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#4961: WC #23: Two Out of Three Ain't Bad 11 44x36 2 K Chouinard (codenumerator)
#4962: WC#23 Sweet 26 40x40 2 Teresa K (fasstar)
#4967: #23 three times 5 20x20 2 Karen Borchersen (MosterKaren)
#4989: WC#23: Symbol of love 9 29x27 2 Amanda Egeskov Hald (MInimanta)
#4991: WC # 23 The amazing LOVE ... 4 40x30 2 Annabella Berenhs (Anabella )
#4992: WC#23 ... Crazy About You! 7 40x40 2 Tonia Bergh (tonia)
#4993: W.C. #23 amore 12 40x40 2 jimmy barker (jbarkeraa)
#4998: WC #23 : Love... 10 40x40 2 dewilbee (aguler01)
#4999: WC#23 Can you guess who I love??? 8 40x40 2 Josefin Lassen (lillteddy)
#5002: WC #23: First appeared in 1968 7 40x40 3 Ugo (ugo)
#5010: WC #23 In your hands... 17 40x40 2 Joseph Jessen (gijoex2)
#5019: WC # 23 never empty 23 20x20 2 vindersloon (vindersloon)