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Comments on Puzzle #1903: Sign of what's to come?
By Arduinna (arduinna)

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Puzzle Description:

The mysterious "symbol" on Heroes. Is it evolved DNA? Is is the mark of "The Company?" Is it the symbol of Takezo Kensei? Is it all of the above?

#1: Arduinna (arduinna) on Nov 28, 2007 [SPOILER]

Sorry. I'm a huge fan of Heroes. I know it's an X-Men knock-off, but I DON'T CARE!

So, here's a simple little puzzle to burn a few minutes of your time. Now I have to get back to work!
#2: Katydid (kmeifert) on Nov 28, 2007 [SPOILER]
I missed Monday's episode, and was very glad that I could watch it online on their website! Only one episode left to save the world! Who's the badder baddie, Sylar or Kensei?
#3: Gypso (Gypso) on Nov 28, 2007 [SPOILER]
Whiskers, I seem to have missed out on a good series here. What season is it in? Is it out on dvd yet? Does their website play all of the shows so far? What's the address Katydid? (do you still go by Katydid?)

Thanks BG for a nice quick puzzle, and for taking the time! It was fun. :D
#4: xiiimoons (xiiimoons) on Nov 28, 2007
Gypso, It is in its second season, and yes, the first one is out on DVD now. I have no idea about the webite though, sorry. I highly reccomend that you check it out, I have found it very entertaining so far.
#5: Gypso (Gypso) on Nov 29, 2007
xiiimoons! Hello you! I've been wondering when we'd cross paths again. So nice to know that you're still up and about this site!
Thanks for the info and the recommendation. My antenna doesn't pick NBC up well so I rarely try watching anything on that station. I look forward to renting the first season now. Yay!

I think of you fondly each New Moon. I hope that the holidays are lovely for you and your family. ^>^
#6: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Nov 29, 2007 [SPOILER]
AH.. some more Heroes fans YEAH!! My daughter and I watch them faithfully, we even went out and bought the 1st series on DVD so we could watch them over & over again. (she thinks I'm too old to enjoy the series)
#7: Gypso (Gypso) on Nov 29, 2007
Can I borrow them from you Naneki? Just leave in the mailbox the next time you drive by. ;-)

You're not old enough to have a daughter.
#8: Ben Forgard (ben.1) on Nov 29, 2007 [SPOILER]
I LOVE Heroes! Adam is worse... at least Sylar wasn't out to destroy the whole world, only rule it!

For anyone here not in the U.S. and can't access the play-clips on nbc.com since it only works in-country, you can find them on sidereel.com. That's where I've watched this entire season.
#9: Gypso (Gypso) on Nov 29, 2007
Thank you Ben! I hadn't thought of NBC.com. Good to know about sidereel.com as well. :)
#10: Arduinna (arduinna) on Nov 30, 2007 [SPOILER]
Adam is more dangerous to the human race, but I feel like he's less evil somehow. Probably just because I'm more attracted to him. I'm shallow that way.

I started in the middle of season 1 last year and caught up on the episodes I missed on NBC.com. I've got the DVDs coming through Netflix for Christmas break so I can get my husband hooked as well!
#11: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Dec 2, 2007
Sylar should be put out of OUR misery! & fast! I just get so pissed every time I see him, and how stupid is that girl, arrr....
Your right arduinna Adam is a cutie, haven't figured him out yet, not quite such if his intentions are really to destroy the human race or is there is another reason he's doing what he's doing? Guess well have to wait until tomorrow to find out...do you think they will do another season?
#12: Arduinna (arduinna) on Dec 2, 2007
They better!

And I've had enough of Sylar too! And Maya.

And, Naneki, how can one be too old for Heroes?!
#13: Gypso (Gypso) on Dec 2, 2007
I sure hope not because I'm older than Naneki.
#14: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Dec 3, 2007
teenagers just don't understand that even though we grow older or minds are still quite young :P
I'll never grow old just like peter pan!!
#15: Gypso (Gypso) on Dec 3, 2007
Watch out for pirates. ;)
#16: zandperl (zandperl) on Dec 20, 2007 [SPOILER]
I thought it looked like the symbol for the Euro.
#17: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Apr 10, 2010
back to back euros
#18: Kristen Vognild (Kristen) on Nov 4, 2011 [SPOILER]
Wow, it's been so long that I didn't recognize the symbol. Now it turns out that Sylar was Spock the whole time! ;)
#19: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Aug 1, 2020 [SPOILER]
Hey cool -- I actually understood a TV reference! "Sylar was Spock" made me grin!

Wow, was Heroes really going in 2007? We watched it faithfully for several seasons, and liked it a lot in its first few years, but gave it up in a season where it seemed like nothing new was happening, just endlessly people doing nasty stuff to each other. I think there were circus people involved that year. But the first season was excellent!

Goto next topic

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