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#17123: WCP #100 - Have you seen this before? 17 30x30 2 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Jan 13, 2012     -
#17262: WCP #100 Look what you have done to me! 14 20x20 5 Nancy (nbarsi) Jan 21, 2012     -
#17188: WCP #100 Thinking 15 40x40 5 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Jan 17, 2012     -
#17066: WCP #100 - Addicted 27 30x50 2 Claudia (clau_bolson) Jan 17, 2012     -
#17058: WCP #100 The Poorhouse OS style 24 40x40 5 Tom King (sgusa) Jan  8, 2012     -
#17120: wcp # 100 only ten more minutes 15 20x25 5 Syla Vims (syla) Jan 12, 2012     -
#17275: WCP #100 The sky is the limit 15 45x35 4 Kevin S (KevinS) Jan 21, 2012     -
#17115: WCP # 100 What the heck happened to... 29 20x20 2 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jan 12, 2012     -
#17057: WCP #100 - Make My Day! 13 25x25 5 Cindy L. Hadden (quiltergirl) Jan  8, 2012     -
#27470: WCP #177..100+ Strong... 3 35x35 3 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Jan  1, 2016     -
#17282: WCP # 100 ...I see Aldège,and when did this obsession begin 27 20x20 2 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jan 22, 2012     -
#20082: WCP #120 & Movie title #100? 10 40x40 4 Tom King (sgusa) Oct 15, 2012     -
#16502: Illegal WCP #97 - Over 100,000,000,000,000 8 30x20 4 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Nov 24, 2011     -
#4255: 100-97= 6 5x5 2 Nick Poulin (nickpoulin49) Dec  7, 2008     -
#32263: 100 4 30x15 2 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Mar 25, 2019     -
#9962: 100 x 1000 13 35x45 2 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Aug 13, 2010     -
#8085: 100 Points 4 8x8 2 Alex Klages (metalfoot) Mar 18, 2010     -
#10615: Ad #23 - 99.44/100% pure 12 14x10 3 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Oct  9, 2010     -
#19976: me, and 100 of my friends... 29 35x40 3 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Oct  6, 2012     -
#7962: Missing 100 22 43x50 4 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Mar  6, 2010     -
#17306: Not 100% B&W but close. 7 20x20 3 Tom King (sgusa) Jan 23, 2012     -
#24947: Rock Song #100 9 20x20 2 Tom King (sgusa) Jun 27, 2014     -
#16329: In honor of 100 yrs. 7 25x30 4 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Nov 11, 2011     -
#7788: 100 years ago 7 25x30 3 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Feb 10, 2010     -
#26944: 100 Years Ago - Crazy? 6 30x50 2 Teresa K (fasstar) Jan  1, 2015     -
#26958: 100 Years Ago - GHS 4 40x40 2 Teresa K (fasstar) Jan  1, 2015     -
#26992: 100 Years Ago - SF Expo 7 40x40 2 Teresa K (fasstar) Jan  1, 2015     -
#2319: Its Gonna Happen, 100 Years in the Making 28 40x30 3 Ashley jacob (rule23) Feb 21, 2008     -
#26964: 100 Years Ago - Only $6,999 on Ebay 5 40x40 2 Teresa K (fasstar) Jan  1, 2015     -
#26987: 100 Years Ago - Days of Peace 6 40x35 2 Teresa K (fasstar) Jan  1, 2015     -
#26941: 100 years ago - The Great War 5 40x40 2 Teresa K (fasstar) Jan  1, 2015     -
#26988: 100 Years Ago - Fast Forward to 1948 8 40x40 2 Teresa K (fasstar) Jan  1, 2015     -
#26945: 100 Years Ago - The Thinker's Thinker 4 30x30 2 Teresa K (fasstar) Jan  1, 2015     -
#17293: WCP #101 - WCP #1 Winner Favorite Movie 18 40x40 5 Tom King (sgusa) Jan 22, 2012     -
#11556: WCP #74: What Do You Say? 11 30x50 2 Teresa K (fasstar) Dec 24, 2010     -
#13904: WCP #83: Tell Me Why 12 30x30 3 Teresa K (fasstar) May 15, 2011     -
#9210: WCP #61: It's necessary 17 30x30 2 Juan Luis Arteaga Pérez (garimur) Jun 14, 2010     -
#9207: WCP #61: What Can You Do? 24 30x50 2 Teresa K (fasstar) Jun 14, 2010     -
#14433: WCP # 85 Let it be so. 14 20x20 2 Kit E. Katz (hello) Jun  9, 2011     -
#6738: #43 WCP - "Somewhere out there..." 9 55x25 4 Tonia Bergh (tonia) Sep 16, 2009     -
#11202: WCP #73 Let's get one or two 29 30x50 3 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Dec  1, 2010     -
#14266: WCP #85: I Wonder What You Are 8 20x20 2 Brett Viking (BrettTheViking) Jun  1, 2011     -
#6896: WCP #44 Up, Up and Away!! 6 40x30 5 James Ravenel (ravenjam3) Oct  7, 2009     -
#6863: wcp#44 Two down one up 6 25x55 5 Janice Langham (Dr.Stickman) Oct  4, 2009     -
#15111: WCP No.87 7 30x30 5 Louise Debono (loulou2011) Jul  8, 2011     -
#15219: wcp #88 Somebody else? 15 25x25 4 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Jul 19, 2011     -
#15228: WCP #88 Not right 11 25x25 4 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Jul 18, 2011     -
#15214: wcp #88 17 25x25 3 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Jul 16, 2011     -
#6634: #42 WCP: No Thanks 19 20x20 2 Teresa K (fasstar) Sep  2, 2009     -
#9339: WCP #61 It's Necessary too 14 24x20 4 Carol Brand (KarylAnn) Jun 22, 2010     -
#6714: WCP #42 -- 3:12 14 20x20 2 Sallie Wilbur (sarriemom) Sep 12, 2009     -
#14942: WCP No. 87 12 40x40 4 Louise Debono (loulou2011) Jun 30, 2011     -
#14989: WCP #87 How'd I get here 10 30x30 5 Kevin S (KevinS) Jun 28, 2011     -
#6673: #42 WCP: Come and Get It 19 20x20 2 Teresa K (fasstar) Sep  6, 2009     -
#11074: WCP #72: Up, Across, Down, Around 13 50x30 2 Teresa K (fasstar) Nov 19, 2010     -
#11979: WCP #77: Someone had to do this 9 15x15 5 Bryan (Cyclone) Jan 30, 2011     -
#11813: WCP #76: Here they come! 9 50x30 5 Michele (michiekay) Jan 18, 2011     -
#11876: WCP #76 How many . . . 14 30x20 5 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Jan 23, 2011     -
#11883: WCP#76 - Looking through 7 35x35 5 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Jan 24, 2011     -
#11908: WCP#76 16 25x35 5 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Jan 27, 2011     -
#11925: WCP #76: I'll believe that when... 19 45x35 4 Jane Doe (telly) Jan 27, 2011     -
#11944: WCP # 76 Why... 11 40x40 4 Liz P (lizteach) Jan 29, 2011     -
#7731: #52 WCP - Oi Oi Oi 9 40x40 4 Ugo (ugo) Feb  6, 2010     -
#11974: WCP #76: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 7 45x35 3 Flying Princess (flyingprincess) Jan 30, 2011     -
#8075: WCP #55 ... and down 10 46x34 3 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Mar 18, 2010     -
#7923: WCP #54 What shall I do? 15 30x30 2 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Feb 27, 2010     -
#12117: WCP #77 .. is still.. 11 15x15 3 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Feb  8, 2011     -
#12009: WCP #77 if you like it 11 10x10 3 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Feb  1, 2011     -
#7852: WCP 53: There's one! 6 20x20 5 Joel Lynn (furface1) Feb 18, 2010     -
#12064: WCP #77 I 9 15x12 3 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Feb  4, 2011     -
#7915: WCP# 54 - I've never been here 16 30x30 2 Byrdie (byrdie) Feb 25, 2010     -
#13756: WCP#83: First 23 30x30 3 Kadou (Kadou) May  7, 2011     -
#12631: WCP #79: Can It Really Be? 17 30x50 2 Teresa K (fasstar) Mar  8, 2011     -
#11797: WCP #76 You know what they say... 13 45x30 5 Liz P (lizteach) Jan 17, 2011     -
#11793: WCP 76 I wonder... 13 20x20 4 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan 17, 2011     -
#12739: WCP#80: Look up 8 30x40 5 Meira Bracha (mbracha) Mar 15, 2011     -
#8715: WCP #66 Who Are You? Who, Who 11 30x35 4 Carol Brand (KarylAnn) Aug 25, 2010     -
#12999: WCP 80 - This is what I'd be... 17 40x40 5 Wesley Snyder (wsnyder98) Mar 24, 2011     -
#7288: WCP #48: What do you get... 17 20x20 2 ant (agrest272) Dec  1, 2009     -
#7188: WCP #47 First or last? 25 30x30 2 Jennifer Jones (geekess) Nov 23, 2009     -
#13130: WCP 81 - These will help 7 40x40 5 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Apr  4, 2011     -
#13331: wcp #82 - how it should be 6 40x40 5 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Apr 12, 2011     -
#7134: #47 WCP - Only one will get their wish 25 20x20 2 Gator (gator) Nov 18, 2009     -
#26311: I know this was the last WCP but... 5 30x30 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2015     -
#11571: WCP #74: Just One More 15 40x40 5 Teresa K (fasstar) Dec 26, 2010     -
#16896: WCP 98: Everyone's Wish? 13 40x40 4 Randall Childs (rchilds) Dec 24, 2011     -
#6411: #39 WCP - Did you see it? 7 45x30 4 Meg Tayler (rebelcat) Jul 30, 2009     -
#6409: #39 WCP - T 8 55x25 4 MMD (mmd) Jul 30, 2009     -
#10536: WCP #68 Just like...THIS! 11 32x48 3 Liz P (Lizteach) Oct  2, 2010     -
#6219: #37 WCP - Wish I Was Already There! 11 40x40 4 Meg Tayler (rebelcat) Jul  3, 2009     -
#16080: WCP #95.. Oh, there it is!! 12 20x20 5 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Oct 17, 2011     -
#10216: WCP #67: Welcome! 13 40x40 5 Petra Lassen (Stjarna) Sep  6, 2010     -
#16077: WCP #95 They're around here somewhere... 11 50x20 5 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Oct 18, 2011     -
#16938: WCP #99: I'd rather be... 12 30x30 5 Robin (3rdgal12) Dec 29, 2011     -
#6391: #39 WCP : Cannot go without it 6 40x40 5 Tracy Marshall (ixiunicornixi) Jul 27, 2009     -
#9514: WCP #62: There's Just One 19 40x40 2 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul  7, 2010     -
#10230: WCP #67: What, When, Where, Why 13 40x40 2 Jane Doe (telly) Sep  7, 2010     -
#9611: WCP #63 Nothing goes more ... 9 40x40 5 Grizix (Grizix) Jul 13, 2010     -
#10231: WCP #67: The last one 20 39x41 2 Juan Luis Arteaga Pérez (garimur) Sep  7, 2010     -
#9577: WCP #68 (not really) 11 15x20 3 Kylie :) (misty) Sep 29, 2010     -