Web Paint-by-Number Forum
Comments on Puzzle #21833: When Ellie Said the "S" Word (Part 6)
By Susan Eberhardt (susaneber)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: moderate lookahead  

Puzzle Description:

Two scenes alternated in my mind. The first was me, my blue self half-buried in muck; and the second was me in a hard chair, a light in my eyes, a rough voice saying, "Tell us again, ma'am, why this day, of all days, did you go walking in the park?" When I got home I called Ellie, a member of the park board. "Holy ---!" And that's when she said it. "Ellie, I never hear you use that word before." "you never told me about a murdered woman in our park before." "I didn't say 'murdered,'" ""Well, what else?" "Theo said she was overweight and in her fifties and she could have tripped with those clumsy bags and-- You're right, who drowns in a puddle?" If you want to know what's happening, ask Ellie. She called me back the next morning to say the police chief--Ellie goes to the top--the police chief thought the woman had died of natural causes, but the toxicology tests hadn't come back yet and would take several weeks. There was nothing in the newspaper that day or the next. On the third day a tiny notice appeared on an inside page saying again, "natural causes." Ellie had spoken to the woman's neighbor on the other side of the park and found out she had been in the middle of ugly divorce proceedings--something about another man. I wondered, can you drown yourself in a puddle?

#1: teresa dickens (trdickens2) on Apr 28, 2013

Well i wouldn't say it's a nice story... so sorry for the woman and for your share in the trauma... but you did a great job of telling it here.
#2: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Apr 28, 2013
The plot thickens.
#3: Jota (jota) on Apr 29, 2013
Nice solve!
#4: Wombat (wombatilim) on Mar 22, 2023 [HINT]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view hints
#5: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Mar 22, 2023
Found to be solvable with moderate lookahead by wombatilim.
#6: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Mar 22, 2023 [SPOILER]
Well, it *is* possible to drown in a puddle, if you've been knocked (or fallen) face-down into it, and the water is covering both your mouth and nose.

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