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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#14773 Guiding Light 3 Y-Lime (Y-lime) Jun 19, 2011 
#4592 this is... 11 YAMADO SOLOMON (yamado) Dec 30, 2008 
#4946 this is... 1 YAMADO SOLOMON (yamado) Feb  7, 2009 
#33190 my first puzzle 4 Yanie Tam (yanietam) Nov 19, 2019 
#33191 symmetric nonogram with unique solution 4 Yanie Tam (yanietam) Nov 19, 2019 
#33242 Cute Cute 8 Yanie Tam (yanietam) Nov 25, 2019 
#26247 Oops! Wrong season 2 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2015 
#26392 Ooh! Aah! 2 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2015 
#26502 wishful thinking (for us in the Northern Hemisphere) 4 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2015 
#26886 I just like the pattern 3 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2015 
#26887 I started to make a turkey... 8 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2015 
#27036 Is yours up yet? 5 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2015 
#27064 Day 1 4 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2015 
#27094 Clara loves me 5 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2015 
#27096 Season's Eatings 4 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2015 
#27164 Onion 4 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2016 
#27167 Let it ... ! 5 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2016 
#27188 Brrrrrr! 6 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2016 
#27393 Winter's End (inspired by #27372) 6 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2016 
#27394 Because Valentine's Day was almost 2 weeks ago 6 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2016 
#27395 I'd like a box of these 2 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2016 
#35569 Snack food or hardware? 5 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Feb  1, 2022 
#35570 Meat or tool? 4 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Feb  1, 2022 
#38141 Antarctic King 3 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Dec 28, 2023 
#14946 drink up 4 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jun 26, 2011 
#14934 Please stay off my ceiling 13 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jun 26, 2011 
#16275 What's black and white and fat? 18 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Nov  3, 2011 
#16409 Peeee-ewwww 14 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan 25, 2012 
#16497 A seasonal mathematical pun 22 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Nov 23, 2011 
#17324 Bach Cantata Bwv 208 9 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan 25, 2012 
#17549 Happy VD 10 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Feb 14, 2012 
#17636 Do you know Lisa Gherardini? 8 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Feb 22, 2012 
#18353 No sheep this time 11 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Apr 17, 2012 
#18373 Last of the series 8 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Apr 19, 2012 
#18602 As minimalist as I could get it 14 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) May 10, 2012 
#18603 OK, I'm getting the hang of this minimalist thing 12 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) May 10, 2012 
#18604 Bruce's Minimalist #3 8 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) May 10, 2012 
#18605 Bruce's minimalist #4 8 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) May 10, 2012 
#18606 Bruce's minimalist #5 9 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) May 10, 2012 
#20033 You're nuts! No, mine!!!! 21 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Oct 11, 2012 
#19828 Not a matched set! 10 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Sep 18, 2012 
#19838 Back to my series - OCD types-It's not symmetrical 5 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Sep 20, 2012 
#19844 ... by any other name ... (Prettier than #19838) 2 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Sep 20, 2012 
#20533 For you, my sweet 6 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Dec  3, 2012 
#20534 Grimhilde - an attempt 6 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Dec  3, 2012 
#20647 And so it continued both day and night 12 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Dec 18, 2012 
#21419 It suits me 10 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Mar 21, 2013 
#21420 Mmmmmm 4 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Mar 21, 2013 
#23598 Fear not, m'lady 11 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan 16, 2014 
#24437 Celebrate! 12 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) May  9, 2014 
#25115 I apologize that the solution is not unique. 8 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jul 29, 2014 
#28738 Black or White? 9 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Sep 12, 2016 
#28784 No, Aldege, that's a switch! 5 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Sep 19, 2016 
#28785 Cheesy puzzle 17 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Sep 19, 2016 
#29373 Getting a "jump" on the season 7 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan 30, 2017 
#29476 Audrey had the neck for it 9 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Feb 27, 2017 
#29462 Pokerface - inspired by #29427 5 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Feb 21, 2017 
#29464 Brrrrski 3 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Feb 21, 2017 
#29465 Brrrski 2 5 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Feb 21, 2017 
#29467 Make Amy Farrah Fowler's Day 6 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Feb 21, 2017 
#29468 Age-old question 15 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Feb 21, 2017 
#29521 Today is 3-14 5 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Mar 14, 2017 
#25287 Sister Minnie 4 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2014 
#25418 Cute or dumb? I can't decide. 8 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2014 
#25425 I hope I don't see this 4 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2014 
#25432 Halloween is coming 6 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2014 
#25610 Santa Baby 4 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2014 
#25635 'Tis the Season 3 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2014 
#14839 Where are my keys? 21 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jun 22, 2011 
#14869 A puzzle to love 11 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jun 23, 2011 
#14933 Pick a card, any card 3 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jun 25, 2011 
#33059 Motorcycle Bachelor 5 Yaramy (YaramyGd) Oct 23, 2019 
#34513 Wacky Topping 7 Yaramy (YaramyGD) Sep 26, 2020 
#34516 Ghastly Antecesor 3 Yaramy (YaramyGD) Sep 26, 2020 
#34517 Pale Veggie 5 Yaramy (YaramyGD) Sep 26, 2020 
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