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Comments on Puzzle #1262: Slooooow
By Petra Lassen (stjarna)

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Puzzle Description:

A snail :-)

#1: m2 (mercymercy) on Aug 30, 2007 [SPOILER]

Even if it is slow it looks like you got him just in time. He's almost off the puzzle. It was nice of him to pose for you that way.
#2: J.C. Anderson (jc.noserdna) on Aug 30, 2007 [SPOILER]
Cool. Didn't get slow til the spiral, which was uneven enough you have to think.
#3: Gypso (Gypso) on Aug 31, 2007 [SPOILER]
It was extremely slow for me because I kept repeating the same mistake! (Kinda like life...) I could see what it was early on. It never frustrated me though because of that happy grin! lol I'm so glad that I got over myself and finished it. Are snails as big a nuisance in Sweden as they are here? Or do all Swedish snails smile?
Thanks so much for the fun Petra! ^>^
#4: Petra Lassen (stjarna) on Sep 1, 2007 [SPOILER]
This snail used to be my "signature" in high school, so he's a old friend. :-) I like snails but I hate slugs.
#5: m2 (mercymercy) on Sep 1, 2007 [SPOILER]
Really Petra, you shouldn't judge based on a house.
#6: J.C. Anderson (jc.noserdna) on Sep 1, 2007 [SPOILER]
"signature"? So is this another (metaphoric) self portrait? And maybe M2is onto something. Those poor, poor homeless slugs. No wonder they stick to the under side of lettuce leafs.
#7: Petra Lassen (stjarna) on Sep 1, 2007 [SPOILER]
Judy, you don't have those disgusting "murder slugs", where you live, do you? That eat everything they come near? Like my potted sunflower, that I got from work, and the next morning there was just the stem left! (Hmmm, maybe I could make that into a puzzle...)
#8: m2 (mercymercy) on Sep 1, 2007
Yes we do have them but up here things never last long. Too cold for most things to live. Just us crazy humans and of course the polar bears ;)
#9: Gypso (Gypso) on Sep 1, 2007 [SPOILER]
Petra, I have heard several home remedies for keeping both snails and slugs at bay. The first is to encircle the plant with coarse salt. The second is to put a saucer of flat beer next to the plant. They are drawn to the beer for some reason. They get drunk and drown. Copper pennies helps some with ants. Maybe they would with slugs as well. They're nasty little beasts when they eat your cherished plants!

We get banana slugs here by the coast. They resemble bananas in shape and color. Pushy critters. When the weather starts getting colder they migrate to the indoors. Somehow they flatten themselves enough to squeeze under a weatherproof seal on the door. They leave a shiny, silvery trail behind on the floor. Their traffic patterns are fascinating. They crisscross back and forth over a 10 x 30 foot room at night and vanish by morning! The worst part is padding out barefoot in the dark of night and slipping on one. Yew!!
#10: J.C. Anderson (jc.noserdna) on Sep 1, 2007 [SPOILER]
Be fair, Gypso, and tell them the real claim to fame for Banana Slugs. University-wise, that is. That is nearest you, isn't it?
#11: Gypso (Gypso) on Sep 1, 2007 [SPOILER]
Did you go to UC Santa Cruz, JC? I didn't, but many of my friends did and future family members as well. Luckily, I haven't heard of any students drinking beer and drowning. Although I'm sure some students would be very appreciative if you left some beer out for them.

Yes, JC, UCSC is a piece down the road. It's a lovely hour and a half meander southward along the coast. :D

About half way between Pacifica and Santa Cruz is another banana slug haven at Jones Gulch in La Honda. All San Mateo Co. 5th graders attend outdoor ed. at Jones Gulch. Two of my sons went and Graff even went back as a counselor in his senior year of HS. It is here that all students are given the opportunity to kiss a banana slug if they wish. It's sort of a junior edition of the same initiation tradition at UC Santa Cruz, which, I am guessing, you were really hinting at JC. I have kissed a couple of frogs and definitely a big old horny toad, but I have never kissed a banana slug. I doubt that any of them would magically transform. How 'bout you JC? Any slugs in your youth?
#12: J.C. Anderson (jc.noserdna) on Sep 3, 2007 [SPOILER]
That last word is with a "y" and not a "m", right? What's that saying, "I've never gone to bed with one, but I've woken up with a few"?

SC's marching band (or the auxilliary) came to Purdue when I was there, along with the disbanded (no pun) Stanford band on a bus for a stanford/purdue football game. They all pooled together and chartered a bus and rode out, and just hung out for a couple days. The Stanford band had been un-formed because during the televised half time show at purdue a couple years before, the formation burst into a giant hand, middle finger flying solo. The band formed the Bird on TV, and this was pretty much way before the five second delay button. So they got the SC people to defray costs and rode out, imformally marched around Purdue, and played "Uncle John's Band" with my friend doug accompanying on saxophone. Small claim to fame, but I'll run with it like a young boy in the fields sporting a new pair of scissors. Of course, if i'd seen "american Pie" at that point, well who knows what i'd've been thinking.

The only fellow I knew who drown in beer, was a guy who fell into a huge vat of the stuff. They tried to console his widow with the fact that it was quick and painless, but point in fact, he DID get out three times to use the restroom.
#13: Gypso (Gypso) on Sep 3, 2007
JC! "Y" as in yes.

Lol My Dad, who tends bar at a local tavern, told me that joke years back. I like your version much better though. :D

I hadn't heard of the Stanford marching band debacle. Pretty funny in retrospect? Very cool Purdue/SC/Stanford marching band story! Is Doug one of your dead head friends? Seize the day JC! This is a Huge claim to fame! I'm impressed!

And an excellent choice of songs! One of my favorites. *oh oh* "Where does the time go? How does this song go? Are you kind?" Time for bed, out of order, yes I'm kind. ^>^
#14: J.C. Anderson (jc.noserdna) on Sep 3, 2007
This had to be in the late '70's when the Debacle (do you say "DEB-a-cle" or "de-BAK-le") took place--by the time I got there the halftime band was playing (and highstepping) to the strains of "elvira". That was the last purdue game I went to. Yes, Doug, aka the cosmic tapeworm, was a boy genius, a regular Stevie Winwood. Got into engineering school at age 15. But just too bright to be very socially adept, unfortunately. Too young, too smart, too much freedom, he had a real hard time with university life and eventually went back home. Never heard from him again.
#15: Gypso (Gypso) on Sep 3, 2007
I say "de-BAK-le". Where is the other pronunciation used?

"Elvira", got to love it! What a great marching band!

Hope Doug's okay. I've known a lot of adults and kids with the same problem as his. Some soared and some are transient.
#16: J.C. Anderson (jc.noserdna) on Sep 3, 2007
No, you didn't really have to love it. Maybe you had to be there to get the full schmaltz of it.
#17: Lisa Swomley (twizzler) on Feb 14, 2008 [SPOILER]
Fun puzzle, but I did stumble a bit on his smile...ultimately had to guess on that.

Goto next topic

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