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#23294: WCP #143 Oh no ... here he comes again! 16 25x25 5 Susan Duncan (medic25733)
#11242: WCP #73 K becomes jealous 16 40x40 2 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#11251: WCP #73 If you visit... 13 36x31 4 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#11987: wcp#77 gotcha! 22 10x10 2 Aldege Cholette (Aldege)
#11877: WCP # 76 steady now... 8 26x22 5 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#22801: WCP # 139...These are not... 11 20x20 2 Aldege Cholette (Aldege)
#11818: WCP # 76 coming your way,,, 15 38x33 5 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#11827: WCP #76 Never say happy again 13 35x45 5 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#16920: WCP #99 Where in the world would you go? 14 20x40 5 Tom King (sgusa)
#11978: Illegal WCP #77 - to you all 5 15x15 3 Tom O'Connell (sensei69)
#20147: WCP #120...Where is it?... 16 34x25 2 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#12015: wcp#77 is this small enough. 21 3x3 3 Aldege Cholette (Aldege)
#11810: WCP#76 Yahoo! 19 20x20 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#11893: WCP# 76: Heyoka 28 35x45 2 Teresa K (fasstar)
#11909: #76 WCP At the fair. 13 40x40 5 Aldege Cholette (Aldege)
#11945: WCP#76 Water? 9 15x20 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#15864: WCP #93 Simply the best 13 32x27 2 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#11942: WCP #76 For Sylvain 16 37x43 5 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#22639: WCP # 138...Me help. 15 30x30 5 Aldege Cholette (Aldege)
#11190: WCP #73 The next day.... 7 37x27 5 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#11796: WCP#76 - I never want to roam! 17 40x30 4 Meira Bracha (mbracha)
#38514: WCP 184 2 20x20 4 Jota (jota)
#11750: WCP #75 - They go shopping... 19 30x30 5 Ron Jacobson (shmily999)
#11749: WCP #75 Ouch! 17 46x30 4 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#14143: WCP #84 Bug 17 40x40 3 Lilly Johns (LJohns315)
#11676: WCP #75 Three heads are better than one 8 40x40 2 Liz P (lizteach)
#14220: WCP#84: Tasteful? 18 25x50 2 Kadou (Kadou)
#11652: WCP #75: Can We Go Inside? 17 35x45 2 Teresa K (fasstar)
#14237: WCP #84 Freedom 17 20x40 4 Kevin S (KevinS)
#22992: WCP #141 Are we almost there yet? 12 40x40 5 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro)
#23005: WCP #141 No! 11 40x40 5 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro)
#38781: WCP #197 9 20x20 4 Belita (belita)
#10776: WCP #70 Reach out... 5 47x27 3 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#19715: WCP # 117.. So how would you like it? 19 20x20 2 Aldege Cholette (Aldege)
#10749: WCP #70 Album #5 14 38x40 2 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#23915: WCP # 147...From up above.... 9 21x36 3 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#10756: WCP #70 Album #6 6 40x40 2 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#10757: WCP #70 Album #7 7 43x37 4 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#25058: WCP #153 - I said . . . 16 60x20 5 Sonja T (sugarriver)
#13958: WCP #84 One more glass? 7 37x43 4 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#14856: WCP #86 Supersize me! 11 40x40 4 Kit E. Katz (hello)
#10782: WCP #70 Am I a Liar? 8 18x16 2 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#23741: WCP #146 See anything now:? 10 25x25 5 Norma Dee (norm0908)
#10895: WCP #71 Going home! 10 40x40 5 Liz P (lizteach)
#10904: WCP #71: Mistery 11 28x50 4 Juan Luis Arteaga Pérez (garimur)
#10909: WCP #71 Sayonara 19 45x33 4 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#38642: WCP 188 3 50x30 4 Belita (belita)
#23727: WCP#146 - I really should.... 13 25x25 5 Heather M (AuntieH)
#23725: WCP # 146 See anything in there? 10 25x25 5 Norma Dee (norm0908)
#10743: WCP #70 Album #2 11 40x40 5 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#10741: WCP #70: 666 12 40x40 2 Juan Luis Arteaga Pérez (garimur)
#23927: WCP # 147...Three in One... 19 19x32 3 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#10698: WCP #69 "Please, sir... 26 40x40 5 Linda Martin (ilovethispuzzle123)
#10671: WCP #69 Celebration 15 30x30 3 Jennifer Jones (geekess)
#10650: WCP #69: Fantasy 21 60x20 2 Teresa K (fasstar)
#12018: WCP #77 Like Beckham 17 15x15 2 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#10575: WCP #69 - What a view 18 20x20 4 Ron Jacobson (shmily999)
#10574: WCP #69 I'm still standing... 16 25x55 3 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#10569: WCP #69 Here there be dragons 12 35x45 3 Liz P (Lizteach)
#10519: WCP #68 - Second one if this is legal to do 13 20x20 3 Ron Jacobson (shmily999)
#24061: WCP # 148...He was a ... 10 35x16 5 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#12030: WCP # 77 Ding 13 15x15 2 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#24127: WCP # 148...The D-Six... 19 36x24 4 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#11051: Not WCP #72 - Ice 11 17x13 3 Tom O'Connell (sensei69)
#14447: wcp # 85 it's perfect 9 20x20 2 brenda keen (bkgk81)
#23593: ...WCP # 145 Needs help... 13 15x15 4 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#23595: WCP # 145 Oh, oh! 12 15x15 5 Norma Dee (norm0908)
#23592: WCP # 145...Not quite sure... 11 15x15 3 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#38817: WCP 199 6 20x20 3 Jota (jota)
#23603: WCP # 145 There goes those... 11 15x15 5 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#11071: WCP #72: Thank Heaven! 20 40x40 2 Teresa K (fasstar)
#11091: WCP #72 - Salute... 14 15x30 3 Joel Lynn (furface1)
#11092: WCP #72 - Brrrr... 35 20x20 2 Joel Lynn (furface1)
#11093: WCP #72 - Bob's in B.C. 13 15x30 3 Joel Lynn (furface1)
#11138: WCP#72: Crash Course 9 35x45 2 Teresa K (fasstar)
#23359: WCP # 143...Right to a... 15 25x25 4 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#12034: WCP # 77...Frank... 14 14x16 2 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#11996: WCP #77 Smaller 21 15x15 4 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#11997: WCP #77 not your typical one 10 15x15 5 Niki Cholette (Niki420)
#23628: WCP #145 Come on in! 17 15x15 4 noodles (lhirst)
#12008: WCP #77 not good but better 13 15x20 4 Sarah Andrews (sarah)
#19790: WCP #117 A+ 7 20x20 2 Kevin S (KevinS)
#10979: WCP# 71 - Friendly 22 20x20 2 Kadou (Kadou)
#10968: WCP #71 Quacker 12 36x44 3 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#10932: WCP#85 - Next Year 15 20x20 2 David Bouldin (dbouldin)
#12016: WCP#77 just for fun 14 15x15 3 Niki Cholette (Niki420)
#14714: WCP #86 Waiting... 10 40x40 3 Kit E. Katz (hello)
#23715: WCP # 146...Let's take a look... 12 25x25 3 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#26584: WCP #173 sub 2 5 35x25 2 Annette Smith (Anetje)
#6655: #42 WCP: Sweet! 4 20x20 2 Marcy (triath)
#6684: #42 WCP: Shake it 12 20x20 2 Robyn Broyles (ginkgo100)
#18000: WCP #105 She can't get enough 13 40x40 3 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#13131: WCP #81 - Psst! 12 40x30 4 Kristen Vognild (kristen)
#6664: #42 WCP: Waaahhhhhhh! 12 20x20 2 Teresa K (fasstar)
#26679: WCP#173 Na Na Na Na Na Na Na 3 40x20 2 Jonah Kramer (jredbarn)
#6676: #42 WCP: Preservation 9 20x20 2 Robyn Broyles (ginkgo100)
#12526: WCP # 79...They found it... 6 31x30 4 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#26595: WCP #173 sub 3 4 35x25 2 Annette Smith (Anetje)
#26738: Illegal WCP! 6 20x20 2 Jota (Jota)
#26583: WCP #173 sub 1 5 20x35 2 Annette Smith (Anetje)