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#20101: A good economic sign 5 20x20 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20102: Puzzle In a Puzzle (PIP) #1 13 20x20 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20105: wcp #120 - A hissing fit 9 20x20 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20110: Oh no, you don't! 15 15x15 3 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20126: PIP - Puzzle In a Puzzle #2 5 20x15 3 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20135: PIP (Puzzle In a Puzzle) #3 18 15x15 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20145: Icon of Downtown St. Paul, MN 22 20x10 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20170: After the sign-off 15 30x30 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20174: The fast lanes 9 20x20 4 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20175: The new nostalgia 7 20x20 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20223: Just a little 9x9 - Incredibly Easy 13 9x9 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20232: On edge 9 15x15 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20233: In my head 9 20x20 3 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20245: A Star is Born 13 20x25 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20249: Before the sign-on 11 50x40 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20261: Bullseye! 10 20x20 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20269: Bullseye? 12 20x20 3 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20272: For The Birds 10 25x40 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20287: All buttoned up 16 40x40 4 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20415: Puzzle In a Puzzle # 4 5 20x8 3 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20445: Back in my head - sorry 29 20x25 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20499: Country Christmas tradition 15 30x20 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20509: Carol's tree next year 11 15x20 3 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20521: The best gift (children) 15 20x20 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20524: The best gift (for parents) 13 20x20 5 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20547: My work hat (V.2 - a bit harder) 16 20x10 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20590: Props to the New Year 11 15x15 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#20723: Keeping it off the streets - Happy New Year 5 15x15 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#21238: The dark side of a bright man 24 20x20 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)
#21353: Frank (from memory) - EASY 17 20x20 2 Dave Oas (khpdave)