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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#20934 Mr. 1 Karen Friede (digininja02) Jan 21, 2013 
#20935 Am I on Mars? 0 Karen Friede (digininja02) Jan 21, 2013 
#20936 Am I on Mars? 1 Karen Friede (digininja02) Jan 21, 2013 
#19608 My dream pet 19 Jared Dillon (dillpickle) Aug 21, 2012 
#19586 My house 6 Jared Dillon (dillpickle) Aug 19, 2012 
#19587 My car 6 Jared Dillon (dillpickle) Aug 19, 2012 
#19601 My pet spider 10 Jared Dillon (dillpickle) Aug 20, 2012 
#19603 My IPOD 6 Jared Dillon (dillpickle) Aug 20, 2012 
#19607 My favorite candy 10 Jared Dillon (dillpickle) Aug 21, 2012 
#19617 My tree 11 Jared Dillon (dillpickle) Aug 22, 2012 
#19641 Here kitty kitty 17 Jared Dillon (dillpickle) Aug 25, 2012 
#28948 First Puzzle - Be Kind (Thinking of Spring) 26 K.D. (dimassis) Oct 23, 2016 
#28986 What I'm supposed to be doing right now 16 K.D. (dimassis) Oct 28, 2016 
#29083 How can I get any work done? 20 K.D. (dimassis) Nov 14, 2016 
#29315 Wait! 19 K.D. (dimassis) Jan 10, 2017 
#29523 Wish me luck! 18 K.D. (dimassis) Mar 14, 2017 
#29588 What my son does ALL day. 14 K.D. (dimassis) Mar 30, 2017 
#31497 I wait all summer for this moment 9 K.D. (dimassis) Aug 24, 2018 
#32667 What did the tree do when the bank closed? 9 K.D. (dimassis) Jul 30, 2019 
#34886 He's still standing 14 K.D. (dimassis) Feb 16, 2021 
#36089 You aint going nowhere 5 K.D. (dimassis) Nov 18, 2022 
#996 Danish 20 Ida Stagsted (dipsyhappy) Jun 24, 2007 
#1016 It's white and skinny 8 Ida Stagsted (dipsyhappy) Jun 28, 2007 
#1017 Queen of.. 4 Ida Stagsted (dipsyhappy) Feb 10, 2008 
#1022 Pringles 6 Ida Stagsted (dipsyhappy) Jun 30, 2007 
#1010 Coke 10 Ida Stagsted (dipsyhappy) Jun 27, 2007 
#14615 Element 20 3 Diwesh Poudyal (diwesh328) Jun 15, 2011 
#25145 Balance 9 Elizabeth J (dizzyanna) Aug  5, 2014 
#24319 a bad sign... 2 djgamer (djgamer) Apr 26, 2014 
#23460 Tipsy 9 Debra Greene (dlegreen) Jan  3, 2014 
#23461 and Order 9 Debra Greene (dlegreen) Jan  3, 2014 
#2240 No Man's Land 37 Debra Greene (dlegreen) Jan 31, 2008 
#1980 X Marks What Spot? 25 Debra Greene (dlegreen) Dec 10, 2007 
#1995 A RIver Runs Through Them - Which One? 41 Debra Greene (dlegreen) Dec 11, 2007 
#1996 Beautiful, but not oft heard [religious] 7 Debra Greene (dlegreen) Dec 11, 2007 
#2011 10,000? You sure? 19 Debra Greene (dlegreen) Dec 15, 2007 
#2056 Recent AnniversaryTrip - Any Guesses? 12 Debra Greene (dlegreen) Dec 26, 2007 
#2222 I get first dibs! 15 Debra Greene (dlegreen) Jan 24, 2008 
#2324 Not a Buick 8 Debra Greene (dlegreen) Feb 22, 2008 
#2352 It's Both! 16 Debra Greene (dlegreen) Feb 29, 2008 
#2456 Different Twist on a Hotly Debated Topic 15 Debra Greene (dlegreen) Mar 18, 2008 
#7870 WPC #53 - On the brink! 14 Debra Greene (dlegreen) Feb 20, 2010 
#7896 Wishful Thinking 12 Debra Greene (dlegreen) Feb 23, 2010 
#8373 WCP 57 - Big Time! 12 Debra Greene (dlegreen) Apr 13, 2010 
#3842 Old-fashioned Warmth 10 Denise Poulin (dlp1) Oct 22, 2008 
#3844 alarm clock 5 Denise Poulin (dlp1) Oct 22, 2008 
#4105 pritty 7 Denise Poulin (dlp1) Nov 22, 2008 
#4294 doesn't need much gasoline 2 Denise Poulin (dlp1) Dec  9, 2008 
#4229 the jolly green? 4 Denise Poulin (dlp1) Dec  5, 2008 
#4232 not what you think... 13 Denise Poulin (dlp1) Dec  9, 2008 
#4234 First style... has changed since then 4 Denise Poulin (dlp1) Dec  9, 2008 
#3830 bulls eye 8 Denise Poulin (dlp1) Dec  6, 2008 
#4262 for your floors only 9 Denise Poulin (dlp1) Dec  9, 2008 
#4340 read between the squares!! 7 Denise Poulin (dlp1) Dec 12, 2008 
#4469 AWWW!!! 1 Denise Poulin (dlp1) Dec 21, 2008 
#16712 Sometimes just a blur 1 Denise Poulin (dlp1) Dec 10, 2011 
#31643 Notre Dame Logic Puzzle 7 Devin McCarthy (dmac21155) Sep 30, 2018 
#33974 Gate 3 Thomas (docfleetwood) Apr 29, 2020 
#35534 peaceful little cottage 3 Linda Lee Martin (dogmom) Jan 17, 2022 
#35578 cactus and a volcano 3 Linda Lee Martin (dogmom) Feb  4, 2022 
#35888 broken sailboat 2 Linda Lee Martin (dogmom) Aug 10, 2022 
#35889 colorful 2 Linda Lee Martin (dogmom) Aug 10, 2022 
#35890 the hArDeSt puzzle 7 Linda Lee Martin (dogmom) Aug 10, 2022 
#280 puzzle! 8 dolapo (dolapo) Oct  6, 2005 
#25603 it's time 5 linda soter (dolphin3701) Jan  1, 2014 
#11437 Quilt, quilt, quilt 10 chuck combs (domjat) Dec 16, 2010 
#34948 Spring 9 Donald Clysdale (don) Mar 10, 2021 
#34870 What I see when doing pbn 30 Donald Clysdale (don) Feb 11, 2021 
#34872 Dining room view 5 Donald Clysdale (don) Feb 12, 2021 
#34875 Dreaming of No Ice 6 Donald Clysdale (don) Feb 13, 2021 
#34882 KV 563 - Bratsche 13 Donald Clysdale (don) Feb 14, 2021 
#34932 Booth 12 Donald Clysdale (don) Feb 27, 2021 
#34938 Creation Rank 15 Donald Clysdale (don) Mar  3, 2021 
#34957 Season's Over 6 Donald Clysdale (don) Mar 14, 2021 
#33092 adidas 2 Sarah St. Hilaire (donihee) Oct 30, 2019 
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