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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#38143 Ork's favorite son 4 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec 28, 2023 
#38144 Yuck 4 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Dec 29, 2023 
#38145 That time of year 4 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Dec 29, 2023 
#38146 AHHH! 7 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Dec 29, 2023 
#38147 It's Not Mulder 7 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Dec 30, 2023 
#38148 Throw #2 3 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec 30, 2023 
#38149 Throw #3 4 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec 30, 2023 
#38150 Throw #4 4 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec 30, 2023 
#38151 Throw #5 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec 30, 2023 
#38152 Throw #6 9 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec 30, 2023 
#38153 Throw #7 1 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec 30, 2023 
#38154 Unbearable 7 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Dec 31, 2023 
#38155 Throw #8 11 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec 31, 2023 
#38156 Throw #9 3 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec 31, 2023 
#38157 Welcome! (Nonogram-A-Day Day 1) 3 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan  1, 2024 
#38158 It comes around - readdressed 11 Gator (gator) Jan  1, 2024 
#38159 The Sign You've Been Waiting For (Nonogram-A-Day Day 2) 6 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan  2, 2024 
#38160 A Striking Landscape (Nonogram-A-Day Day 3) 4 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan  3, 2024 
#38161 Sorry, maximum board size is 99x99 9 Eunho Cho (Kep1er07) Jan  2, 2024 
#38162 A Craze (Nonogram-A-Day Day 4) 6 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan  4, 2024 
#38163 I'd Like This With That (Nonogram-A-Day Day 5) 7 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan  5, 2024 
#38164 Naver 3 Eunho Cho (Kep1er07) Jan  5, 2024 
#38165 Today's Hope (Nonogram-A-Day Day 6) 8 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan  6, 2024 
#38166 Cat in stacks 5 Wombat (wombatilim) Jan  6, 2024 
#38167 Zuul's second favorite game 11 Wombat (wombatilim) Jan  6, 2024 
#38168 As Requested by my 4-Year-Old (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 7) 5 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan  7, 2024 
#38169 The plane truth 6 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  6, 2024 
#38170 Another Request by my 4yo (Nonogram-A-Day Day 8) 3 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan  8, 2024 
#38171 In memory of Carol Simmons 11 Valerie Mates (valerie) Jan  7, 2024 
#38172 Spoonerism #8 10 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  8, 2024 
#38175 The Most Popular Guy in my House (Nonogram-A-Day Day 9) 6 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan  9, 2024 
#38176 Greek Church, and a retrospective 1 Andrew Schultz (blurglecruncheon) Jan  9, 2024 
#38177 Eight it Great? (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 10) 8 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 10, 2024 
#38179 It had to be Symmetrical (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 11) 5 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 11, 2024 
#38180 City Rebus 7 Yonah Kondor (yokon965) Jan 11, 2024 
#38181 An Easy One to Court New Puzzlers (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 12) 6 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 12, 2024 
#38182 Mondegreen #78 7 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan 12, 2024 
#38183 Which was it? 3 Belita (belita) Jan 12, 2024 
#38184 For Koreen- It Didn't Have To Be Symmetrical (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 13) 8 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 13, 2024 
#38185 Munch's Perspective (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 14) 2 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 14, 2024 
#38186 Alex's space smiles 4 Bill Eisenmann (Bullet) Jan 13, 2024 
#38187 Alex's smile spirits 7 Bill Eisenmann (Bullet) Jan  4, 2025 
#38189 Curb Your Enthusiasm 0 Belita (belita) Jan 14, 2024 
#38190 Busting a move while in the... 10 gregg licht (Lgreg) Jan 14, 2024 
#38191 YouTube 2 Eunho Cho (Kep1er07) Jan 15, 2024 
#38192 Hang In There (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 15) 4 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 15, 2024 
#38193 Today's Hope, Round 2 (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 16) 5 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 16, 2024 
#38194 Want a good murder mystery? 2 Belita (belita) Jan 22, 2024 
#38195 I Won’t Quit My Day Job 6 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 17, 2024 
#38196 Baby, it's cold outside. 7 Wombat (wombatilim) Jan 17, 2024 
#38197 Zuul's favorite toys, #16 9 Wombat (wombatilim) Jan 17, 2024 
#38198 Round and Round (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 18) 6 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 18, 2024 
#38199 One or a Pear? (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 19) 8 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 19, 2024 
#38200 Sneak a Squeak (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 20) 8 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 20, 2024 
#38201 Hope for the Best (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 21) 3 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 21, 2024 
#38202 American Idiom 63 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan 21, 2024 
#38203 American Idiom 64 8 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan 21, 2024 
#38204 American Idiom 65 8 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan 21, 2024 
#38205 We Like to Party (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 22) 4 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 22, 2024 
#38206 popular shape 5 kaitlyn cyr (cyrious) Jan 22, 2024 
#38207 Happy Founder's Day 2024 8 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan 23, 2024 
#38208 I Dare You To Try (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 23) 12 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 23, 2024 
#38209 These Pixels Must Somehow Form a Puzzle (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 24) 9 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 24, 2024 
#38213 No Alarm Clock Needed (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 25 5 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 25, 2024 
#38214 My View for the Day (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 26) 7 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 26, 2024 
#38215 Zuul's favorite toys, #17 8 Wombat (wombatilim) Jan 26, 2024 
#38216 Naval Gazing (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 27) 3 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 27, 2024 
#38217 Brrm Brrm (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 28) 8 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 28, 2024 
#38218 A Follow-Up to Day 28 (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 29) 9 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 29, 2024 
#38219 One Critical Pixel (Nonogram-A-Day Day 30) 6 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 30, 2024 
#38220 That's a Wrap (Nonogram-A-Day, Day 31) 14 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 31, 2024 
#38221 Yujin 4 Eunho Cho (Kep1er07) Jan 31, 2024 
#38222 Breakfast anyone? 12 MichelleMyBell (MISavage) Feb  1, 2024 
#38224 Pendant 9 Yaramy (YaramyGd) Feb  5, 2024 
#38225 And many more! 0 Annalyn (annie) Feb  1, 2024 
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