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Comments on Puzzle #31013: Labyrinth
By AK Thompson (mordia)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: line logic only  

Puzzle Description:

#1: Belita (belita) on Mar 30, 2018

Very labyrinthine. It needs a Minotaur.
#2: Tom Siebert (tsiebert) on Mar 30, 2018 [SPOILER]
Not a labyrinth at all. Labyrinths are mazes with multiple false paths and dead ends. This is a single long meandering path from door to center. Fun to solve and nice to look at, so kudos on that.
#3: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Mar 30, 2018
In hedge-maze parlance: There is a difference physically. A maze is a complex branching (multicursal) puzzle that includes choices of path and direction, may have multiple entrances and exits, and dead ends. A labyrinth is unicursal i.e. has only a single, non-branching path, which leads to the center then back out the same way, with only one entry/exit point. The labyrinth is easier.

#4: Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) on Apr 1, 2018
Cool puzzle and cool info.
#5: Tom Siebert (tsiebert) on Jun 13, 2021
Kristen, that's wrong. A labyrinth is a maze with multiple false paths and dead ends, per every dictionary I found in a web search. The only exception was a bible based dictionary defining a PRAYER labyrinth.
#6: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Jun 14, 2021
in hedge-maze parlance, a labyrinth is as I said.

The difference between mazes and labyrinths is that labyrinths have a single continuous path which leads to the centre, and as long as you keep going forward, you will get there eventually. Mazes have multiple paths which branch off and will not necessarily lead to the centre.
#7: Tom Siebert (tsiebert) on Jun 21, 2021
I suppose that would matter if this was a hedge, but it's not.

A hedge-notlabyrinth actually sounds quite boring, especially since the entire route would be two-way traffic.
#8: Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) on Jun 21, 2021
What if it is a hedge?

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