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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#28470 Blade Lord 14 Brett Gater (Ichiwake) Jul 25, 2016 
#7466 Blah 8 Catherine Bergmann (acesbutterfly88) Dec 21, 2009 
#16750 Blame Kristen 24 David Bouldin (dbouldin) Dec 13, 2011 
#27156 Blanket? 6 Kylie (Kyl3z) Jan  1, 2016 
#8722 Blason 4 Martial (Marso) May  6, 2010 
#23647 Blast from the past... 13 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Jan 23, 2014 
#104 Blastoff 7 Jan Wolter (jan) Sep 26, 2004 
#4900 Blaze 8 Teresa K (fasstar) Feb  9, 2009 
#240 blazing saddles 14 Martial (marso) Jul 22, 2005 
#36638 Bleaching in the blue, blue sun... 4 Jonathan Wagner (jwagner) Apr  3, 2023 
#6007 Bled diali, mi pais, my country 5 Bethany Johnson (bjj) Jun  3, 2009 
#21261 Blessed (?) event last Sat. 12 Norma Dee (norm0908) Mar  4, 2013 
#11919 Bleu and sweet!!! 9 ik (ik) Jan 27, 2011 
#9335 bleu cheese 3 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Jun 25, 2010 
#9440 Blind 5 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Jul  2, 2010 
#4524 Blind .... 4 Jota (jota) Dec 24, 2008 
#7665 Blind man's rope 14 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Jan 24, 2010 
#26804 Bling 5 katherine () Jan  1, 2015 
#27800 bling 6 Erin Collins (DejaV) Jan  1, 2016 
#26978 BLING... 5 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jan  1, 2015 
#27767 Blinky 2 Frank Camp (marakesh) Jan  1, 2016 
#27693 Blinky, Pinky, Inky, or Clyde 4 Theodore Root () Jan  1, 2016 
#1085 blizzard 7 Ian Smith (dragonfreak) Jul 17, 2007 
#35574 Blizzard 5 John Finley (jfinley91) Feb  2, 2022 
#34214 BLM 20 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jun 11, 2020 
#35058 BLM 6 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Apr 24, 2021 
#35063 BLM2 (for Juli Simmons) 5 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Apr 27, 2021 
#35086 BLM3 18 Kristen Vognild (kristen) May  6, 2021 
#23201 Block 12 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Nov 24, 2013 
#15356 Blocks 2 Amy Adams (ajstarner68) Jul 29, 2011 
#3039 blocks yea 11 jessica ellison (cancer91) Jul  7, 2008 
#8502 blocks?! 4 frederic francis (Law Dragon) May 19, 2010 
#9138 blood 7 frederic francis (Law Dragon) Jun 10, 2010 
#1051 blood & scar 10 jagoda (jagoooodka) Jul 10, 2007 
#25138 Blood Aspect 7 Sir Percival (sirpercival) Aug  3, 2014 
#27592 Bloodsucker 6 Michelle T () Jan  1, 2016 
#5734 Bloodsucker 20 Gator (gator) Apr 29, 2009 
#5745 Bloodsucker-v2 (for Jota) 22 Gator (gator) Apr 30, 2009 
#3243 bloody thing 7 brandon lee glad (darthvader) Aug  9, 2008 
#9417 Blooming Happy 15 Gator (gator) Jun 30, 2010 
#26167 Bloop Bloop 4 Michael Terry () Jan  1, 2015 
#32626 Bloorb 3 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Jul 21, 2019 
#26342 Blossom for Vincent 4 Cricketswool () Jan  1, 2015 
#16161 blotches (easy but cool at the end) 10 Bassetbaa (Bassetbaa) Oct 23, 2011 
#19407 Blotterfly 58 Jan Wolter (jan) Jul 27, 2012 
#25379 Blotto 7 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Jan  1, 2014 
#344 Blow 41 Jan Wolter (jan) Jan 15, 2006 
#15496 Blow hard 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Nov 24, 2011 
#16891 Blow hard 2 6 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec 24, 2011 
#8919 Blow out... 3 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) May 23, 2010 
#8296 Blowin' in the wind 9 Carol Brand (KarylAnn) Apr  7, 2010 
#3779 Blowin' in the wind 11 Nancy Snyder (naneki) Oct 12, 2008 
#11171 BLT, hold the Love 5 Tony Jacobs (GTony) Nov 28, 2010 
#34166 Blub Blub... 5 Michel Plourde (micplour) Jun  2, 2020 
#38269 Blue 2 Morgan Moffitt (Morgan) Feb 19, 2024 
#13475 Blue 23 ErgoDyne (ergodyne) Apr 19, 2011 
#13796 Blue 8 Beano (bewildering20) May  8, 2011 
#1919 Blue 13 Rachel Clune (rebecca) Dec  1, 2007 
#7929 Blue 7 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Feb 27, 2010 
#18017 Blue 9 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar 22, 2012 
#18025 Blue 3 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar 23, 2012 
#6164 Blue and Green Graphic 1 Synthia McBride (synthia) Jun 29, 2009 
#3233 Blue and Red Beauty 13 A (missme) Aug 11, 2008 
#1203 Blue Belle 5 Z Trn (naihatsu.1) Aug 19, 2007 
#23512 Blue Bloods 1 Macci Clement (girly980) Jan  7, 2014 
#32873 Blue creature 1 Bas (Basch) Sep 11, 2019 
#28363 Blue Devil 4 Jeremy Cox (jdcox1999) Jul 13, 2016 
#7938 Blue Eyed 9 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Feb 28, 2010 
#10814 Blue Eyes? Blue Cap! 3 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Oct 26, 2010 
#6159 Blue Graphic 3 Synthia McBride (synthia) Jun 26, 2009 
#3073 blue man in charge 2 harris harris (torough4u) Jul 17, 2008 
#25199 Blue marble 12 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Oct  5, 2016 
#15302 Blue Moon 7 Synthia McBride (synthia) Jul 28, 2011 
#34510 blue plate special 10 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Sep 26, 2020 
#22622 Blue Power 4 Joseph Newton (Shroomyjoe) Aug 22, 2013 
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