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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#3520 WC#3- grocery bag surprise 24 Jane Doe (telly) Sep 11, 2008 
#5509 WC#30- Useless "Instrument" 25 Jane Doe (telly) Apr  5, 2009 
#5487 WC#30: HERC, HERC!! 11 Maria Guedez (bapebyto.1) Apr  3, 2009 
#5617 WC#31 Aviary 10 Meg Tayler (rebelcat) Apr 15, 2009 
#4820 WC#31 Tribute 6 Rea Aksglæde Karlsen (Rea) Apr 18, 2009 
#5692 WC#32 Dark Side 11 MMD (mmd) Apr 21, 2009 
#5686 WC#32 Music in the Tropics... 16 Tripper (TripperCR) Apr 21, 2009 
#3494 WC#3: Fresh from the Kalahari 18 Jan Wolter (jan) Sep  9, 2008 
#3586 WC#4 'Dont clean my friend!' 11 Isabella Ambrey (izzy.1) Sep 18, 2008 
#3557 WC#4 It can store more then just books =>) 21 Scott C (estray98) Sep 15, 2008 
#3601 WC#4 Soft, cute and just a tad dusty. 13 Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) Sep 20, 2008 
#7201 WC#47 Time for a ... 5 Kayla Aldridge (KMA61290) Nov 25, 2009 
#3664 WC#5 Todd! 22 Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) Sep 28, 2008 
#3678 WC#5: If only we hadn't gone to see "Our American Cousin" 24 Jane Doe (telly) Sep 27, 2008 
#3659 WC#5: Two bits 13 Jan Wolter (jan) Sep 27, 2008 
#3706 WC#6 What goes up..... 12 Tonia Bergh (tonia) Sep 30, 2008 
#3694 WC#6 - flying high... 10 jack thorn (ravenskuld) Sep 29, 2008 
#3705 WC#6 Mr Percival. 13 Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) Oct  1, 2008 
#3692 WC#6 P for.... 13 Rea Aksglæde Karlsen (Rea) Sep 29, 2008 
#3721 WC#6 Procreation 19 Merili (merilinnuke) Oct  2, 2008 
#3716 WC#6 Ruins 7 Travis Rusin (tapsrat) Sep 30, 2008 
#3700 WC#6: Hungry, perhaps? 10 Agneta (aggge) Sep 29, 2008 
#3745 WC#7 - A Semitypical View 7 Naomi Millar (sailormewtwo) Oct  7, 2008 
#3761 WC#7 - [after pulling the egg from my face] 6 jack thorn (ravenskuld) Oct  9, 2008 
#3749 WC#7 For work or just for fun 9 Rea Aksglæde Karlsen (Rea) Oct  8, 2008 
#11766 WC#75 Thailand view 10 bartek2241 (bartek2241) Jan 15, 2011 
#11806 WC#76 - Classic Concentration Rebus #3 7 Bryan (Cyclone) Jan 17, 2011 
#3751 WC#7: My Editor 11 Tonia Bergh (tonia) Oct  8, 2008 
#3757 WC#7: On my desktop 9 Jane Doe (telly) Oct  9, 2008 
#3800 WC#8 back when music was... 14 Rea Aksglæde Karlsen (Rea) Oct 17, 2008 
#3805 WC#8 My two dates from 1980-90 12 Merili (merilinnuke) Oct 17, 2008 
#3817 WC#8-(first of 2) 18 Jane Doe (telly) Oct 19, 2008 
#3819 WC#8-(second of 2) 11 Jane Doe (telly) Oct 19, 2008 
#3858 WC#9 "Idea from Sylvain" 14 Kuuipo (monkeylover) Oct 24, 2008 
#3856 WC#9 now you see 7 Rea Aksglæde Karlsen (Rea) Oct 24, 2008 
#3878 WC#9: Bird legs 8 Jane Doe (telly) Oct 26, 2008 
#3534 WC3# Version 2 6 Tonia Bergh (tonia) Sep 12, 2008 
#25957 WCP # 165...What a fun couple... 6 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Jan  1, 2015 
#23008 WCP # 141...That two timing Tom... 28 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Oct 22, 2013 
#23715 WCP # 146...Let's take a look... 12 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Feb  3, 2014 
#19397 WCP #114...Elegant... 23 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Jul 24, 2012 
#25062 WCP #153 9 Carolyn Starkweather (starkie1) Jul 11, 2014 
#25343 WCP #157 If I were a table 4 Thomas Genuine (Genuine) Jan  1, 2014 
#27470 WCP #177..100+ Strong... 3 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Jan  1, 2016 
#12081 WCP 15x15 is watching you! 13 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Feb  6, 2011 
#24036 WCP # 148 Take a letter. 17 Norma Dee (norm0908) Mar 17, 2014 
#25924 WCP # 164...Smooth sailing... 7 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Jan  1, 2015 
#26938 WCP # 176 The MB Award for 2016 6 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  1, 2015 
#17282 WCP # 100 ...I see Aldège,and when did this obsession begin 27 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jan 22, 2012 
#17120 wcp # 100 only ten more minutes 15 Syla Vims (syla) Jan 12, 2012 
#17115 WCP # 100 What the heck happened to... 29 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jan 12, 2012 
#18045 WCP # 105 Illegal entry. For Marie ... 11 Jota (jota) Mar 25, 2012 
#18494 WCP # 108 A whole bunch of cool. 15 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) May  1, 2012 
#18509 WCP # 108 Far Out Man. 18 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) May  2, 2012 
#18550 WCP # 108 I can just imagine. 7 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) May  6, 2012 
#18514 WCP # 108 I should of learned how to yodel. 17 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) May  2, 2012 
#18551 WCP # 108 Popular Guy. 12 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) May  6, 2012 
#18553 WCP # 108 What shines brighter. 14 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) May  6, 2012 
#18513 WCP # 108 What was i thinking. 9 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) May  2, 2012 
#18614 wcp # 108 The Norwegian Way 15 Syla Vims (syla) May 11, 2012 
#18658 WCP # 109 Love those white sidewalls baby. 16 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) May 16, 2012 
#18671 WCP # 109 What lurks behind. 7 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) May 17, 2012 
#18921 WCP # 110 I find you handsome but... 25 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jun  8, 2012 
#18810 WCP # 110 Illegal It's cold! 5 Jota (jota) May 29, 2012 
#18958 WCP # 111 Strange Duet. 12 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jun 10, 2012 
#19028 WCP # 111. Local Hero,or is it Loco Hero. 16 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jun 17, 2012 
#19027 WCP # 111. Photo Finish. 13 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jun 17, 2012 
#19019 WCP # 111...Thank you.. 14 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Jun 16, 2012 
#19137 WCP # 112. Still very agile. 15 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jun 27, 2012 
#19133 WCP # 112. Hope they stay on. 19 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jun 26, 2012 
#19207 WCP # 112. It has it's dangerous moments though. 11 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jul  4, 2012 
#19276 WCP # 113. It kept me amused. 14 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jul 10, 2012 
#19256 WCP # 113. Then and Now. 12 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jul  9, 2012 
#19420 WCP # 114. Just within reach. 13 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jul 28, 2012 
#19425 WCP # 114. No repeat please. 10 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jul 29, 2012 
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