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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#28187 What I learned at Comic Con 11 Belita (belita) Jun 19, 2016 
#28188 What I learned part 2 7 Belita (belita) Jun 19, 2016 
#28189 what I learned part 3 3 Belita (belita) Jun 19, 2016 
#28192 What I learned part 4 3 Belita (belita) Jun 19, 2016 
#28193 What I learned part 5 8 Belita (belita) Jun 19, 2016 
#13727 What i now need. 5 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) May  2, 2011 
#27484 What I saw on my walk to work today. 3 Jane Butcher (Jane-o) Jan  1, 2016 
#34870 What I see when doing pbn 30 Donald Clysdale (don) Feb 11, 2021 
#35613 What I see when doing PBN 7 Yonah Kondor (yokon965) Mar  8, 2022 
#35615 What I see while doing PBN 11 Claudia (clau_bolson) Mar  8, 2022 
#9742 What I should be doing 8 Liz P (Lizteach) Jul 24, 2010 
#7088 What I should be doing instead... 9 Sallie Wilbur (sarriemom) Nov 10, 2009 
#2706 What I should be doing now 13 Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) Apr 28, 2008 
#4587 What I Think of the Super Bowl 13 Teresa K (fasstar) Jan 21, 2009 
#15300 What I Thought...... 6 Synthia McBride (synthia) Jul 26, 2011 
#8223 What I want 18 BabsHoney (BabsHoney) Mar 31, 2010 
#7458 What i want for christmas 19 MaryJane Anderson (o-so-clever) Dec 22, 2009 
#29289 What I want to do more frequently in 2017...#1 6 Ellen Vollor (evollor) Jan  2, 2017 
#29290 What I want to do more frequently in 2017...#2 14 Ellen Vollor (evollor) Jan  2, 2017 
#36871 What I wanted to be when I grew up 5 Belita (belita) Jun  8, 2023 
#36874 What I wanted to be when I grew up. 6 Lauren Wilkinson (Lauren) Jun  8, 2023 
#15089 What i wanted to be when i was a teen. 20 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jul  7, 2011 
#14774 What I was doing yesterday 2. 13 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jun 19, 2011 
#14744 What I was doing yesterday. 14 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jun 18, 2011 
#32393 What I was just looking at... 3 Mike B (mikey_b) Apr 25, 2019 
#13390 What i was looking at in my doctor's office today 12 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Apr 15, 2011 
#25806 What I'll be doing Super Bowl Sunday WCP 163 3 Belita (Belita) Jan  1, 2015 
#32509 What I'll bring with me to eat around noon 9 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jun 17, 2019 
#14897 What I'm having for dinner... 7 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Jun 24, 2011 
#25982 What I'm staring at right now 4 Belita (Belita) Jan  1, 2015 
#28986 What I'm supposed to be doing right now 16 K.D. (dimassis) Oct 28, 2016 
#34066 What I've been doing instead of work 12 Sommer (Sommer) May 13, 2020 
#15566 What I've been doing today 11 Joel Lynn (furface1) Aug 17, 2011 
#18977 What I've been up to... 14 Meg Tayler (rebelcat) Jun 13, 2012 
#29470 What if I told you... 8 Bixbypoke (bixbypoke) Feb 23, 2017 
#20518 What is an average puzzle in Quality and Difficulty? 83 Tom King (sgusa) Dec  2, 2012 
#27672 What is black and white and red all over? 4 Tom King (sgusa) Jan  1, 2016 
#34746 what is black and you shouldn't drink? 9 darren jackson (hi) Dec 20, 2020 
#23635 What is going on... 20 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Jan 21, 2014 
#15046 What is in Sarah's box. 6 Ellen Vollor (evollor) Jul  1, 2011 
#8620 What is it for? 2 joy toney (murtdoll) Apr 29, 2010 
#21310 What is it, again? 6 Tom King (sgusa) Mar  9, 2013 
#20083 What is it? 21 Jota (jota) Oct 16, 2012 
#23811 What is it? 7 RB (rb2013) Feb 16, 2014 
#9551 What is it? 20 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jul 10, 2010 
#4097 What is it? 27 ErgoDyne (ergodyne) Nov 21, 2008 
#11627 What is it? 29 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2011 
#29519 What is on your roof?... 16 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Mar 13, 2017 
#19794 What is one to do??? 8 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Sep 14, 2012 
#34745 what is red and bad for your teeth? 7 darren jackson (hi) Dec 20, 2020 
#22827 What is Some Decor? 6 Thomas Genuine (Genuine) Sep 26, 2013 
#5055 What is that 3 Pam Negri (pamnegri) Feb 15, 2009 
#25230 What is that in the sky? 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2014 
#6558 What is that...? 9 Tonia Bergh (tonia) Aug 23, 2009 
#1836 What is the best sounding instrument? 7 Ben Forgard (ben.1) Nov 19, 2007 
#34549 What is the goofy looking centipede doing? 5 Donna McFarland (Baby Jade) Oct  6, 2020 
#16973 What is the next symbol in the series #2? 17 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2012 
#16974 What is the next symbol in the series #3? 13 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2012 
#16971 What is the next symbol in the series? 32 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2012 
#16997 What is the next symbol in the series? 12 David Bouldin (dbouldin) Jan  3, 2012 
#9643 What is the scene? 16 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jul 17, 2010 
#31998 What is the sound of a diphthong? 21 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan 28, 2019 
#16221 What is this? 5 Sebastian (Dorako123) Oct 28, 2011 
#23795 What is this? 10 RB (rb2013) Feb 11, 2014 
#24015 What is this? 13 RB (rb2013) Mar 15, 2014 
#5090 what is this? 11 Jay Hughes (BFavreHOF74) Feb 18, 2009 
#7047 What is this? 29 Deniz Kara (enatsek) Nov  1, 2009 
#20150 What is your favorite 18 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Feb  3, 2013 
#2958 What it all comes down to... 26 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Jun 18, 2008 
#12101 What it was all about. 7 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Feb  7, 2011 
#22218 What Joe was trying to tell us 6 Kim (kjh) Jun 21, 2013 
#13284 What Joel saw in Sarah's pond... 10 Joel Lynn (Furface1) Apr 10, 2011 
#6450 What Jota Said 14 Teresa K (fasstar) Aug  6, 2009 
#27903 What just happened? 4 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2016 
#6960 What Key?!? 2 Music Teacher (echambers) Oct 18, 2009 
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