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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#5909 Still life 2 Wendy (wen9988) May 21, 2009 
#5910 hi there 1 matthew talley (halo11226) May 21, 2009 
#5913 USIP 14 Teresa K (fasstar) May 22, 2009 
#5914 Not beautiful but rare # 2 4 Barbro Lindmark (babban2) May 22, 2009 
#5915 #34 WCP- Heads Up! 15 Tyler Buglewicz (tbugs14) May 24, 2009 
#5917 #34 WCP- The rise and fall 7 Tyler Buglewicz (tbugs14) May 22, 2009 
#5918 a drink and an island 3 Gabriela (gabruszka) May 23, 2009 
#5919 What's up...? 7 gregg licht (lgreg) Jun  8, 2009 
#5921 Baba 12 Teresa K (fasstar) May 23, 2009 
#5922 #34 WCP - 60 points 9 Ugo (ugo) May 23, 2009 
#5923 G is for... 10 Meg Tayler (rebelcat) May 23, 2009 
#5924 #34 WCP - Let's close it up 15 Jennifer Jones (geekess) May 23, 2009 
#5925 How is Mama's Darling? 8 Nara (SRIII) May 24, 2009 
#5926 Phi-Fi-Ho-Hum 17 Teresa K (fasstar) May 24, 2009 
#5927 Grown on the Vine 8 K Chouinard (codenumerator) May 24, 2009 
#5928 look above 5 Nara (SRIII) May 27, 2009 
#5929 simple but good #1 13 Nara (SRIII) May 25, 2009 
#5930 simple but good #2 5 Nara (SRIII) May 27, 2009 
#5933 sudoku 9 Ian Smith (dragonfreak) May 24, 2009 
#5935 out the window 2 bexie (becinaus) May 25, 2009 
#5936 MLB Logo #3 4 KD Guidry (KDGraves) May 25, 2009 
#5937 #35 WCP A Maddening Tune... 15 Meg Tayler (rebelcat) May 25, 2009 
#5938 MLB Logo #4 1 KD Guidry (KDGraves) May 25, 2009 
#5939 Universum 4 Nara (SRIII) May 27, 2009 
#5940 Witch 12 Clayton Breit (TWoods09) May 25, 2009 
#5941 Well.. 10 Mike Kam (Zl.oft) May 27, 2009 
#5942 A Sudoku for Ian (dragonfreak) 6 Meg Tayler (rebelcat) May 26, 2009 
#5944 friends playing 14 vindersloon (vindersloon) May 26, 2009 
#5946 #35 WCP: What's Worse? 22 Teresa K (fasstar) May 26, 2009 
#5948 ftp uploading.... 8 Mike Kam (Zl.oft) May 27, 2009 
#5950 bad dragoneye 11 Nara (SRIII) Jul  7, 2009 
#5951 MLB Logo #5 4 KD Guidry (KDGraves) May 27, 2009 
#5952 #35 WCP: Tacked Up 7 Rich Garrard (KCRich) Jun  5, 2009 
#5953 Smile-frown 5 Elissa k. (Elisy09) May 28, 2009 
#5954 the new trend.. 9 Mike Kam (Zl.oft) May 28, 2009 
#5955 Simple lesson of geography 3 Gabriela (gabruszka) May 28, 2009 
#5956 [MOVIE] A shadow you wouldn't like to see 1 Gabriela (gabruszka) May 28, 2009 
#5957 A member of the ministry 4 Gabriela (gabruszka) May 28, 2009 
#5958 portrait 10 seka (Seka.1) May 28, 2009 
#5959 MLB Logo #6 10 KD Guidry (KDGraves) May 30, 2009 
#5960 # 35 invalid entry TACKY 4 Jota (jota) May 29, 2009 
#5961 They told me... 8 Mike Kam (ZL.oft) May 30, 2009 
#5962 Mr. Squirrel 31 Clayton Breit (TWoods09) May 30, 2009 
#5963 Call of the wild 8 Gabriela (gabruszka) May 30, 2009 
#5964 Grin and bear it. 15 Susan Regalia (SusanR.) May 30, 2009 
#5965 Photograph 5 Mendy (Mendy3273) Jun  1, 2009 
#5967 MLB Logo #7 2 KD Guidry (KDGraves) May 31, 2009 
#5968 A favorite lunch for cats. 18 Susan Regalia (SusanR.) May 31, 2009 
#5970 Knotted 1 Ducky Dog (DuckyTheDog) May 31, 2009 
#5971 flower 2 Ducky Dog (DuckyTheDog) May 31, 2009 
#5972 shade 2 Ducky Dog (DuckyTheDog) May 31, 2009 
#5973 Candy to go. 6 Susan Regalia (SusanR.) May 31, 2009 
#5974 Not a Text Puzzle 16 Teresa K (fasstar) Jun  1, 2009 
#5977 Hand Me Down 6 Teresa K (fasstar) Jun  1, 2009 
#5978 Summertime Fun 8 Julie Katz (katwomanjulie) Jun  1, 2009 
#5979 For your thoughts. 6 Susan Regalia (SusanR.) Jun  2, 2009 
#5980 YOU ARE NOW GETTzzzzzz..... 3 Erica Myers (lil_ricky) Jun  2, 2009 
#5981 look very closely 13 Erica Myers (lil_ricky) Jun  2, 2009 
#5982 8BT#1 - "I like swords!" 8 Naomi Millar (sailormewtwo) Jun  5, 2009 
#5984 Can I have a quarter, Mom? (fixed) 16 Susan Regalia (SusanR.) Jun  2, 2009 
#5985 #35 WCP - The best accessory yet 8 Ugo (ugo) Jun  2, 2009 
#5986 8BT#2 - "I should have mentioned this at the beginning..." 4 Naomi Millar (sailormewtwo) Jun  5, 2009 
#5987 8BT#3 - "In the arena of logic..." 3 Naomi Millar (sailormewtwo) Jun  5, 2009 
#5988 8BT#4 - "It's called 'Super Ultra Fine Print'" 2 Naomi Millar (sailormewtwo) Jun  5, 2009 
#5990 The guide to entertainment 1 Georgia Wren (teachno11) Jun  2, 2009 
#5991 In my CD player right now 10 Arduinna (arduinna) Jun  2, 2009 
#5992 I want a blue one. 11 Susan Regalia (SusanR.) Jun  2, 2009 
#5993 Guiding Light 7 Bethany Johnson (bjj) Jun  2, 2009 
#5994 #35 WCP: Lots of Tacky 7 Teresa K (fasstar) Jun  2, 2009 
#5995 By any other name 4 Bethany Johnson (bjj) Jun  2, 2009 
#5996 doob 11 Julie Katz (katwomanjulie) Jun  3, 2009 
#5997 Stuff 2 bexie (becinaus) Jun  3, 2009 
#5998 Heritage... 6 Luke Smith (codybo27) Jun  3, 2009 
#5999 wish upon a... 3 hayley ireland (hayley88) Jul 25, 2009 
#6000 out of season 8 Ian Smith (dragonfreak) Jun  3, 2009 
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