#36094 its rainin 1 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 18, 2022 
#36095 chewy 0 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 18, 2022 
#36096 NEW PUPPY 4 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 19, 2022 
#36097 WHAT AM I 1 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 20, 2022 
#36098 Merry Christmas 4 Lori-Alyn Claster (Lclaster) Nov 20, 2022 
#36099 Messed up saying 11 7 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Nov 21, 2022 
#36100 Messed up saying 12 9 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Nov 21, 2022 
#36101 Messed up saying 13 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Nov 21, 2022 
#36103 Messed up saying 14 6 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Nov 21, 2022 
#36104 Messed up saying 15 6 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Nov 21, 2022 
#36105 Copy of SMILE 1 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 21, 2022 
#36106 whistle 4 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 21, 2022 
#36107 thank you 4 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 21, 2022 
#36108 window to the soul 5 kaitlyn cyr (cyrious) Nov 22, 2022 
#36109 over water 3 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 22, 2022 
#36110 notes 3 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 22, 2022 
#36111 Oh 4 Yonah Kondor (yokon965) Nov 23, 2022 
#36102 Martin 7 Erin B (eaob) Nov 23, 2022 
#36112 motto 2 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 24, 2022 
#36115 play 2 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 25, 2022 
#36116 refreshing 2 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 25, 2022 
#36117 merry 1 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 25, 2022 
#36118 Vaca is on 4 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 26, 2022 
#36120 laminin the cross 0 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 27, 2022 
#36121 loved 3 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 28, 2022 
#36122 jjj 2 Maxim (maximich) Nov 28, 2022 
#36125 somewhere 5 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 28, 2022 
#36127 to you 2 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 29, 2022 
#36131 play 4 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 30, 2022 
#36093 snow white 2 kaitlyn cyr (cyrious) Dec  1, 2022 
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