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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#2817 Tattoos 4 4 Nancy Snyder (naneki) May 21, 2008 
#2818 Tattoos 5 12 Nancy Snyder (naneki) Apr 19, 2012 
#2819 Droodle #3 16 T J PHISTER (tjphister) May 20, 2008 
#2820 Spring is here 7 Ellen Ritchie (emritchie) May 20, 2008 
#2821 Serenity 5 Ellen Ritchie (emritchie) May 20, 2008 
#2822 Gobble Gobble 3 Carrie Gatewood (KGBCarrie) May 21, 2008 
#2823 RAWR! 10 Carrie Gatewood (KGBCarrie) May 21, 2008 
#2828 Tattoos 6 7 Nancy Snyder (naneki) May 22, 2008 
#2830 the struggle 12 C-Dog (ninja) Jun  3, 2008 
#2831 the most populare sign 4 joelle young (lanniobananio) May 22, 2008 
#2832 The Shield 6 Alex Klages (metalfoot) May 22, 2008 
#2834 Tattoos 9 11 Nancy Snyder (naneki) Apr 18, 2012 
#2835 Tattoos 10 10 Nancy Snyder (naneki) May 22, 2008 
#2836 D.C. 8 C-Dog (ninja) May 23, 2008 
#2837 Undercover 12 Marcus (aanet) May 22, 2008 
#2838 Droodle #4 16 Ed Donahue (edzoid) May 22, 2008 
#2840 Where the heart lives.... 6 C-Dog (ninja) May 23, 2008 
#2841 A Bit Buggy 12 asobi (asobi) May 24, 2008 
#2843 Pigtails 5 Aeribela (aeribela) May 23, 2008 
#2844 Guardian 5 Aeribela (aeribela) May 23, 2008 
#2845 a square thing 15 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) May 23, 2008 
#2846 square deep 9 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) May 23, 2008 
#2847 Colossal 9 Aeribela (aeribela) May 23, 2008 
#2848 But soft! 5 Aeribela (aeribela) May 23, 2008 
#2849 Hello 4 Aeribela (aeribela) May 24, 2008 
#2850 Everything becomes a... 5 Aeribela (aeribela) May 24, 2008 
#2851 Darkness Betrayed 7 Aeribela (aeribela) May 24, 2008 
#2852 The Wild Wild West 5 C-Dog (ninja) May 24, 2008 
#2854 classic rock song #1 14 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) May 25, 2008 
#2855 20 Augustus Pike (ArcticNomad) May 25, 2008 
#2856 my flag 2 sam clarke (clarkeysam) May 26, 2008 
#2857 classic rock song #2 18 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) May 26, 2008 
#2858 classic rock song #3 4 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) May 26, 2008 
#2860 A Feathered Friend 11 Mel (mlbontrager) May 28, 2008 
#2863 me inlove 9 person harris (games1793) May 27, 2008 
#2864 #1 6 person harris (games1793) May 28, 2008 
#2865 my mom 8 person harris (games1793) May 28, 2008 
#2867 King of the jungle 9 Aeribela (aeribela) May 28, 2008 
#2868 guess my job 4 harris harris (torough4u) May 29, 2008 
#2869 Where's The Wipped Cream? 15 asobi (asobi) May 29, 2008 
#2870 Engarde! 3 Helen (elena9) May 29, 2008 
#2871 Ready?... 24 Helen (elena9) May 29, 2008 
#2872 Fence! 5 Helen (elena9) May 29, 2008 
#2873 Tools of the Trade #1 11 Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) May 29, 2008 
#2874 mommy 2 person harris (games1793) May 30, 2008 
#2875 A 5 stars puzzle ????? 7 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) May 31, 2008 
#2876 Deep Sea 10 Aeribela (aeribela) May 31, 2008 
#2877 merciless warrior 16 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) Jun  1, 2008 
#2878 from Canada 14 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) Jun  1, 2008 
#2879 When Two become One 13 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) Jun  1, 2008 
#2880 A whole world in your hand 22 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) Jun  1, 2008 
#2881 cute and jumpy 19 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) Jun  1, 2008 
#2882 I'm a'get you!! 7 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Jun  1, 2008 
#2883 My favorite! 17 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Jun  1, 2008 
#2884 Prickly 22 Arduinna (arduinna) Jun  3, 2008 
#2885 Cleanliness 9 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Jun  1, 2008 
#2886 An hommage to Jan early work 12 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) Jun  1, 2008 
#2887 Don't want to look down 13 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) Jun  3, 2008 
#2888 have a good night rest ! 8 Piron Kimberly (charmed) Jun  3, 2008 
#2889 Your tool 8 Rea Aksglæde Karlsen (Rea) Jun  4, 2008 
#2890 Sailin' 9 K Gysler (kwgysler) Jun  4, 2008 
#2892 Patern 12 Rea Aksglæde Karlsen (Rea) Jun  5, 2008 
#2894 pulsating weeds 10 Rea Aksglæde Karlsen (Rea) Jun  7, 2008 
#2895 Thats life 8 Rea Aksglæde Karlsen (Rea) Jun  6, 2008 
#2896 Hit me! 10 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Jun  6, 2008 
#2902 WC #18 my love 7 Kuuipo (monkeylover) Jun  7, 2008 
#2903 Beautiful Smile 5 Nancy Snyder (naneki) Jun  7, 2008 
#2904 lil old andy 7 heather yo (gov8) Jun  8, 2008 
#2906 don't worry be happy!!! 8 kaella young (kiko88) Jun  8, 2008 
#2907 Excusite 6 kaella young (kiko88) Aug  9, 2008 
#2908 nursery rhyme #1 27 Jane Doe (telly) Jun  8, 2008 
#2909 Friends under glass 4 Jennifer Jones (geekess) Jun 10, 2008 
#2912 Power Up 13 asobi (asobi) Jun 10, 2008 
#2913 My kingdom for a... 14 Meg Tayler (rebelcat) Jun 11, 2008 
#2914 Much the same! 10 Meg Tayler (rebelcat) Jun 12, 2008 
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