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Comments on Puzzle #29518: Vampire hunter
By Joshua (jag)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: line & color logic only  

Puzzle Description:

This is a character from a series of Nintendo and Playstation 1&2 video games about vampires. This particular character is Raziel, a vampire who is seemingly destroyed by his master, but comes back as a slightly different creature. I was inspired by Jan's early puzzle: Tail biter (#50-something), which shows the Ouroboros, the snake eating itself. That symbol is all over the place in Soul Reaver 2, the third game in the series, which is done for really interesting, but plot-spoilery, reasons.

#1: Joshua (jag) on Mar 13, 2017 [SPOILER]

Not a difficult puzzle, but it's been a long time since I made any. Plus, it's hard to come up with puzzle ideas that haven't been done before on here.

Here's an image of the character: http://xtreview.com/wallpaper/albums/New/soul%20reaver%202/wallpaper_soul_reaver_2_07_1600.jpg
#2: besmirched tea (besmirched tea) on Mar 13, 2017 [SPOILER]
From the title, I thought it was gonna be Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. Cool image, bro
#3: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Mar 16, 2017
Ahh, so that *is* a scarf/turtleneck sort of garment, and not excessively dripping blood. :)
#4: Joshua (jag) on Mar 16, 2017 [SPOILER]
Haha, Kristen. There *is* quite a lot of blood in those games (after all... vampires). But you're right; it's a brown scarf. I thought that the red got close enough.

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