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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#8040 Name That Tune 1 3 Music Teacher (echambers) Mar 14, 2010 
#9003 8 Notes 2 Music Teacher (echambers) May 30, 2010 
#3260 Bright Sunny Day 7 erin cummins (EclairErin27) Aug 11, 2008 
#13230 Peace of... 16 Joel Rogers (ecosystempets) Apr  8, 2011 
#13309 Puzzling puzzle 1 Joel Rogers (ecosystempets) Apr 11, 2011 
#13347 WCP #82: to find one to handle the burden... 21 Joel Rogers (ecosystempets) Apr 14, 2011 
#13733 WCP #83: Sleep deprived! 15 Joel Rogers (ecosystempets) May  5, 2011 
#14176 What do you see? 9 Joel Rogers (ecosystempets) Jun 26, 2011 
#14959 WCP#87: Micro Farms! 8 Joel Rogers (ecosystempets) Jun 26, 2011 
#15181 WCP #88 Who cares about the details... 8 Joel Rogers (ecosystempets) Jul 14, 2011 
#16418 WCP # 97: Dancing Sky 5 Joel Rogers (ecosystempets) Nov 18, 2011 
#18794 What comes after... 4 Joel Rogers (ecosystempets) May 30, 2012 
#20337 first marry for........ then for........... 3 Joel Rogers (ecosystempets) Nov 11, 2012 
#24763 Cutthroat Kitchen 9 Joel Rogers (ecosystempets) Jul 12, 2014 
#1573 Slowly, Go Go! 15 edicius timmoc (edicius) Oct 10, 2007 
#26726 Twin fish 2 Edith Johnson (edithbx) Jan  1, 2015 
#26728 kaleidoscope 4 Edith Johnson (edithbx) Jan  1, 2015 
#29162 Spinning log cabin 3 Edith Johnson (edithbx) Dec  1, 2016 
#29191 Swirly 2 Edith Johnson (edithbx) Dec 19, 2017 
#29292 slitherville 4 Edith Johnson (edithbx) Jan  3, 2017 
#29805 Pacific view 3 Edith Johnson (edithbx) May 11, 2017 
#9452 I'm A Player 4 Ed Robles (edrobles) Jul  2, 2010 
#9492 WCP #62 Too Literal... 11 Ed Robles (edrobles) Jul  5, 2010 
#9627 You better see sharp... 3 Ed Robles (edrobles) Jul 14, 2010 
#10043 SMILE 15 Ed Robles (edrobles) Aug 21, 2010 
#14474 Element #58 2 Ellen Duddy (eduddy17) Jun 11, 2011 
#2838 Droodle #4 16 Ed Donahue (edzoid) May 22, 2008 
#3384 the puppy park 11 Ed Donahue (edzoid) Aug 31, 2008 
#3401 The secret to the universe? 16 Ed Donahue (edzoid) Oct  2, 2008 
#6372 Iconic Pikto #1 5 Ed Donahue (edzoid) Jul 25, 2009 
#6373 Iconic Pikto #2 6 Ed Donahue (edzoid) Jul 25, 2009 
#6374 Iconic Pikto #3 4 Ed Donahue (edzoid) Jul 25, 2009 
#6382 Iconic Pikto #4 5 Ed Donahue (edzoid) Jul 26, 2009 
#6383 Iconic Pikto #5 8 Ed Donahue (edzoid) Jul 26, 2009 
#6390 Iconic Pikto #6 3 Ed Donahue (edzoid) Jul 27, 2009 
#6401 Iconic Pikto #7 7 Ed Donahue (edzoid) Jul 28, 2009 
#6408 Iconic Pikto #8 7 Ed Donahue (edzoid) Jul 30, 2009 
#11381 My quilt square 6 Ed Donahue (edzoid) Dec 14, 2010 
#8078 Our yearly obsession 6 Ed Donahue (edzoid) Mar 15, 2011 
#3951 The 'right' choice ? 20 Ed Donahue (edzoid) Nov  5, 2012 
#3953 The only choice 'left'? 13 Ed Donahue (edzoid) Nov  5, 2012 
#35345 pretty 8 Brianda Jackson (EggtopiaMusic) Sep 10, 2021 
#560 What VA, NC and MO have in common 8 Francie (eicnarf) Jan  6, 2009 
#4663 Spring Tweet 7 Francie (eicnarf) Apr 14, 2010 
#4664 Everybody was doing it 14 Francie (eicnarf) Jun 15, 2009 
#5211 Thirsty 6 Francie (eicnarf) Apr 18, 2010 
#6143 WCP #37 - In the park at dusk 13 Francie (eicnarf) Jun 29, 2009 
#6267 WCP #57 - Achluophobia meets Bogyphobia 6 Francie (eicnarf) Apr 12, 2010 
#8541 Field Trip Gone Wrong 1 15 Francie (eicnarf) Apr 23, 2010 
#8588 WCP #58 - Labor saver 9 Francie (eicnarf) May  1, 2010 
#9781 WCP #64 - June 4, 1944 12 Francie (eicnarf) Jul 27, 2010 
#9820 WCP #64 - Dig 13 Francie (eicnarf) Jul 30, 2010 
#10079 WCP #66 - #548 - Dressage 15 Francie (eicnarf) Aug 28, 2010 
#31020 ABC'S 0 elizabeth (ejkelly) Mar 31, 2018 
#31021 THE CROSS 2 elizabeth (ejkelly) Apr  1, 2018 
#36948 Natural Fireworks 3 Lahitte (Ekla) Jul  6, 2023 
#10368 Symbol of 7 Kürtiné Erdõsi Klára (eklara.1) Sep 15, 2010 
#10369 kind of shoes........ 4 Kürtiné Erdõsi Klára (eklara.1) Sep 15, 2010 
#10370 my first try 14 Kürtiné Erdõsi Klára (eklara.1) Sep 15, 2010 
#10371 gone fishing... 5 Kürtiné Erdõsi Klára (eklara.1) Sep 15, 2010 
#8797 7-ball 4 Erkin Palaz (ekogs) May 13, 2010 
#2209 my first puzzle 9 Helen (elena9) Jan 20, 2008 
#2870 Engarde! 3 Helen (elena9) May 29, 2008 
#2871 Ready?... 24 Helen (elena9) May 29, 2008 
#2872 Fence! 5 Helen (elena9) May 29, 2008 
#3686 in focus!!! 13 eleonora (eleonora) Oct  2, 2008 
#3769 swimming pool 8 eleonora (eleonora) Oct 11, 2008 
#3771 map 3 eleonora (eleonora) Oct 12, 2008 
#6285 doodily animals 0.1 14 Eludwar (elfluvsdwarf) Jul 11, 2009 
#6294 Chiharu nu Petite 5 Eludwar (elfluvsdwarf) Jul 12, 2009 
#6295 Shoulder Angel 2 Eludwar (elfluvsdwarf) Jul 12, 2009 
#6325 doodily animals 0.2 5 Eludwar (elfluvsdwarf) Jul 16, 2009 
#6326 tasty treats! 0.1 5 Eludwar (elfluvsdwarf) Jul 16, 2009 
#34473 Interesting 7 Erin L. Frank (elfrank) Sep 13, 2020 
#16921 scorpio 5 Elina Yiantzi (elina_n5) Dec 29, 2011 
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