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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#2702 Ready for Summer! 5 Heather Langhofer (crickett) Apr 27, 2008 
#2718 old fashion play time 5 harris harris (torough4u) May  6, 2008 
#2720 Gordon 5 Corey Beaudoin (red) May  2, 2008 
#2721 To Mummy! 5 Isabella Ambrey (izzy.1) May  2, 2008 
#2726 My Summer Wine 5 Ayanger (ayutilaa) May  4, 2008 
#10416 Elvis #2 5 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Sep 20, 2010 
#9975 One Year 5 Kim Barghouti (kimebar.1) Aug 19, 2010 
#2735 {KID's PUZZLE} what you should do before bed 5 harris harris (torough4u) May  6, 2008 
#2762 the cats meow 5 harris harris (torough4u) May 12, 2008 
#2844 Guardian 5 Aeribela (aeribela) May 23, 2008 
#2843 Pigtails 5 Aeribela (aeribela) May 23, 2008 
#2821 Serenity 5 Ellen Ritchie (emritchie) May 20, 2008 
#2848 But soft! 5 Aeribela (aeribela) May 23, 2008 
#2850 Everything becomes a... 5 Aeribela (aeribela) May 24, 2008 
#2852 The Wild Wild West 5 C-Dog (ninja) May 24, 2008 
#2872 Fence! 5 Helen (elena9) May 29, 2008 
#2903 Beautiful Smile 5 Nancy Snyder (naneki) Jun  7, 2008 
#2921 smartest and the greatest 5 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Jun 13, 2008 
#2926 and the arch enemy 5 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Jun 13, 2008 
#2974 x marks the spot 5 brandon lee glad (darthvader) Jun 21, 2008 
#2989 Oliver 5 Corey Beaudoin (red) Jun 26, 2008 
#3922 Gestalt 5 maria luz gonzalez cao (lupita) Oct 30, 2008 
#3982 home sweet home 5 Tonya Keegan (broncos1018) Nov  7, 2008 
#3088 greek gods2 5 Rachel Clune (rebecca) Jul 18, 2008 
#3114 Yo ho ho! 5 Luke Johnson Davies (Shadowknight) Jul 20, 2008 
#3929 LOTR 5 dewilbee (aguler01) Oct 31, 2008 
#3134 Ó fögur er vor fósturjörð 5 Magnus Boivie (boivie) Jul 27, 2008 
#3269 Let's party! 5 Synthia McBride (Synthia) Aug 23, 2008 
#3274 A View of the Park 5 Tonia Bergh (tonia) Aug 12, 2008 
#3298 5 Pam Negri (pamnegri) Aug 18, 2008 
#3312 Son of MST3K 5 Laura Frasca (laurabelle) Aug 20, 2008 
#3324 Stained glass insect #3 5 Synthia McBride (Synthia) Aug 29, 2008 
#3368 Very Easy 5 Stephanie Walker (callmeseverus) Aug 29, 2008 
#3374 Canine Love 5 Georgia Wren (teachno11) Aug 30, 2008 
#3403 my favorite band 5 peter sandford (pspeter1) Sep  2, 2008 
#3090 Greetings 5 Jan Young (haidapup) Sep  3, 2008 
#3444 One of Pixar's Finest 5 Stephanie Walker (callmeseverus) Sep  6, 2008 
#3447 Over and Under 5 Emily (_emmalee_) Sep  6, 2008 
#3558 WC# 4 perminate ficture 5 harris harris (torough4u) Sep 15, 2008 
#3591 a spotty "Hilltop" picture 5 Rachel (lilfreer) Sep 19, 2008 
#3603 Flag 1, 5 Teppo Karp (Tepi.1) Sep 20, 2008 
#3621 my first puzzle 5 kristi vvv (starlinggirl25) Sep 23, 2008 
#3652 hi 5 Ryan Wagner (wagner) Sep 25, 2008 
#3666 Robots 5 Ryan Wagner (wagner) Sep 26, 2008 
#3661 on the road #9: Ain't no stoppin' now 5 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) Sep 25, 2008 
#3681 pong 5 Nathan Gray (nath) Sep 27, 2008 
#3685 Something in the air... #2 5 Dee Molson (dee46) Oct 15, 2008 
#3964 Canine spy 5 Jake Griffin (jako7286) Nov  5, 2008 
#3710 Princess? 5 Nancy Snyder (naneki) Sep 30, 2008 
#3752 Cowtown 5 Mike Riehle (angus99.1) Oct  8, 2008 
#3755 TV Show 2 5 Susan Little (little) Oct 10, 2008 
#3797 Lollypop 5 Rachel (Lil' Freer) Oct 15, 2008 
#3802 Time 5 Andrea Sinara da Cruz (ascruz) Oct 16, 2008 
#3844 alarm clock 5 Denise Poulin (dlp1) Oct 22, 2008 
#3870 WC # 9 Currency 5 Jota (Jota) Oct 26, 2008 
#3882 Pretty low 5 John H (HarperJandS) Oct 27, 2008 
#3884 Cool ride... 5 Kate Meifert (katydid) (kmeifert) Oct 27, 2008 
#3886 Puzzle of a Puzzle 5 Synthia McBride (synthia) Nov 29, 2008 
#3910 Don't Trip! 5 audrey behen (snails!!!) Oct 29, 2008 
#3983 COLD 5 audrey behen (snails!!!) Nov  7, 2008 
#3992 Vikings 5 Yvonne Bley (mixtapemaniac) Nov 23, 2008 
#4000 W soup can 5 MMD (mmd) Nov 18, 2008 
#4023 Cyclops 5 Trent Leach (tleach) Nov 13, 2008 
#4029 I was bored 5 Matt Tomsmore (Matt Spider) Nov 15, 2008 
#4050 WC#12 Mother's Love 5 Carol Hinman (Ladybug) Nov 16, 2008 
#4058 out of box 2 5 Anthony M Trapani (ATRAPANI) Nov 17, 2008 
#4063 random stuff 5 Paige Porter (paigep) Nov 17, 2008 
#4115 one of four 5 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) Nov 23, 2008 
#4124 Advent 5 5 Meg Tayler (rebelcat) Dec  5, 2008 
#4125 Advent 6 5 Meg Tayler (rebelcat) Dec  6, 2008 
#4129 Advent 10 5 Meg Tayler (rebelcat) Dec 10, 2008 
#4132 14 for Brock, 2 for Bruno 5 Nick Mostaccero (cotc18) Dec 17, 2008 
#4156 hidden pet 5 vindersloon (vindersloon) Nov 26, 2008 
#4161 guess 2 5 vindersloon (vindersloon) Nov 26, 2008 
#4191 Christmas quilt 5 Tracy Marshall (ixiunicornixi) Nov 30, 2008 
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