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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#9465 Bureau of Investigation 13 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul  3, 2010 
#9467 Bureau of Investigation: Location 1 7 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul  4, 2010 
#9473 Bureau of Investigation: Location 2 12 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul  6, 2010 
#9496 Bureau of Investigation: Location 3 17 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul  7, 2010 
#9508 Bureau of Investigation: Location 4 11 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul  8, 2010 
#9547 Bureau of Investigation: Location 5 5 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul  9, 2010 
#18938 Bureaucratic bull... 13 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Jun  9, 2012 
#11971 Burgher joint 10 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan 30, 2011 
#24255 Burning Hot Bad Boy 8 Belita (belita) Apr 12, 2014 
#2453 Burning too long 14 katherine (katherineb) Mar 18, 2008 
#1083 burning up 7 Ian Smith (dragonfreak) Jul 17, 2007 
#3108 Burnt to ash! 7 Luke Johnson Davies (Shadowknight) Jul 20, 2008 
#22147 Burst 12 Gator (gator) Jun 14, 2013 
#10264 burst 3 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Sep  9, 2010 
#22105 Busco Mascot 5 Mary Maxine (Shanarieva) Jun  8, 2013 
#19684 bush pig... 9 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Sep  1, 2012 
#19738 Business, definition of: 13 Norma Dee (norm0908) Sep  8, 2012 
#15404 Busted!(At the drive in...continued) 11 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Aug  1, 2011 
#38190 Busting a move while in the... 10 gregg licht (Lgreg) Jan 14, 2024 
#6651 Busy 8 Teresa K (fasstar) Sep  4, 2009 
#5202 Busy Bonnie and Randy Randy 12 Teresa K (fasstar) Mar  2, 2009 
#22806 Busy, busy, busy. 30 Norma Dee (norm0908) Sep 22, 2013 
#30132 But I don't want to walk out on the wharf 10 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Aug 27, 2017 
#38707 But mom... 9 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Jun 17, 2024 
#3141 But Sean, it's not even close to Hallowe'en! 10 Sean O'Brien (bobbysue) Jul 24, 2008 
#2848 But soft! 5 Aeribela (aeribela) May 23, 2008 
#9647 But, but, but your honor. 10 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jul 17, 2010 
#9632 But, but, your honor. 7 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jul 15, 2010 
#22848 but, Ma! It's me! 5 annalivia (annalivia) Sep 28, 2013 
#16266 but....but....butt.... 11 Christopher Prince (RThunder72) Nov  2, 2011 
#9621 But; your honor, she..... 8 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jul 14, 2010 
#22331 Butter-face 10 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jul  4, 2013 
#33623 Butter... 4 Scarlet Noelle Masen (scarletprincess) Feb 17, 2020 
#19842 Butter? 11 Joel Lynn (furface1) Sep 20, 2012 
#6304 Butter? 11 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul 13, 2009 
#20670 Butterbear 11 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Dec 24, 2012 
#7647 Buttercup 7 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Jan 23, 2010 
#7968 butterfly 4 Janet (starryeyedfaries) Mar  3, 2010 
#9029 butterfly 11 ik (ik) Jun  4, 2010 
#34190 Butterfly 3 Prosas (prosas) Jun  7, 2020 
#25632 Butterfly 2 Benjamin Avrahami () Jan  1, 2014 
#1931 Butterfly 10 Julia Koelpin (Number_Julia) Dec  2, 2007 
#3105 Butterfly 29 Luke Johnson Davies (Shadowknight) Jul 19, 2008 
#23870 Butterfly 6 RB (rb2013) Feb 19, 2014 
#1987 butterfly - my first puzzle 7 adele (adele1) Dec 11, 2007 
#19645 Butterfly Heart 6 Kayla Aldridge (KMA61290) Aug 26, 2012 
#23035 butterfny 5 bastetlor (bastetlor) Oct 28, 2013 
#31222 Buttons 3 Randy Robinson (robinson88766) May 16, 2018 
#28732 Buy A House? 8 Donna McFarland (jade8114) Sep 17, 2016 
#12770 Buy Land 13 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Mar 16, 2011 
#14948 Buy me some peanuts and crackerjack 6 Georgia Johns (georgia) Jun 29, 2011 
#5190 Buy me some peanuts...or nachos 6 Sarah Daigle (shorty13) Mar  1, 2009 
#477 Buzz Splash 23 Bobbie Hall (koalaobo) Jul 16, 2006 
#4594 Buzzzzz.... 1 aliza glatter (cisv247) Dec 30, 2008 
#30198 bvs 6 joe flow (spookyrams) Sep 18, 2017 
#27999 By accident, I -U- the -A- on the -O-. 4 Levi Ross (rhodyboy888) Jan  1, 2016 
#4910 By Another Name 7 Mary Thomas (marleethom) Feb  2, 2009 
#5995 By any other name 4 Bethany Johnson (bjj) Jun  2, 2009 
#1176 by any other name 11 J.C. Anderson (jc.noserdna) Aug 14, 2007 
#1923 by any other name 6 rachel cummins (botbylzgirl) Mar 28, 2008 
#35561 By any other name would smell as sweet - easier version 10 derby (Derby) Jan 25, 2022 
#26365 by any other name? 2 cloud () Jan  1, 2015 
#4940 By George ! 6 Steve Johnson (swjohnson12) Feb  6, 2009 
#28568 By hook or by crook... 4 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Aug 15, 2016 
#25759 By invitation. 3 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  1, 2015 
#15791 By land or sea. 9 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Sep  9, 2011 
#32636 BY SA 7 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Jul 25, 2019 
#24540 By the Sea, By the Sea, By the Beautiful Sea..... 16 Norma Dee (norm0908) May 22, 2014 
#27581 Bzzz 5 Michelle T () Jan  1, 2016 
#33274 Bzzz 9 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Dec 11, 2019 
#1146 Bzzzzz! 15 Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) Aug  5, 2007 
#38344 C 4 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar 13, 2024 
#38525 C 1 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Apr 24, 2024 
#13412 C as in 16 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Apr 18, 2011 
#13586 c band 4 annalivia (annalivia) Apr 24, 2011 
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