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#8138: WCP #56 You bite me, I'll bite you 12 40x40 4 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#8156: #WCP 56: DFX 10 40x35 2 Juan Luis Arteaga Pérez (garimur)
#8161: WCP #56 What a Perfect Idea 22 25x45 2 Teresa K (fasstar)
#8183: WCP #56: Smoking duckling 5 35x45 4 Juan Luis Arteaga Pérez (garimur)
#8209: WCP #56 My Buddy (may offend someone) 21 42x38 2 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#8237: WCP #56 Am I afraid or do I have to laugh? 13 30x50 2 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)
#8257: WCP #56 It's just a jump to the left... 19 30x40 4 Sallie Wilbur (sarriemom)