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#7193: almost solved 26 20x20 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7211: Berry good 7 25x25 4 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7221: Second Place 20 20x20 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7222: Another round? 9 20x20 4 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7226: #47 WCP;Ate too much 4 20x20 4 Brian Bellis (MOOTPOINT)
#7227: Don't cry over spilled milk. 6 20x20 4 Brian Bellis (MOOTPOINT)
#7236: Hold your horses. 5 20x20 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7240: Complete the cycle. 6 20x20 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7241: Homophone I ; Good luck and... 6 41x20 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7242: So that's how those things are made! 8 20x20 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7243: On target. 4 20x20 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7245: This puzzle is a... 7 20x20 3 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7247: What you need if you are printing these puzzles out. 16 20x20 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7276: Can you solve the puzzle... 18 52x42 3 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7277: What's my name? 11 20x22 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7278: What's my name 2 6 40x30 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7279: Would you help me... 10 20x20 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7296: WCP #48: My favorite number and... 9 15x15 2 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7297: WCP #48: Lots of Luck 12 31x43 3 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7310: WCP#48; If you solve one you know the other. 5 30x30 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7320: Alternative energy source 6 30x30 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7331: HELP! 12 20x20 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7344: I have a bright idea. 14 20x20 4 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7346: Still a great toy. 15 25x20 3 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7349: Royal Nothing! 8 25x20 3 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7370: Enjoy the Lights 15 35x20 4 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7371: Spice up your holiday 14 20x20 4 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7384: Fly me to the moon... 8 20x20 3 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7385: I need a new color pallette. 10 20x20 4 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)
#7386: House of Stairs 10 20x20 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint)