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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#9927 WCP#65 I heart you! 9 Michele (michiekay) Aug  9, 2010 
#10222 WCP#67 Woodstock '69 7 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Sep  6, 2010 
#10417 WCP#68 vs 8 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Sep 20, 2010 
#11040 WCP#72 Slowly I turned 9 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Nov 15, 2010 
#11138 WCP#72: Crash Course 9 Teresa K (fasstar) Nov 26, 2010 
#11205 WCP#73 Taxi ride 15 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Nov 30, 2010 
#11215 WCP#73 "Bob, I'm scared" 15 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec  1, 2010 
#11517 WCP#74 Holi Cow! 13 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec 20, 2010 
#11658 WCP#75: Classic Concentration Rebus #2 14 Bryan (Cyclone) Jan  4, 2011 
#11665 WCP#75: Shooting Ray 25 Kadou (Kadou) Jan  5, 2011 
#11908 WCP#76 16 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Jan 27, 2011 
#11810 WCP#76 Yahoo! 19 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan 17, 2011 
#11943 WCP#76 "Smell my flower" 8 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan 29, 2011 
#11812 WCP#76 - Evil Clown 19 Tripper (TripperCR) Jan 18, 2011 
#11796 WCP#76 - I never want to roam! 17 Meira Bracha (mbracha) Jan 17, 2011 
#11883 WCP#76 - Looking through 7 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Jan 24, 2011 
#11924 WCP#76 No Evil Clown 9 Tripper (trippercr) Jan 27, 2011 
#11945 WCP#76 Water? 9 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan 29, 2011 
#11938 WCP#76..Freaky clown! 7 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jan 28, 2011 
#11987 wcp#77 gotcha! 22 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jan 31, 2011 
#12015 wcp#77 is this small enough. 21 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Feb  1, 2011 
#12016 WCP#77 just for fun 14 Niki Cholette (Niki420) Feb  1, 2011 
#12060 WCP#77 Sweet Nothings. 10 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Feb  4, 2011 
#11990 WCP#77.. Good things come in smaller.. 8 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Feb  2, 2011 
#12133 WCP#77: Whooo, whooo, me? 14 Kadou (Kadou) Feb  9, 2011 
#12176 WCP#77: 13th 8 Tyler Buglewicz (tbugs14) Feb 11, 2011 
#12199 WCP#77: Why does no one stop? 16 gregg licht (lgreg) Feb 13, 2011 
#12557 WCP#79 A Morning Hop 14 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar  4, 2011 
#12580 WCP#79 Bob and Kate signal their intentions 6 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar  5, 2011 
#12581 WCP#79 Chewing Gum 11 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar  5, 2011 
#12739 WCP#80: Look up 8 Meira Bracha (mbracha) Mar 15, 2011 
#13015 WCP#80: Can one light outshine rainbow shows? 33 Kadou (Kadou) Mar 25, 2011 
#13088 WCP#81 - I wish I knew 10 Claudia (clau_bolson) Mar 30, 2011 
#13026 WCP#81: Now offered with additional yellow! 20 Kadou (Kadou) Apr  1, 2011 
#13315 WCP#82 - My phase 2 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Apr 12, 2011 
#13599 WCP#82 Room of joy 15 bartek2241 (bartek2241) Apr 25, 2011 
#13756 WCP#83: First 23 Kadou (Kadou) May  7, 2011 
#14149 WCP#84 Beautiful disney character 7 bartek2241 (bartek2241) May 24, 2011 
#14029 WCP#84 Beautiful disney character 2 14 bartek2241 (bartek2241) May 24, 2011 
#14220 WCP#84: Tasteful? 18 Kadou (Kadou) May 27, 2011 
#14269 WCP#85 The Dream of Flight 11 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jun  1, 2011 
#10932 WCP#85 - Next Year 15 David Bouldin (dbouldin) Jun  4, 2011 
#14510 WCP#85: Needing more space 18 Kadou (Kadou) Jun 12, 2011 
#14696 WCP#86-Heart of Red 14 Synthia McBride (synthia) Jun 16, 2011 
#14738 WCP#86: Who has everyday's worst ?! 16 Kadou (Kadou) Jun 18, 2011 
#14959 WCP#87: Micro Farms! 8 Joel Rogers (ecosystempets) Jun 26, 2011 
#15260 WCP#88: Martini? Bikini? 22 Kadou (Kadou) Jul 22, 2011 
#15469 WCP#89: Not much to offer 23 Kadou (kadou) Aug  7, 2011 
#15499 WCP#90: Sign of the times? 15 Kadou (kadou) Aug 11, 2011 
#15722 WCP#91: I wanna... see you T.! 19 Kadou (kadou) Aug 31, 2011 
#16074 WCP#95 Noooo, I am not a worm!!! 17 Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz71) Oct 17, 2011 
#16262 WCP#96 Moon Walk 27 Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz71) Nov  2, 2011 
#16250 WCP#96 One... 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Oct 31, 2011 
#16295 WCP#96 What's all the buzz about? 14 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Nov  7, 2011 
#16440 WCP#97 'North Pole 2020' 15 Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz71) Nov 19, 2011 
#16747 WCP#98 - The Heart to my Key 20 Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz71) Dec 16, 2011 
#8801 wcp59 opposite 8 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) May 13, 2010 
#10518 WCP68: Ughh... 11 Alicia Vazquez (Alis) Oct  1, 2010 
#10991 WCP71 Quick Draw McGraw's secret superhero identity 7 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Nov 11, 2010 
#11224 WCP73: Who is that... 11 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Dec  2, 2010 
#12730 WCP80 - Trouble with a .... 12 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Mar 14, 2011 
#18814 WCP: #110: It will do it every time... 9 Skippy Miller (gmillvmill) May 29, 2012 
#2301 We all go here... 9 JoLynn Uher (Miss_Lead) Feb 17, 2008 
#4369 We all live in a... 10 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Oct 16, 2017 
#5683 We already know it's a lost cause. 7 Georgia Wren (teachno11) Apr 20, 2009 
#9276 We and our..... 12 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jun 18, 2010 
#8241 We are of peace. Always 3 MarioMax (MarioMax) Apr  3, 2010 
#35248 We are the keepers of the forest 5 Turd Ferguson (turdferguson) Jul 24, 2021 
#34815 We Are! 7 Yonah Kondor (yokon965) Jan 19, 2021 
#7403 We are! 12 Bill Dev (billdev) Dec 19, 2009 
#12748 We bring gifts. 11 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Mar 15, 2011 
#135 We Can Do It! 6 Jan Wolter (jan) Dec 22, 2004 
#11223 We can dream. 13 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Dec  3, 2010 
#25707 We Come In Peace 4 Scarlet Noelle Masen (ScarletPrincess) Jan  1, 2015 
#1046 We come in peace ! 14 Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) Jul  9, 2007 
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