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#12140: WCP # 77...Fix it right.... 16 15x15 3 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#12141: WCP # 77...Weeeee.... 20 15x15 5 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#12151: WCP # 77...Taxes... 7 15x15 4 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#12172: WCP #77: Dance Like... 17 15x15 2 Teresa K (fasstar)
#12176: WCP#77: 13th 8 15x15 2 Tyler Buglewicz (tbugs14)
#12177: WCP #77: Obey 7 15x15 2 Tyler Buglewicz (tbugs14)
#12199: WCP#77: Why does no one stop? 16 15x15 2 gregg licht (lgreg)
#12233: WCP #78 What a view from above 10 45x35 5 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#38791: WCP 197 Where'd it go? 7 20x20 4 Belita (belita)
#38800: WCP #198 8 20x20 3 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#12235: WCP #78: I'm having so much fun... 14 30x50 3 Meira Bracha (mbracha)
#12299: WCP #78 Melanistic 16 40x30 5 Kristen Vognild (kristen)
#25362: WCP # 157...I'd be... 7 36x20 3 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#12352: WCP # 78 ...No pictures please... 14 37x18 5 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#12381: WCP #78 Inspired by PG 16 30x50 5 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#12447: #77 WCP : frogs do it. 14 20x20 4 Joe (infrapinklizzard)
#38781: WCP #197 9 20x20 4 Belita (belita)
#26457: WCP #171 - Um.... 3 30x30 3 Ron Jacobson (shmily999)
#16920: WCP #99 Where in the world would you go? 14 20x40 5 Tom King (sgusa)
#26446: WCP #171 - 7 30x30 3 Ron Jacobson (shmily999)
#14143: WCP #84 Bug 17 40x40 3 Lilly Johns (LJohns315)
#14220: WCP#84: Tasteful? 18 25x50 2 Kadou (Kadou)
#14237: WCP #84 Freedom 17 20x40 4 Kevin S (KevinS)
#38691: WCP #191 Where am I? Who am I? 6 20x30 2 gregg licht (Lgreg)
#14261: WCP #85 They cry 18 23x17 2 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#14272: WCP #85 - No more frontiers ... 32 20x20 2 Claudia (clau_bolson)
#14280: WCP #85: Take Flight 14 20x20 2 Tyler Buglewicz (tbugs14)
#14286: WCP #85 What do I see in the future? 8 20x20 5 Lilly Johns (LJohns315)
#14287: WCP #85 In the future?!? 16 19x18 2 Lilly Johns (LJohns315)
#26501: WCP #172 7 20x36 4 Ron Jacobson (shmily999)
#26595: WCP #173 sub 3 4 35x25 2 Annette Smith (Anetje)
#13315: WCP#82 - My phase 2 40x40 5 Ron Jacobson (shmily999)
#26584: WCP #173 sub 2 5 35x25 2 Annette Smith (Anetje)
#26583: WCP #173 sub 1 5 20x35 2 Annette Smith (Anetje)
#25511: WCP #159 Which of these is not like the others? 5 30x34 4 Carol Brand (KarylAnn)
#13357: WCP #82 - Not quite Vermeer 23 40x40 3 Kristen Vognild (kristen)
#13371: WCP #82 - Out-Numbered 20 40x40 3 David Bouldin (dbouldin)
#26503: WCP #172 Got it! 11 50x30 3 Amanda P. ()
#13635: WCP #82 Different ways 7 40x40 5 bartek2241 (bartek2241)
#19019: WCP # 111...Thank you.. 14 15x15 3 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#25515: WCP #176 I'm.... 6 40x20 3 Carol Brand (KarylAnn)
#38685: WCP 190 9 20x20 5 Bill Eisenmann (Bullet)
#38462: WCP #182 4 15x15 5 Alicia Snyder (prinny)
#13958: WCP #84 One more glass? 7 37x43 4 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#38461: WCP 182 14 15x15 4 Susan Eberhardt (susaneber)
#15864: WCP #93 Simply the best 13 32x27 2 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#38514: WCP 184 2 20x20 4 Jota (jota)
#6637: #42 WCP: Responsibility 10 20x20 2 Robyn Broyles (ginkgo100)
#8542: WCP #57 Pupaphobia 5 40x40 2 Teresa K (fasstar)
#23727: WCP#146 - I really should.... 13 25x25 5 Heather M (AuntieH)
#6633: #42 WCP - Spectacular 22 20x20 2 Gator (gator)
#6631: #42 WCP: Cheese 6 20x20 2 Petra Lassen (Stjarna)
#6630: #42 WCP: Cyclops 9 20x20 2 Petra Lassen (Stjarna)
#6628: #42 WCP: Megalodon 7 20x20 2 Robyn Broyles (ginkgo100)
#6627: #42 WCP: Hatch 13 20x20 2 Robyn Broyles (ginkgo100)
#24275: WCP # 149...Oh no... 11 31x24 2 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#8600: WCP # 58 loyalty 14 40x40 5 sanane samanye (maceraseven)
#23725: WCP # 146 See anything in there? 10 25x25 5 Norma Dee (norm0908)
#8613: WCP #58 Try and Error 13 31x49 2 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#23715: WCP # 146...Let's take a look... 12 25x25 3 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#8750: WCP #59: $1.2969 12 40x40 2 Juan Luis Arteaga Pérez (garimur)
#6590: #41 WCP - Over the rainbow 11 40x40 2 Ugo (ugo)
#6555: #41 WCP: Do You Remember? 19 40x40 2 Teresa K (fasstar)
#8527: WCP #57 Send in .... 11 40x40 5 Jennifer Jones (geekess)
#8462: WCP #57: You can (not) laugh 12 35x35 3 Juan Luis Arteaga Pérez (garimur)
#6645: #42 WCP: Cute even by itself 20 20x20 2 Robyn Broyles (ginkgo100)
#8441: WCP #57 Tenants 9 40x35 4 Carol Brand (KarylAnn)
#8410: WCP #57 It's Immaterial 17 45x25 2 Teresa K (fasstar)
#8409: WCP #57 Chocolate's all gone! 22 20x40 2 Amy Can (hannahkin)
#6655: #42 WCP: Sweet! 4 20x20 2 Marcy (triath)
#21633: WCP #130 Just because... 7 20x20 2 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#38579: wcp #185 7 45x45 4 Belita (belita)
#6684: #42 WCP: Shake it 12 20x20 2 Robyn Broyles (ginkgo100)
#23741: WCP #146 See anything now:? 10 25x25 5 Norma Dee (norm0908)
#6664: #42 WCP: Waaahhhhhhh! 12 20x20 2 Teresa K (fasstar)
#8156: #WCP 56: DFX 10 40x35 2 Juan Luis Arteaga Pérez (garimur)
#38871: WCP #201 6 30x25 5 Belita (belita)
#8073: WCP #55 Survivor 7 40x40 2 Teresa K (fasstar)
#13366: WCP #82 Now Playing! 9 40x40 3 Teresa K (fasstar)
#8827: WCP 59 USB 3 40x40 2 Kayla Aldridge (KMA61290)
#6313: #38 WCP Ruminating 12 35x45 4 Meg Tayler (rebelcat)
#8905: WCP #59 Megaphragma 15 50x30 3 Joe (infrapinklizzard)
#8907: #59 WCP - Self-portrait 9 40x40 2 Ugo (ugo)
#21392: WCP #128 Can you believe it? 10 15x20 2 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro)
#9033: WCP #60: Keep hitting it... 11 20x10 3 Wombat (wombatilim)
#23603: WCP # 145 There goes those... 11 15x15 5 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#6314: #38 WCP A is for Water 7 35x35 3 Meg Tayler (rebelcat)
#6253: #38 WCP: Madiba 5 32x48 2 MMD (mmd)
#9036: WCP #60 It hurts 16 30x50 5 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#23593: ...WCP # 145 Needs help... 13 15x15 4 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#6206: #37 WCP - Too hot for me 11 40x40 2 Ugo (ugo)
#9094: #60 WCP - Gene 11 30x50 2 Ugo (ugo)
#21285: WCP #128...Welcome... 9 26x22 3 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#24246: WCP # 149...Hi, I'm your... 9 29x25 2 valerie o..travis (bigblue)
#6317: #38 WCP: Cat 10 30x40 2 Robyn Broyles (ginkgo100)
#6356: #39 WCP: Streaks 14 45x35 3 Robyn Broyles (ginkgo100)
#6357: WCP #39 - Some say he never blinks... 21 25x20 2 Merili (merilinnuke)
#8765: WCP #59 creepy, 19 20x20 2 Tom O'Connell (sensei69)
#23628: WCP #145 Come on in! 17 15x15 4 noodles (lhirst)
#6396: #39 WCP - In My Dreams 28 30x50 2 Byrdie (byrdie)