Web Paint-by-Number Forums

General Discussion Topics
id title comments author create date    
#1004 Slow response time 6 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jun 26, 2017 
#254 So how did it all end? 6 Kadou (Kadou) Nov 18, 2010 
#242 Solvability box missing sometimes 3 Mark (mark.jeronimus) Oct  3, 2010 
#234 Solving larger puzzles on smaller screens 9 gregg licht (lgreg) Aug 13, 2010 
#20 Solving puzzles on paper :-) 15 Gitte Olesen (granny40) Oct 15, 2006 
#67 Special Messages Place 155 Nancy Snyder (naneki) Oct 24, 2007 
#1007 Sporadic behavior 4 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan 18, 2018 
#351 Sun and rain from the medical horror methodology continue to right now there, yet alot more by means of enhancements on the third-person motion ... 1 juidge (juidge) Sep 11, 2012 
#429 Switching to SVG Mode 12 Jan Wolter (jan) Sep 29, 2013 
#208 Symmetry 11 Jan Wolter (jan) Jan 27, 2010 
#8 Symmetry set 9 Mark Conger (aruba) Jan  5, 2005 
#223 taking a long time to load 10 doreen (doreenfanning) Apr 13, 2010 
#1055 Tectonic puzzles 8 Valerie Mates (valerie) Dec 18, 2022 
#244 Teresa, I thought of you when I saw this article 2 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Oct 14, 2010 
#1034 Thanks to all the Puzzle Makers 2 Mary Thomas (marleethom) Jun 14, 2020 
#154 That new little button... 13 Joseph Jessen (gijoex2) Mar 12, 2009 
#1021 That's Weird! 27 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec 24, 2018 
#43 The dreaded question. 243 m2 (mercymercy) Aug 28, 2007 
#171 the new random puzzle funktion 2 Rea Aksglæde Karlsen (Rea) May 19, 2009 
#1058 Thinking about descriptions of recovered puzzles 11 Valerie Mates (valerie) Jan 16, 2023 
#1068 Thinking about discussions about politics 6 Valerie Mates (valerie) Feb 16, 2024 
#215 Thinking About Revamping Solvability Tags 10 Jan Wolter (jan) Mar 25, 2010 
#415 thumbnails of solved puzzles 1 hokk (hokksir) Aug 20, 2013 
#1012 Timed out 1 Norma Dee (norm0908) Aug 16, 2018 
#36 To comment or not to comment 30 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) Jul 29, 2007 
#1029 Trouble publishing 33797 3 Norma Dee (norm0908) Apr  2, 2020 
#1061 Users tab 5 Ed Donahue (edzoid) Apr 15, 2023 
#122 WC's Winner 3 question interview 631 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) Sep 14, 2008 
#257 WCP catalog 14 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) Nov 25, 2010 
#423 WCP contest 5 Norma Dee (norm0908) Sep 16, 2013 
#294 WCP HELP ??? 3 Jota (jota) May 30, 2011 
#360 WCP Judges 26 Jota (jota) Nov  3, 2012 
#346 Web Sol 42 Jan Wolter (jan) Aug 16, 2012 
#289 Webpbn Forums Wordled 29 Jan Wolter (jan) May  9, 2011 
#314 WebPBN group on facebook 5 Kadou (Kadou) Dec 13, 2011 
#132 Webpbn Puzzle Book? 32 Jan Wolter (jan) Nov 24, 2008 
#417 WebPBN Solver Competition 1 Thomas Genuine (Genuine) Aug 27, 2013 
#1069 WebPBN's twentieth birthday is coming 17 Valerie Mates (valerie) Mar 15, 2024 
#293 Webpn app for ipod/iphone? 6 Rosie K (queenandbooks) May 25, 2011 
#114 Weekly challenge winner 215 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) Sep  1, 2008 
#362 Weekly Contest Survey 9 Teresa K (fasstar) Nov  7, 2012 
#281 Weird fill-in problem 4 Billie Patterson (bpat) Apr 10, 2011 
#1 Welcome and Introductions 77 Jan Wolter (jan) Oct 28, 2004 
#1032 wet paint brush conundrum 8 filton grebssorg (ahn-ree cat) (filtberg) May 22, 2020 
#6 What do you like in a puzzle? 45 Jan Wolter (jan) Oct 28, 2004 
#255 What is Completed? 7 Kadou (Kadou) Nov 18, 2010 
#21 What to call the puzzles, and when did they actually be invented ?? 23 Gitte Olesen (granny40) Oct 17, 2006 
#196 What's with the political message on this puzzle? 3 lori ann (spud) Nov 23, 2009 
#220 Where are you coming from? 38 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Apr  6, 2010 
#24 While puzzling in here.. where are we actually?? Globally... ;-) 394 Gitte Olesen (granny40) Oct 28, 2006 
#247 White Spaces 7 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Oct 27, 2010 
#1070 Who of the active players have been here the longest? 41 Valerie Mates (valerie) Mar 24, 2024 
#248 Why don't you create any/more puzzles? 11 Amy Can (hannahkin) Oct 29, 2010 
#1014 Why has the site become slower? 6 S Stahl (sastahl) Sep  2, 2018 
#260 Why? 3 Liz P (lizteach) Dec  8, 2010 
#193 WiiPicross Contests 20 Gator (Gator) Nov  5, 2009 
#221 Wish List 1 Josh Greifer (joshgreifer) Apr  9, 2010 
#436 World Puzzle and Sudoku Championships 9 Thomas Genuine (Genuine) Oct 15, 2013 
#1010 X reliant solving 5 Niko (AridClimates) Feb 24, 2018 
#301 younger people? 4 Hannah Johns (Nini721) Jun 26, 2011 
Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#2 A President's Buddy 39 Jan Wolter (jan) Mar 24, 2004 
#3 First Puzzle Ever Entered Here 21 Jan Wolter (jan) Mar 24, 2004 
#4 Hum a Few Lines? 32 Jan Wolter (jan) Mar 24, 2004 
#6 Scardy Cat 15 Jan Wolter (jan) Mar 24, 2004 
#7 wave 17 Valerie Mates (valerie) Mar 24, 2004 
#8 Where No Man Has Gone Before 41 Jan Wolter (jan) Mar 24, 2004 
#10 On The Pond 20 Jan Wolter (jan) Mar 25, 2004 
#11 Suburbia 16 Mark Conger (aruba) Mar 25, 2004 
#12 How long will this take? 9 Philip Snyder (Alex72) Mar 26, 2004 
#13 Time On Your Hands? 15 Jan Wolter (jan) Mar 26, 2004 
#14 The Second Easiest Puzzle Ever 72 Jan Wolter (jan) Mar 26, 2004 
#15 JavaScript 17 Jan Wolter (jan) Mar 27, 2004 
#16 Probably Not 14 Jan Wolter (jan) Mar 27, 2004 
#17 You Shall Not Pass! 23 Jan Wolter (jan) Mar 29, 2004 
#18 Illusions of Grandeur 17 Jan Wolter (jan) Apr  2, 2004 
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