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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#35256 What's my line? 8 6 Belita (belita) Jul 26, 2021 
#35257 What's my line? 9 11 Belita (belita) Jul 26, 2021 
#7278 What's my name 2 6 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Nov 30, 2009 
#7277 What's my name? 11 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Nov 30, 2009 
#22981 what's my name? 14 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Oct 19, 2013 
#24591 What's New Pussycat? 15 Norma Dee (norm0908) May 26, 2014 
#32107 What's next? 10 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Mar 17, 2019 
#1700 What's not to Love! 11 Nancy Snyder (naneki) Oct 28, 2007 
#5085 What's on 2nd. 6 Steve Johnson (swjohnson12) Feb 17, 2009 
#28680 What's on the rest of the sock? 17 Norma Dee (norm0908) Sep  1, 2016 
#12364 What's on the roof? #3.5 11 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Feb 22, 2011 
#11682 What's on? 18 Clayton Ross (claytonross) Jan  5, 2011 
#26169 What's over there? 4 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Jan  1, 2015 
#4272 What's right in front of me 13 Nicole P (sunnyc.1) Dec  7, 2008 
#25082 What's she doing now? 16 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jul 20, 2014 
#25110 What's she doing this time? 6 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jul 27, 2014 
#25077 What's she doing? 13 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jul 15, 2014 
#25111 What's she doing? You know! 18 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jul 27, 2014 
#16833 What's She Saying? 4 Scarlet Noelle Masen (scarletprincess) Dec 20, 2011 
#38311 What's that smell? 3 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Mar  4, 2024 
#7620 What's That Smell? 12 Teresa K (fasstar) Jan 18, 2010 
#27103 What's That Sound? 3 Corinne Felton (cfelton98) Jan  1, 2015 
#32308 What's that you say? 6 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Apr  4, 2019 
#26195 What's That? 4 twalk () Jan  1, 2015 
#13497 What's the verdict. 10 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Apr 20, 2011 
#4599 What's the best team? 1 John Holmes (stenove) Dec 31, 2008 
#34300 What's the best way 19 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jul  6, 2020 
#18119 What's the Buzz? 13 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar 31, 2012 
#9787 What's the color of your eyes, Dear! 8 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Jul 28, 2010 
#22805 what's the saying tres 10 annalivia (annalivia) Sep 22, 2013 
#22803 what's the saying: dos 14 annalivia (annalivia) Sep 22, 2013 
#22791 what's the saying? 17 annalivia (annalivia) Sep 19, 2013 
#22790 what's the weather like outside your window? 15 annalivia (annalivia) Sep 19, 2013 
#22779 What's the word? 12 Norma Dee (norm0908) Sep 16, 2013 
#28080 What's the word? 25 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jun  1, 2016 
#4812 what's under the table? 10 vindersloon (vindersloon) Jan 22, 2009 
#29419 What's up Doc? 7 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Feb 12, 2017 
#32016 What's up Doc? 3 Lauren Wilkinson (Lauren) Jan 31, 2019 
#33647 what's up, Maynard? 10 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Feb 27, 2020 
#32325 What's up, Snake? 5 Mr. E (thepatio.chef) Apr  8, 2019 
#5919 What's up...? 7 gregg licht (lgreg) Jun  8, 2009 
#9018 What's up? 5 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Jun  3, 2010 
#12527 What's up? 7 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Mar  3, 2011 
#2336 What's with the mask? 9 Matt Gurney (joudas.1) Feb 25, 2008 
#17283 What's with the outfit Mr.B? 6 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jan 22, 2012 
#12057 What's worse than finding a worm in an apple? 7 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Feb  4, 2011 
#1666 What's wrong? 7 Arduinna (arduinna) Oct 24, 2007 
#1125 what's your baker? 9 Ian Smith (dragonfreak) Jul 28, 2007 
#38364 What's your favorite 9 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Mar 16, 2024 
#13499 What's your favorite 9 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Apr 20, 2011 
#27703 What's your favorite 7 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2016 
#5718 What's Your Flicker Fusion Threshhold? 9 Teresa K (fasstar) Apr 27, 2009 
#6425 What's Your Poison? 31 Teresa K (fasstar) Aug  3, 2009 
#21718 What's your problem... 13 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Apr 17, 2013 
#4833 what's your sign? 5 Janice Langham (Dr.Stickman) Jan 24, 2009 
#11558 What... 11 Joel Lynn (furface1) Dec 24, 2010 
#11277 What? 4 Jason Wodicka (jwodicka) Dec  7, 2010 
#36620 What? 5 Jonathan Wagner (jwagner) Mar 31, 2023 
#35456 What? You're kidding! 9 gregg licht (lgreg) Dec  4, 2021 
#28352 What? 10 of 10 9 Donna McFarland (jade8114) Jul 11, 2016 
#28342 What? 2 of 10 7 Donna McFarland (jade8114) Jul 11, 2016 
#28343 What? 3 of 10 8 Donna McFarland (jade8114) Jul 11, 2016 
#28345 What? 4 of 10 13 Donna McFarland (jade8114) Jul 11, 2016 
#28347 What? 5 of 10 11 Donna McFarland (jade8114) Jul 11, 2016 
#28179 What? 5 pounds heavier?... 19 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Jun 16, 2016 
#28348 What? 6 of 10 8 Donna McFarland (jade8114) Jul 11, 2016 
#28349 What? 7 of 10 6 Donna McFarland (jade8114) Jul 11, 2016 
#28350 What? 8 of 10 7 Donna McFarland (jade8114) Jul 11, 2016 
#28351 What? 9 of 10 4 Donna McFarland (jade8114) Jul 11, 2016 
#36960 What? Goldfish is evolving! 5 John (robotham) Jul 10, 2023 
#10998 What? No couch? 5 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Nov 12, 2010 
#25237 What?! 7 Janet () Jan  1, 2014 
#23976 WHAT??!! 4 Heidi Merritt (HeidiMerritt) Mar  7, 2014 
#9215 WHAT?????? 10 Angie Heath (bewildering14) Jun 15, 2010 
#10393 Whatcha doin'? 8 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Sep 17, 2010 
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