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Comments on Puzzle #218: Visage
By Jan Wolter (jan)

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Puzzle Description:

A long-haired, bearded man here to demonstrate the perils of drawing with limited artistic talent. I set out to draw Arlo Guthrie and found Jesus instead. Maybe a rounder face and hair that boofs out more would look more like Arlo, but with my luck I'd end up with Saddam Hussein. I'll stick with Jesus.

#1: Mark Conger (aruba) on Jun 3, 2005 [SPOILER]

I thought it was the Shroud of Turin.
#2: Timothy (relic10) on Dec 7, 2006
And a very nice Jesus it is.
#3: Kris (aphrodite0385) on Apr 22, 2007
It's a fun fast puzzle, and the description is just as fun. Thank you, it's a nice pick-me-up when I'm down.
#4: Lance Roper (lancer) on Aug 15, 2007 [SPOILER]
I would like to think there are others who seek Arlo Guthrie but find Jesus instead.
#5: Gypso (Gypso) on Nov 25, 2007 [SPOILER]
Lol Jan. Nice puzzle. I came to the puzzle via a comment you left on another puzzle with a similar image. I think the nose is a bit like Arlo's (did you name your son after Guthrie?) but then again I can also see the lion from "Wizard of Oz".

The perils you speak of in your entertaining description were all on you as this was a fun puzzle to solve and a striking likeness to the accepted visage of Jesus today.

Lance, many who sought Arlo Guthrie (*Ooops!* I meant Woody Guthrie) did find Jesus as well. Guthrie was a devout man who dedicated his life to championing the causes of the impoverished and down trodden. He was the voice of a people who were choking on dust. His talent was rough and unpolished much like the early works of many carpenters. :)

Lol Mark. Very nice interpretation.

Thanks Jan for the puzzle. ^>^
#6: Arduinna (arduinna) on Nov 25, 2007 [SPOILER]
I love the way you put that, Jan: I found Jesus instead! LOL!

I followed your comment to this puzzle, like Gypso, and enjoyed it very much.

I had to Google Arlo Guthrie. I don't think you're terribly far off!
#7: Gypso (Gypso) on Nov 25, 2007
Ou, ou! I really enjoyed Jan's use of the word "boof". :D
#8: Gypso (Gypso) on Nov 26, 2007 [SPOILER]
Lance my apologies for mixing Arlo Guthrie up with his father Woody. What I wrote in comment #5 was about WOODY Guthrie, NOT Arlo. I am sorry, not for what I said about Woody, but for attributing his good deeds and charity to his son, Arlo.
Arlo's accomplishments can speak for themselves. :)
#9: Jan Wolter (jan) on Nov 26, 2007 [SPOILER]
We didn't actually name our son after Arlo Guthrie, but we did name him with full awareness that for most people the name "Arlo" would bring Arlo Guthrie to mind. So though we aren't rabid AG fans, we're completely OK with him.
#10: Jane Doe (telly) on May 17, 2008 [SPOILER]
I think it looks a lot like Jesus too. Though the mustache shouldn't have a gap in it. But that's only my opinion.
Fun Puzzle. Enjoyed everyone's comments.
#11: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Jun 12, 2009
Another fun puzzle.
#12: Byrdie (byrdie) on Oct 22, 2009 [SPOILER]
So glad you found Jesus, Jan. I've been praying for you.

Ok, all kidding aside, I too began to think it would be Jesus very early on. But with the description, I can also see Arlo Guthrie. I happen to be a fan of both. Perhaps if the beard weren't so pointy and the hair a little fuller and, as you mention, the face a little fuller it could be closer to Arlo. Then again, I agree, you don't want to end up with Saddam Hussein.

All in all a very nice puzzle and it satisfies its title - it is a face.
#13: Tonia Bergh (tonia) on Oct 23, 2009
I can see Arlo, I can see Jesus, and I can also see Buffalo Bill without his hat. Good job, Jan - I can't draw faces, and I admire the job you've done here!
#14: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Jan 1, 2019 [SPOILER]
Interesting. Today's puzzle list included this puzzle, by Jan, and today is the fourth anniversary of his death. So I sat down and solved the puzzle. For most of the solving, it looked to me like the picture was going to be a woman with longish dark hair, and I have longish once-dark hair, so I kept wondering if it was going to turn out to be *me* in the puzzle. But then it turned out that she didn't really look like me. And then the comments made it clear that this was in no way intended to look like me. But it's human nature for people to imagine themselves into things where they were never intended.

#15: robert svanberg (tango) on Jan 1, 2019
Valerie, it's amazing that the puzzle should come up on the anniversary of Jan's passing, but I can only imagine the suspense at the possibility that it may have been you in the picture. He's left us a legacy.
#16: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Jan 2, 2019
Indeed he has!
#17: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Aug 22, 2023 [SPOILER]
Jan and I saw Arlo Guthrie in concert a couple of times, including once when I was very pregnant with a baby who we knew was going to be named Arlo [who is now in his mid-twenties -- that happened fast!]. We spent a while during the intermission wondering whether we should try to talk to Arlo Guthrie and tell him that our baby's name was going to be Arlo. I thought it would be neat to tell him. Jan thought probably we shouldn't, because it would make Arlo Guthrie think that we had named our baby after him, and our Arlo was named with awareness of Arlo Guthrie, but not named after him, so Jan was concerned that we might give Arlo Guthrie the wrong idea. Anyway, the way it turned out, there wasn't any opportunity for us to talk to Arlo Guthrie, so the question was moot.

Arlo was a fairly rare name until a few years ago, when a Disney movie had a dinosaur named Arlo. Now there are oodles of pint-sized people named Arlo, which is neat!
#18: Byrdie (byrdie) on Aug 22, 2023
Neat story, Valerie. Thanks for sharing. Thanks, also, for properly using "moot." We have a local radio personality that routinely says "mute point" and it makes me crazy.
#19: Koreen (mom24plus) on Aug 23, 2023
Ugh, Byrdie, that would drive me insane, as well.
#20: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Aug 25, 2023
I solved this puzzle without knowing the creator. When I read the description I smiled and thought,"I have to know who created this puzzle," because the comments were so in line with my sense of self and sense of humor! I thought, "I can't wait to do more of this person's puzzles and find out more about him/her."

I so rarely run across someone who writes out their thoughts in what I consider,"my personal style," when I'm writing humorously. Maybe no one else sees or thinks this, (and maybe it isn't so at all,) but I feel it IS so, very strongly. Anyway, when I scrolled up and saw it was Jan, I was dumbfounded. I have long admired what he has done and what he had to say on things. I haven't found a point yet upon which I disagree with him.

...and then to read the comments! I love how everyone shares themselves here. How amazing are all the coincidences!

Goto next topic

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