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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#34014 Where do naughty rainbows go? 12 Norma Dee (norm0908) May  7, 2020 
#21315 where do you find happiness 3 Billie Jo Goyette (Billie) Mar 10, 2013 
#14976 Where Do You Get All That Energy? #1 8 Teresa K (fasstar) Jun 27, 2011 
#14981 Where Do You Get All That Energy? #2 9 Teresa K (fasstar) Jun 28, 2011 
#14994 Where Do You Get All That Energy? #3 20 Teresa K (fasstar) Jun 29, 2011 
#15027 Where Do You Get All That Energy? #4 9 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul  1, 2011 
#15047 Where Do You Get All That Energy? #5 13 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul  2, 2011 
#15057 Where Do You Get All That Energy? #6 12 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul  3, 2011 
#17260 Where do you Tebow? 8 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan 20, 2012 
#3618 Where do you think he's from? 24 Jota (Jota) Oct  5, 2008 
#21153 where do you think I am? 17 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Feb 17, 2013 
#21156 where do you think we're at now? 13 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Feb 17, 2013 
#15539 Where does Aldege sit in it. 15 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Aug 15, 2011 
#32588 Where does He Go for a Checkup? 22 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul 10, 2019 
#14600 Where does it go? 8 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Jun 14, 2011 
#25127 Where does it go? Take 2 14 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Feb 14, 2018 
#2688 Where frogs sit ..... 5 Kelly Jaye (kellyjaye) Apr 24, 2008 
#24576 Where Have All The Flowers Gone?........ 14 Norma Dee (norm0908) May 26, 2014 
#34657 Where have all the lawyers gone? 6 Susan Nagy (susannagy54) Nov  4, 2020 
#21983 Where he perches. 15 Norma Dee (norm0908) May 20, 2013 
#22019 Where he perches? 9 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) May 24, 2013 
#3519 Where I am Staying During Hurricane Ike 3 Stephanie Walker (callmeseverus) Sep 11, 2008 
#27972 Where I do my best thinking 2 JT (Yidl) Jan  1, 2016 
#211 Where I Live 38 Jan Wolter (jan) May 20, 2005 
#13172 Where I met Ollie. 10 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Apr  3, 2011 
#3719 Where I spent my youth 7 Georgia Wren (teachno11) Oct  1, 2008 
#11993 Where i want 2 live. 8 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jan 31, 2011 
#15212 Where I was this week 8 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Jul 16, 2011 
#16340 Where I work 12 Claudia (clau_bolson) Nov 11, 2011 
#33119 Where I would like to live 10 Christian Heckmann Engelbrecht (CEngelbrecht) Nov  3, 2019 
#9671 Where I'd like to be... 4 Wesley Snyder (wsnyder98) Jul 18, 2010 
#14130 Where I'm at 3 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) May 24, 2011 
#3555 Where Ike Leads Us... 8 Stephanie Walker (callmeseverus) Sep 15, 2008 
#35926 Where in the world... 5 Wombat (wombatilim) Oct  6, 2022 
#34098 Where in the World? 5 Scarlet Noelle Masen (scarletprincess) May 18, 2020 
#13005 Where is Dee? 4 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Mar 24, 2011 
#5207 Where is everyone? 4 Georgia Wren (teachno11) Mar  2, 2009 
#7550 Where is it? 12 Gator (gator) Jan 28, 2010 
#20722 Where is my bone? 5 Claudia Jantzer (claudia50) Jan  1, 2013 
#5247 Where is the blue point? 6 mishele (michalaizi) Mar  6, 2009 
#8287 Where is the sunshine.... 7 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Apr  6, 2010 
#4088 Where is the whipped cream? 28 Teresa K (fasstar) Nov 20, 2008 
#11301 where is this?! 16 ik (ik) Dec  9, 2010 
#18300 Where is yellow? 5 frederik gravgaard (villahus) Apr 12, 2012 
#38463 Where it came from... 9 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Apr 10, 2024 
#23092 Where it ends. (A poem) 10 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Nov  5, 2013 
#38380 Where It's At 10 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Mar 21, 2024 
#21147 where might I be? 11 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Feb 17, 2013 
#21168 where might we be this time? 20 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Feb 18, 2013 
#21166 where might we be? 13 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Feb 18, 2013 
#9468 Where my heart is 6 Grace Zoppi (Grace Giraffe.1) Jul  3, 2010 
#4090 Where my heart is 15 Teresa K (fasstar) Nov 20, 2008 
#8 Where No Man Has Gone Before 41 Jan Wolter (jan) Mar 24, 2004 
#14310 where oh where are we? 2 annalivia (annalivia) Jun  4, 2011 
#29448 Where swingers go on holiday 15 robert svanberg (tango) Apr  1, 2017 
#8189 Where the heart is 4 Amanda Carter (mandybear) Mar 28, 2010 
#15717 Where the heart is. 2 Mindy Walton (minjw90) Aug 30, 2011 
#21346 Where the heart is... 3 Wesley Snyder (wsnyder98) Mar 12, 2013 
#2840 Where the heart lives.... 6 C-Dog (ninja) May 23, 2008 
#26610 Where the magical journey begins.... 1 Emily Riley () Jan  1, 2015 
#15467 Where there is a worker there is a nation - Evita Peron 16 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Aug  6, 2011 
#2413 Where there's smoke... 33 Marcus (aanet) Mar 10, 2008 
#32581 Where to go for a summer treat 3 Mousey Pounds (mouseypounds) Jul  7, 2019 
#28152 Where to sit while eating curds and whey 12 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jun 12, 2016 
#25018 Where to Surf 5 Alba Albochka (albaalbo) Jul  5, 2014 
#2591 Where To? 22 asobi (asobi) Apr  2, 2008 
#35960 Where to? 7 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Oct  9, 2022 
#3171 Where would Naneki like to be? (Happy B-day!) 11 Arduinna (arduinna) Jul 28, 2008 
#25279 Where'd everybody go? 9 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  1, 2014 
#38464 Where'd it come from? 4 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Apr 10, 2024 
#3931 Where'd it go?? 4 Jesse Matlock (sooner aviator) Mar  5, 2009 
#7666 Where'd the time go? 20 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Jan 26, 2010 
#8584 Where's lunch? 8 Teresa K (fasstar) Apr 26, 2010 
#5447 Where's my cheese? 11 Georgia Wren (teachno11) Mar 27, 2009 
#1204 Where's My Hoarde? 5 Michael Ahr (mahr) Aug 19, 2007 
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