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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#10101 Woodlouse 24 Gator (gator) Aug 26, 2010 
#190 woodstock 17 Martial (marso) Mar 30, 2005 
#21185 woody's cousin.... 15 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Feb 21, 2013 
#11731 woof 12 Jaime Lee (huileehui) Jan 11, 2011 
#24114 Woof 10 Jason Mara (jmara2) Mar 28, 2014 
#3814 Woof 8 Maryn Horn (nicole15) Oct 19, 2008 
#38766 woof 2 Pat Qwaddle (donihee) Jul 17, 2024 
#9636 Woof Woof! 1 Skippy Miller (gmillvmill) Jul 16, 2010 
#12156 Woof! 14 Janet (jltho) Feb 10, 2011 
#23547 Woof, woof... 15 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Jan  9, 2014 
#24087 Woof... 11 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Mar 25, 2014 
#33538 Woolwich? Who are they? 0 Andrew Schultz (blurglecruncheon) Jan 25, 2020 
#9531 Wooly 3 Amy Can (hannahkin) Jul  8, 2010 
#34942 Wooly science 17 gregg licht (lgreg) Mar  7, 2021 
#36425 Woomy 3 Koldin Banks (Pizzaheadnascar22) Feb  9, 2023 
#7365 wooo! 6 Sunny Johnston (sunny) Dec  8, 2009 
#26544 Woosh! 7 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Jan  1, 2015 
#16335 Woot! 12 Gator (gator) Jan 18, 2012 
#26725 Word 4 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Jan  1, 2015 
#23240 Word for the day - Bola. 8 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Nov 29, 2013 
#23250 Word for the day - Guillotine 13 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Nov 30, 2013 
#23279 Word for the day - Shako 9 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Dec  3, 2013 
#9938 Word for the Day: Cachalot 20 Teresa K (fasstar) Aug 11, 2010 
#9952 Word for the Day: Comminution 12 Teresa K (fasstar) Aug 13, 2010 
#10060 Word for the Day: Fanoos 10 Teresa K (fasstar) Aug 22, 2010 
#9900 Word for the Day: Abecedarian 9 Teresa K (fasstar) Aug  5, 2010 
#9776 Word for the Day: Abibliophobia 13 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul 29, 2010 
#9810 Word for the Day: Absquatulate 20 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul 29, 2010 
#9838 Word for the Day: Anamorphosis 11 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul 31, 2010 
#9728 Word for the Day: Anglewitch 16 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul 23, 2010 
#9920 Word for the Day: Boletus 17 Teresa K (fasstar) Aug  9, 2010 
#9731 Word for the Day: Cruciverbalism 20 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul 24, 2010 
#9770 Word for the Day: Effluvium 14 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul 27, 2010 
#10128 Word for the Day: Endophyte 13 Teresa K (fasstar) Aug 29, 2010 
#9733 Word for the Day: Funambulist 18 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul 25, 2010 
#9673 Word for the Day: Ululate 11 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul 18, 2010 
#9736 Word for the Day: Winklepicker 15 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul 26, 2010 
#36683 Word Games 1 Brian Davis (BrianD) Apr 11, 2023 
#21448 Word goes that's where it all happens 4 Freek Kuipers (fkuipers) Mar 23, 2013 
#25212 Word of the Day 9 John Finley (jfinley91) Jan  1, 2014 
#23236 Word of the day - Crenulation 14 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Nov 28, 2013 
#23264 Word of the day - down finish 7 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Dec  2, 2013 
#23234 Word of the day - Flexuosity 13 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Nov 27, 2013 
#10124 Word of the Day - Lemniscate 6 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Sep  6, 2010 
#23251 Word of the day - Pterodactyl 18 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Dec  1, 2013 
#23258 Word of the day - up start 10 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Dec  2, 2013 
#25216 Word of the Day 2 8 John Finley (jfinley91) Jan  1, 2014 
#14626 Word of the Day: Absinthe 13 Trish (tryingmysoul) Jun 14, 2011 
#14412 Word of the Day: Cater-cousin 8 Trish (tryingmysoul) Jun  9, 2011 
#14355 Word of the Day: Compurgator 7 Trish (tryingmysoul) Jun  6, 2011 
#14557 Word of the Day: Corniche 4 Trish (tryingmysoul) Jun 14, 2011 
#14491 Word of the Day: Dendroid 5 Trish (tryingmysoul) Jun 12, 2011 
#14543 Word of the Day: Esurient 4 Trish (tryingmysoul) Jun 12, 2011 
#14393 Word of the Day: Lacuna 7 Trish (tryingmysoul) Jun  7, 2011 
#14746 Word of the Day: Lancinate 5 Trish (tryingmysoul) Jun 18, 2011 
#14435 Word of the Day: Lucubrate 10 Trish (tryingmysoul) Jun 10, 2011 
#14752 Word of the Day: Macadam 11 Trish (tryingmysoul) Jun 18, 2011 
#14382 Word of the Day: Ninnyhammer 9 Trish (tryingmysoul) Jun  6, 2011 
#32143 Word of the day: Pandiculation 13 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Mar  4, 2019 
#14350 Word of the Day: Pomaceous 5 Trish (tryingmysoul) Jun  4, 2011 
#14800 Word of the Day: Procumbent 13 Trish (tryingmysoul) Jun 21, 2011 
#14488 Word of the Day: Umbra 8 Trish (tryingmysoul) Jun 11, 2011 
#14775 Word of the Day: Virilocal 7 Trish (tryingmysoul) Jun 20, 2011 
#14849 Word of the Month 3 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Jun 22, 2011 
#24531 Word Picture 1 19 Joe (infrapinklizzard) May 20, 2014 
#28013 Word Play - 1st for me 6 Sarah Roberts () Jan  1, 2016 
#8398 Word Puzzle #1 7 Steph (bennie11) Apr 15, 2010 
#8459 Word Puzzle #10 4 Steph (bennie11) Apr 18, 2010 
#8399 Word Puzzle #2 5 Steph (bennie11) Apr 15, 2010 
#8400 Word Puzzle #3 8 Steph (bennie11) Apr 15, 2010 
#8401 Word Puzzle #4 2 Steph (bennie11) Apr 16, 2010 
#8402 Word Puzzle #5 4 Steph (bennie11) Apr 16, 2010 
#8403 Word Puzzle #6 2 Steph (bennie11) Apr 16, 2010 
#8404 Word Puzzle #7 4 Steph (bennie11) Apr 16, 2010 
#8435 Word Puzzle #8 6 Steph (bennie11) Apr 17, 2010 
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