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Topic #112: creator weekly challenge
By Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty)

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#496: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Nov 14, 2010

WCP72: Bob Globe-trotting adventure #1 : Canada

ok here what its going to be: Bob just win the lottery and decide to go on a globe trotting adventure around the globe. So each theme in that categorie going to be a countrey Bob's visiting. Since he is going to be in the country for two week he can go all over the place (no money issue remember...lol)

The only stipulation is that the puzzle should represented a picture Bob as taken during his time in the country. You get to decide the type of picture he made or the coloration he decide to use.

Ok so since Bob live in Montreal he decide to first visit his own country so from ocean to ocean let visit Canada

by the way I heard he is a great photograph so make him proud....lol
#497: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Nov 14, 2010
I can't wait to see where Bob will go in my beautiful country - there are so many choices!
#498: Teresa K (fasstar) on Nov 14, 2010
This should be interesting. Great idea, Sylvain. :-)
#499: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Nov 14, 2010
thank you T
#500: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Nov 16, 2010
Q, you have continually asked for more and more WC entries over the years, and here is Kadou, giving you a ton in the first couple of days alone. Pretty nice, huh?
#501: Kadou (Kadou) on Nov 16, 2010
A ton!! I didn't know puzzles weight some much! Let me know if it's too heavy a load. :)

Is there a minimum number of raters on a puzzle to make it elegIble for a challenge? I'm simply asking because in the case a puzzle is available late in the week and very few (or none) rate it. What happens?
#502: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Nov 17, 2010
no the limit is really up to 6h55 pm on the last sunday....please submit a litte before lol
#503: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Nov 17, 2010
yeah Kadou, give us a couple of hours to solve and think about the puzzle
#504: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Nov 18, 2010
For all of you that ARE NOT Kadou come on guys, Canada's is a big country with penty for Bob to see so you can easilly find something to puzzle about....

PS: Kadou that doesn't mean you must stop we all love your puzzle and it can help inspire other
#505: Kadou (Kadou) on Nov 18, 2010
Don't expect that many puzzles from me every week... I have more free time this week than usual.
#506: Kadou (Kadou) on Nov 20, 2010
What would you do if you only had 1 or 2 entries in a challenge?
#507: bugaboo (bugaboo) on Nov 20, 2010
then no matter what kind of puzzle quality you submitted you would place as long as you followed that weeks specific guidelines
#508: Kadou (Kadou) on Nov 20, 2010
Would you only give a 1st prize if only 1 person submitted puzzles for a challenge?!?
#509: bugaboo (bugaboo) on Nov 20, 2010
no they would probably extend the contest another week or change themes
just my guess
#510: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Nov 20, 2010
We had to extendf in the past for a scecific theme during x-mas season if I remember well.As for other mention anormaly it never happen yet so I'll cross that bridge if I ended in front of it...

they was pass theme when participation was lower or even quality of puzzle below norm but we choose the 3 best of what we got.
#511: Kadou (Kadou) on Nov 20, 2010
Could it be that the challenge page does not get enough visibility to attract more participants?

#512: bugaboo (bugaboo) on Nov 20, 2010
word of the contest has been spread in many puzzles and forums
most people just dont care to enter
#513: Carolyn (castarkwe) on Nov 21, 2010
why am I able to edit Carol's post??
#514: Byrdie (byrdie) on Nov 21, 2010
Because the "Honors" button that's over there <--- *all the time isn't enough?
#515: Byrdie (byrdie) on Nov 21, 2010
Sorry, I'm feeling feisty.
#516: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Nov 21, 2010
feisty is good, sometimes
#517: Kadou (Kadou) on Nov 21, 2010
The button says "Honors" which means distinctions, awards.
When I saw that it didn't make me think of a contest/challenge.

The page title is "Weekly Challenge". Weekly means once a week, every week. I was surprised when I realised the challenges last 2 weeks! It would more appropriate to call it: "Biweekly Challenge".
#518: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Nov 22, 2010
at first it was once a week but time when missing from my schedule and we had to push think to 2 week spend. Plus it give more time for participant to think about a good idea and enter a puzzle
#519: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Nov 28, 2010
WCP 72 is now closed thank you all
#520: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Nov 28, 2010
New theme

WCP73: Globe-trotting adventure 2: Bob & Kate Honeymoon in Italy

So Bob and his new wife Kate are heading to Italy. Both are fan of the roman empire and both are very romantic lover. We can't wait to see all the great picture they will take in Italy while celebrating they love and playing tourist....
#521: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Dec 12, 2010
WCP 73 is now closed

#522: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Dec 12, 2010

Bob & Kate Globe-Trotting adventure #3: India

B&K are both great fan of Bollywwod movie and they want to visit India siince seeing Slumdog Millionaire. So for the next three week B&K are going in India, can't wait to see what they going to see
#523: (Private) (Cyclone) on Dec 12, 2010
Sorry, perhaps an out of place question, but...where is the Christmas theme since this two weeks (actually, looks like three) covers Dec. 25?
#524: (Private) (Cyclone) on Dec 12, 2010
I mean, Bob could visit the North Pole and get ready for Christmas, and go to India in the new year. =D
#525: Jota (jota) on Dec 12, 2010
We'll do a three weeks challenge this time not to interfere with the holidays.
#526: (Private) (Cyclone) on Dec 12, 2010
Okie, but no holiday theme? That's the point, I get the three weeks. =)
#527: Teresa K (fasstar) on Dec 13, 2010
Cyclone, if you'd like to solve some Christmas and holiday puzzles, check out the entries for WC#16 and WC#17, and all the non-entry puzzles during December 2008. Start with puzzle #4192 and end with #4498, and find all the titles in between. That was a great year for Christmas puzzles. Enjoy. :-)
#528: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Dec 13, 2010
Cyclone I choose not to included a Christmas thme this year cause it been done in the past. The wcp is running on is third years and we pretty much did all the classic hollyday theme like x-mas, halloween, St-valentine etc

The idea behind the WCP is to give puzzle creator a basic theme to go on when creating. I'm pretty sure no one need any advise or idea on what to do for a X-mas puzzle.

Plus check out topic 257 (the wcp catalog) to check out all past entry for each past theme.
#529: (Private) (Cyclone) on Dec 13, 2010
I thought that might have been the reason, Sylvain, I just wondered if a trip to the North Pole had been an oversight in the journeys. =) I was looking forward to a Christmas puzzle theme contest, and am sure some had puzzles ready to go for the possibility of the theme recurring in B&K's travels. Maybe an Indian Christmas tagline will come up for some of these puzzles, too!

Teresa, I actually am already aware not only of WC#16-17, but also of #49 (Winter Wonderland). Sadly I will probably spend more time and interest on those three sets instead of the trip to India in these next couple of weeks; maybe I'll get around to the India puzzles eventually after the holidays. Obviously I was away during those contests (first came in 2006 but lost touch with the site after a few months; I actually commented on puzzle #14); I'm sure anyone here during those contests has already solved the puzzles. =)

I have two more puzzles to try for WC#2, then I'll skip ahead to #16-17. I've printed some of those today, it's a very snowy day here and I certainly am not going anywhere so it'll keep me busy while looking at radar shots to try to get my family home.

#530: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Dec 16, 2010
Just a litle reminder here its been nearly a week since anoncing the new theme and only one official inscription so far. I know its x-mas season and that we give 3 week to enter a puzzle but India is a big country rich in tradition and with many awsome thing to see.

I know you won't disapointed us three judges

Merry Christmas to all
#531: Kadou (Kadou) on Dec 16, 2010
Can you please tell me what qualifies as an official entry?
Happy Holidays!
#532: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Dec 16, 2010
official entrie are one not made by judges or not tile wit no wcp in the title

its now 2 entry (I miss Kai last entry)
#533: Jota (jota) on Dec 16, 2010
Or titled WCP # 74 for the India challenge.
Happy Holidays to all of the readers.
#534: Teresa K (fasstar) on Dec 16, 2010
To qualify, the puzzle also has to meet certain criteria, such as "no more than 80 rows and columns. So the puzzle could be 40x40, 45x35, or 60x20" - the rules are explained in the Honors tab at the left.
#535: Kadou (Kadou) on Dec 17, 2010
Thanks, but that's not what I want to know.
What I really want to know is: How much does a puzzle need to be compliant with the theme to qualify? Or does every puzzle properly named and sized qualifiy?
#536: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Dec 17, 2010
we are very open minded and have a great sense of hunour if its twiated but kinda logical ( like your credit card puzzle) its in. In past we had user play on word with the theme and always accept the puzzle. It have to have a certain way of fitting in the theme even if this way is a little far from the obvious
#537: Wesley Snyder (wsnyder98) on Dec 28, 2010
When is the next WCP I wonder? I always forget how to come here and find out info...
#538: Jota (jota) on Dec 28, 2010
Honors tab on the left Wesley.
#539: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Dec 29, 2010
The current theme ended on sunday jan 2

nest theme start that very night and ended on jan 16

as far as the new theme....well you'll see on jan 2
#540: (Private) (Cyclone) on Dec 29, 2010
Are you sticking with Bob and Kate traveling the world, or are we doing something else? =D
#541: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Dec 30, 2010
cyclone... WE haven't talked about it as yet...be patient
#542: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Dec 30, 2010
like leak a litle spoiler here

B&K going to visit another country and its in Asia
#543: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Dec 30, 2010
tsk tsk, sylvain
#544: (Private) (Cyclone) on Dec 30, 2010
Hey, I suspected more travelling - I just wanted to know if the theme was continuing. Besides, they oughta visit Aussie-land sometime, no?

*ponders whether they would go to Antarctica and we have penguin puzzles*
#545: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Dec 31, 2010
Not for this week but both Australia and Antartica are intersting idea... I'll talk of them with Bob & Kate.....lol
#546: (Private) (Cyclone) on Jan 2, 2011

I know this is extremely old, but just took on puzzle #3356 again, which was the runner-up in WC#1. I question how a puzzle that has multiple solutions and requires guessing be considered the second best puzzle in the contest when others are logically solvable and deserve it more. It's a shame as it's a nice image, but a little more work on her arm and a moving of one of her eyes would have made it solvable without guessing - and a worthy candidate to even win.
#547: Byrdie (byrdie) on Jan 2, 2011
Check the honors tab/list, Cyclone. I don't see where you find it as the runner up. The list I see has 1) 3349, 2) 3380 and 3) 3352. If 3356 is unsolvable (I admit to not having tried) it wouldn't be considered.
#548: Jota (jota) on Jan 2, 2011
In topic 257 Sylvain is merely listing the entries.
#549: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jan 2, 2011
cyclone.... are you some kind of puzzle police?
#550: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jan 2, 2011
WCP 74 is now closed
#551: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jan 2, 2011
Sylvain.... g-mail won't let me on :(
my choices are...11492....11436....11557
#552: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jan 2, 2011
oopps see it to late

sorry bro!!!!
#553: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jan 2, 2011
i tried since 10 to 7 ...it won't allow me on...we need to find another way to communicate
#554: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jan 2, 2011
WCP #75 Bob & Kate Globe Trotting adventure #4: Thailand

So Bob and Kate leave India for Thailand, since they are both martial art lover they are thrill to see the homeland of Mu Thai. Plus since Kate love old building she can now go visit many amazing old temple. Let hope they find plenty of great thing to see and enjoy in Thailand
#555: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jan 2, 2011
Tom if you're online go to the chat section I'll wait for you 10 min
#556: (Private) (Cyclone) on Jan 2, 2011
Tom...no, sorry, I'm not a puzzle police. I just misread the puzzle number and saw an identical title ("WC#1 ENTRY") listed as runner-up. I was trying to figure out why an unsolvable puzzle was runner-up but I misread the puzzle number. Please ignore the query, thanks for pointing it out Martin. =)

So now we're off to Thailand...I used to chat with someone who lives there. I'll be curious what we have coming from there. =)
#557: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jan 16, 2011
WCP 75 is now closed
#558: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jan 16, 2011

Send in the Clowns

Ok a little diffrent this time from the pasty few. B&K decide to rent a little villa on the Indian Ocean and take two week off from they world travelling adventure. So we at the WCP had to find something else to puzzle about in this hiatus. Not knowing what to do we follow the old circus rule and we decide to SEND IN THE CLOWN

So its all about clown, funny clown, fat clown, skinny clown, tall clown, short clown, sad clown, evil clown, animal clown, anything-else clown

Its CLOWN time do I need to say more...hope not. So I stop clowning around and let you to your futur clown

see you in two week
#559: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jan 28, 2011
Just like that all those amazing clown puzzle and with the contest ending tomorrow nigth no Prince Clown of Crime????

no jack Nickelson, no Heath Ledger, no comic version

I need my jocker guys...... He is the ultimate evil clown after all

This is a suggestion btw not a command or a sure shot at the top 3 neither
#560: Jota (jota) on Jan 28, 2011
And what about nemo?
#561: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jan 29, 2011
both our demand been answer....
#562: Liz P (lizteach) on Jan 29, 2011
LOL, I'm glad to be of service. Even though I was not happy with my Heath Ledger; I kept on having to "fix" him to make him solvable, and the final image did not make me happy. :P

BTW, I totally enjoyed this particular competition; my mom, who is a clinical psychologist, is coulrophobic, and I didn't get nearly the exposure to clowns that I should have as a child, LOL. So now, I think of clowns as mostly evil (although recently we went to the Big Apple Circus, and I LOVED the clowns there), and I love exploring both the entertaining and dark sides of clowns.
#563: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jan 30, 2011
WCP76 is now closed
#564: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jan 30, 2011
WCP77 theme: better thing come in small doses

ok here what happening this week

B&K stop they trip around the world for this week since Kate sister just give birth so they back in Canada.

So while waiting for they next trip we challenge you to create small puzzle.

The theme itself is open to anything but the grid size going to be MAX 15X15

We challenge you to be creative and find a way to use every pixel worth something in those samll grid.
#565: Liz P (lizteach) on Jan 30, 2011
Ooh. I like. I don't make very many small puzzles.
#566: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jan 30, 2011
can't wait for your 15x15 liz :)
#567: Bryan (Cyclone) on Jan 30, 2011
The comedy entry has already been submitted. I can't really do a good 15x15 rebus either.
#568: Jota (jota) on Jan 30, 2011
You can give it a try Bryan and anyone else who want to amaze us, or not!
#569: Kadou (Kadou) on Feb 2, 2011
I think you should mention in "Honors" the size Max of 15x15.
#570: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Feb 13, 2011
WCP #77 is now closed
#571: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Feb 13, 2011
New Theme: Bob & Kate Globe Trotting Adventure #5 : Love in the South Pacific

So having enjoy the new baby Bob and Kate decide to continue they trip around the world. Bob surprise Kate with a multi stop trip in the paradise island of the South Pacific.

Lets see how they both will enjoy this wonderfull trip in the island.

PS: the trip will end in New Zealand and Australia but that for another week so no puzzle in those two country yet...

The standard rules apply except for the obligation of having at least one red pixel in the final image.
#572: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Feb 13, 2011
i can see alot of red eyes this time
#573: Bryan (Cyclone) on Feb 13, 2011
Well, with all this traveling and a baby to tote around, you can expect some red-eye flights and otherwise tired red eyes. =)
#574: Jota (jota) on Feb 13, 2011
Clarification! The baby is not theirs and not on the trip. It's Kate's sisyer.
#575: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Feb 14, 2011
and it's not mine either
#576: Jota (jota) on Feb 14, 2011
ROFL You are unique my friend!
#577: Teresa K (fasstar) on Feb 14, 2011
#578: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Feb 27, 2011
WCP 78 is now closed

#579: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Feb 27, 2011
WCP#79 Bob and Kate Globe Trotting adventure #6: Down Under

Ok after touring the south pacific Bob and Kate decide to check out both New Zealand and Australia

Bob is a hudge LOTR fan and want to travel to midleearth and KAte used to be a fanatic of Survavior and the Outback season was her all time favorite so it all in the wild for her

lets have fun in NZ and AUS
#580: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Mar 13, 2011
WCP79 is now closed
#581: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Mar 13, 2011
WCP80 new theme

Bob & Kate Globe Trotting adventure #7: Safari into the Serengeti

Its nature call in this week challenge since our litle honeybird are going to central Africa into the Serengeti for an adventure into the wild

standard rule apply
#582: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Mar 13, 2011
thats means no orange or purple allowed
#583: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Mar 13, 2011
good one Tom but it only depend on Jan will to add those two color...lol
#584: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Mar 13, 2011
i only want grey
#585: Jota (jota) on Mar 13, 2011
Yeah tell that to Rose.
#586: Bryan (Cyclone) on Mar 13, 2011
So all submissions must have at least one pixel of yellow, yes? =D
#587: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Mar 27, 2011
WCP 80 now closed
#588: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Mar 27, 2011
WCP 81 new theme

Beware of the Butterfly effect

Ok so we take a break from Bob and Kate litle adventure. They decide to go back to Canada see they relatives and friends.

So what we are going to do this week is giving you a time machine. You may use it to withness or to interfere in some meaningfull event in history.

Anything you want to see or change is open for you.

Can be off personal use or humanity changing it doesnt matter.

As an exemple I would go back to be able to attent a Door concert. Or I would prevent the accident between all-star goalie Patrick Roy and coach Tremblay to happen so that Roy never leave the Montreal Canadien. See its not that big but that what I'll do.

You can go save Julius Ceasar wrong being murder, go kill Jack the ripper before he attack all tose girl. Mett John Lennon and told him to be more cautious with autograph seeker..... anything

have fun seeing or changing history

#589: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Mar 27, 2011
i choose.. to save John Lennon
#590: Bryan (Cyclone) on Mar 27, 2011
I choose...to idle. Can't think of anything.
#591: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Apr 10, 2011
WCP81 is now closed
#592: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Apr 10, 2011
WCP#82 new theme

Conceptual art

Since they are back in Canada Bob and Kate restart doing thing they love. Kate enter herself in a conceptual art class. Her first homework was creating image with a bue square in it. The square can be full or hollow, as long as its sqaure, blue and it fit the final image its ok.

Now let help Kate with her class. 40X40 fix grid (her sheet)
no theme restriction, no color restriction but must have a perfect blue aquare in it

minimum size of the square is 4 pixel (2X2)
border of image square without real meaning ( 40X1 on all size) won't be acept either.

So create something with a blue square in it.

This week theme will go 3 week since its Easter in two. so its on until Sunday may 1rst 19 pm eastern time
#593: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Apr 10, 2011
and no square blue easter eggs .... well mabye a few, lol
#594: Bryan (Cyclone) on Apr 12, 2011
Hmm. To think of a rebus with square in the phrase. "All Square" isn't good enough...
#595: Kadou (Kadou) on Apr 18, 2011
Is the goal for Kate to pass her class or create something nice? Because it can't be both!
#596: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Apr 20, 2011
She want to do the best she can in creating something that going to be appreciate by her teatcher
#597: Kadou (Kadou) on Apr 20, 2011
Who is this teacher? Anyone we know? :)
#598: Jota (jota) on Apr 20, 2011
You're canadian, you might know Kadou!
#599: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Apr 22, 2011
fictional caracter guiys just like Bob and Kate.

just a fun way to go from theme to theme.....
#600: Kadou (Kadou) on Apr 22, 2011
In Canada, everyone knows each other, real or fictional! :)
I just wanted to know if the teacher is uncompromising about conceptual art. Is the theme "conceptual art" or "something with a blue square"?
#601: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Apr 22, 2011
its what our team says it is.... read
#602: Bryan (Cyclone) on Apr 22, 2011
In response to Kadou; I know Wayne Gretzky quite well.
#603: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Apr 23, 2011
pretty much something with blue square

and I know both Gretky and the prime minister. (both came to watch the hockey game in my igloo with two feather wearing indian and an esquimo...... lol)
#604: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on Apr 25, 2011
To paraphrase a friend of mine who works in security:
"Well, bust my buttons! Why didn't you say that in the first place? That's a square of a different color!"
#605: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Apr 25, 2011
thing is french is my first language and sometime I'm not as clear as I thnik I am since I don't pratice my english writing as much as I should. Sorry about that
#606: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on May 1, 2011
WCP 82 is closed
#607: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on May 1, 2011
WCP #83 Follow the instructions

1- open theme
** You can do a puzzle on what ever you want.
2- fix grid size
** All puzzle must be 30X30 no variation
3- color restriction
** Must have 3 color including white ( 2 color + white empty spaces)
4- must use all the grid
** No blank lign or row are allowed at least one pixel by row and lign
5- Tell us why
** In comment #1 tell us why this puzzle should win this week WCP...
#608: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on May 1, 2011
i can't wait for these forthcoming puzzles
#609: Alicia Snyder (prinny) on May 2, 2011
Ahh this will be interesting.. oh there will be so many good ones, I'm sure it will be difficult to judge this one. Good call Sylvain :)
#610: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on May 3, 2011
how about one from you A?
#611: Alicia Snyder (prinny) on May 4, 2011
no promises... ;)
#612: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on May 4, 2011
hmmmm okay... no promises .... you're sounding like a man now lol
#613: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on May 15, 2011
WCP #83 is now closed

winner will be anonce shorthly


Beautiful in so many way

We are looking for something that you find absolutly beautiful for some reason. It can be an objet, a person a landscape anything as long as it beautiful for you.

standard rule apply for this one
#614: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on May 15, 2011
beauty is found in the eye of the beholder
#615: Jota (jota) on May 29, 2011
WCP # 84 is now closed.
#616: Jota (jota) on May 29, 2011
WCP # 85
Dreams of future world
Last Submission Date: Sunday, June 5 2011
20 x 20 or less. Only b/w.... no empty lines.
#617: Teresa K (fasstar) on May 29, 2011
#618: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on May 29, 2011
Jota,,, me thinks you meant June 12th huggssss
#619: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on May 29, 2011
yes ended on june 12th
#620: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on May 29, 2011
Wow Jota you done a wonderfull work in replacing me this week.

Thanks my friend, now I don't have to worry about the futur of the wcp if time came to be missing in here...

#621: Jota (jota) on May 29, 2011
Forget about it my friend, you're "irrepleasable"!
#622: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on May 29, 2011
Excuse me, as I just cleared my throat LOL!
#623: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on May 30, 2011
adam .... nuff said!
#624: Jota (jota) on May 30, 2011
And Irreplaceable too!
#625: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jun 12, 2011
WCP 85 is now closed

WCP 86 new theme

Live in technicolor

here the challenge. We want you to create a slice of live, a moment in everyday routine anything but here the twist...you can't use black.

only color and white pixel are allowed. So can you draw your everyday moment without black "line" hope so

Everything else is standard rule

(there is no limit of how many color you can use only no black)
#626: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jun 12, 2011
how about black, Sylvain?
#627: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jun 13, 2011
no black that the challenge TOM
#628: Kadou (Kadou) on Jun 16, 2011
Can we use 6 or 7 colors? :D
#629: Jota (jota) on Jun 26, 2011
WCP # 86 Is now closed.
#630: Jota (jota) on Jun 26, 2011
WCP # 87 Farm Animals of the future. The puzzle should be 30x30 or less and should not include any grass.
#631: Jota (jota) on Jul 10, 2011
# 87 is now closed
#632: Jota (jota) on Jul 24, 2011
WCP # 88 is now closed and from now on Challenges will be automatically closed at 6:45PM eastern w/o any announcement here. Also, the new Challenge will only be announced in the honors page and not here. Thanks.
#633: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jul 24, 2011
:) Jota, mujer
#634: Bryan (Cyclone) on Jul 26, 2011
Is this topic now going to be a discussion thread only? And can we suggest categories, like one I want to see: black and white only for something? =D
#635: Jota (jota) on Jul 26, 2011
We'll I thought it was repetitive to post here and there.
It's not a bad idea to suggest themes for us judges to do.
#636: Bryan (Cyclone) on Aug 21, 2011
What the heck? Why are all contests maxing the size to 25x25, 25x25, and 20x20 (last three weeks in particular)? Allow some larger puzzles again, could ya?
#637: Jota (jota) on Aug 21, 2011
We hear you, we've just been downsizing ... ;-)
#638: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Aug 22, 2011
10-4 Bryan
#639: Wesley Snyder (wsnyder98) on Aug 27, 2011
10 by 4 ? That doesn't sound like it'll be a very exciting puzzle... too small! lol
#640: Gator (gator) on Sep 13, 2011
6 colors?
Black, Green, Blue, Red, White, ???
Did I miss the joke?
#641: Jota (jota) on Sep 13, 2011
No, actually you're the only one who got it!
#642: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Sep 15, 2011
someone finally got it :D
#643: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Sep 15, 2011
The rest of us just smirked and didn't say anything. ;)
#644: Bryan (Cyclone) on Sep 25, 2011
32 by 27? Seriously? It's easier to count by fives when the number of rows and columns is divisible by 5!
#645: Jota (jota) on Sep 26, 2011
I agree and I really don't enjoy non multiples of 5, but a challenge is a challenge :)
#646: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on Oct 3, 2011
"basic rules"? it's been so long since we used those that i don't even remember them...time to scroll through some messages...
#647: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on Oct 3, 2011
anyone else looking here...40x40, no color restrictions
...not much scrolling was required ;)
#648: Gator (gator) on Oct 3, 2011
Technically (# of rows + # of columns <= 80)...
#649: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on Oct 4, 2011
Also, comment #52 is an "agreed" on 20 minimum on the small side and 60 maximum on the long side, so that the puzzles don't get too long and skinny, but then that is tossed in Comment #63 in rules recap where 1x79 is specifically called out as acceptable. Actually I forgot until just now, the rules are listed at the top of the Honors tab...no super-skinny limits there....so nevermind.
#650: Jota (jota) on Oct 4, 2011
You got it guys!
#651: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Oct 5, 2011
Tom I have a strange feeling the theme of wcp #94 is your idea am I wrong ?

Its nothing bad just that it rewally original and its something I thing you could sugest
#652: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Oct 6, 2011
guilty as charged Sylvain
#653: Gator (gator) on Oct 6, 2011
(10.000) Ten feet or ten-thousand feet?
#654: Jota (jota) on Oct 6, 2011
Ten-thousand ! Me and my "english".
#655: Gator (gator) on Oct 16, 2011
"Any size" - You have opened the WCP up to 99x99?
#656: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Oct 17, 2011
well, if someone abuses this, then i guess we'll have to regulate again. I just wanted total freedom this time
#657: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Oct 22, 2011
funny fact: the 40X40 limit was first decide by your tryly because it was the maximun size that my old cumputer was able to run without lagging.

Everything as a reason you onlyhave to know the story behing it....
#658: Alicia Snyder (prinny) on Oct 22, 2011
Anything larger than 25x25 makes my computer lag :(
#659: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Oct 22, 2011
I didn't know that Sylvain...sorry y'all, it won't happen again.
#660: Kristen Vognild (Kristen) on Oct 30, 2011
Is #96 meant to be IN the moon or ON the moon?
#661: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on Oct 30, 2011
I've been researching so my puzzle is accurate:
#662: Jota (jota) on Oct 30, 2011
#663: Kadou (kadou) on Nov 14, 2011
Ending date for last WCP is listed as November 20th!
#664: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on Nov 14, 2011
Try not to think of the contest parameters as hard-and-fast rules...guidelines really...interpretable. For instance, WCP #97 is listed as ending on December 4th, but insider information has it actually ending this Thursday.
#665: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Dec 2, 2011
I wish to use my veto for next theme ....

Can wcp # 98 be : All I want for Christmas is....

just like that just asking
#666: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Dec 3, 2011
works for me Sylvain
#667: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz71) on Dec 3, 2011
Hey Tom, look what number your last comment on here is :D
#668: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Dec 3, 2011
Tom's comment was E-V-I-L......lol

just another idea for WCP #100 in early 2012 we should ask people to submit theme idea than take like the 5 best in the opinion of the judge and do a poll in wich user can decide what will the theme of the 100th contest should be.

WCP#100: The User's choices: ____ ____ ____ ____

could be cool in my humble no longer judge opinion.
#669: Teresa K (fasstar) on Dec 3, 2011
Hey, Sylvain, you are no longer a judge? But it's YOUR contest? I guess you are relieved now you don't have to judge this week especially, because there are sooooooo many entries. Aldege has been on a roll with this theme. :-D

I like the idea of asking users for theme ideas, but I think it would be wise to have only one theme per contest. We'll give you so many theme ideas you will never run out. :-)
#670: Byrdie (byrdie) on Dec 3, 2011
My suggestion - the famous opening line for Snoopy:
"It was a dark and stormy night ..."
#671: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Dec 3, 2011
Teresa I had to step back a few month ago since my schedule don't allow me time enough to really enjoy it. It was becoming a burden to find time to check all puzzle and doing all the update. Good think both Maria and Tom accept to continue with it.

I'm keeping the door open as for a possible return in the futur if time allow it. In the mean time I still come in here a few time a week to check on my old friend and to see how the WCP goes without me.

Unfortunaly you have to let your baby out of the craddle one day or the other and that the situation rigth now. But I'm so proud of how its been going since my departure.

It was so smooth that many didn't even see the diffrence that how good my follow judge are. Once again a big thanks to both Tom and Maria for keeping it alive.
#672: Teresa K (fasstar) on Dec 3, 2011
I like it, Martin. I have an idea for my puzzle already! :-)

My suggestions include:

Favorite Childhood Memory

What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

My Pet Peeve

Best Vacation Ever

What's Hiding in My Closet

My Favorite Board Game

TV Episodes From the Past

What About Bob (and Kate)? (Did they run out of money yet?)

How Does Your Garden Grow? (Mary, Mary, quite contrary)

WEBPBN is a place people come to relax and escape and have fun. So I think it's important to keep the themes upbeat and light. :-)

#673: Alicia Snyder (prinny) on Dec 3, 2011
I think those are all great suggestions, Teresa.. I like the Favorite Childhood Memory idea.. or What I want to be when I grow up.. and what's hiding in my closet.. ;)

Hmm, let's see.. 100, that's a pretty significant number. We could do:

If I had an extra $100 in my pocket, what would I use it for?

What I think the world will be like in 100 years from now.

If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times.

What I spent my last $100 on...
#674: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Dec 4, 2011
hmmmm there seems to be a delay tonight
#675: Jota (jota) on Dec 4, 2011
OK Master Sylvain you are on ... We are doing the "All I want for Christmas " till the 26th and taking the challenge for the 100th WCP, but promise us you'll pick the winner for the challenge, it's your CONTEST and your idea, so as always we'll be your "servants" OK?
#676: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Dec 5, 2011
I agree with Jota, except the servant part :)
#677: Kit E. Katz (hello) on Dec 5, 2011
The word "servants" has such negative connotations, how about "minions"? ;)
#678: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on Dec 5, 2011
#679: Teresa K (fasstar) on Dec 5, 2011
:-D @ Kit and David.
#680: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Dec 5, 2011
Ok I'll judge #100 in 2012

Tom I like servant ..... maybe it's my God syndrome kicking in again ( must not forget medecine....)

#681: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Dec 5, 2011
Jan I don't know if you can change it but Marie-Louise is record on 2 name Marz and Marz71 so in the WCP ranking one have 41 points the other have 30 pts so she should be at 71 pts total. Can you mix up both of her total so she get her rigth position
#682: Jota (jota) on Dec 5, 2011
More than that Sylvain, you get to pick the theme for the 100th.
#683: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Dec 6, 2011
Well Ok I'll try to think of something truly awsome....
#684: Jota (jota) on Dec 6, 2011
Or pick among the suggestions?
#685: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Dec 7, 2011
not sure got an Idea probably going to send you a mail soon
about it
#686: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Dec 29, 2011
To Jota and Tom: Did we agreed on this ????

Ok no problem I'll check the wcp #99 puzzle so I could choose a winner and in the same way the theme of WCP #100
#687: Teresa K (fasstar) on Dec 29, 2011
It's really like two contests at the same time: best puzzle and best theme. Perhaps Sylvain could choose the best theme for #100, and Jota and Tom could judge the puzzles themselves for the three best puzzles according to the contest criteria already established: image + solving experience.
#688: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Dec 29, 2011
thats how jota & I thought it was, T
we judge the contest and Sylvain makes the choice of theme
.....and then Sylvain is asked to join us, only once, to judge the wcp#100 contest...then back to hibernation he goes :)
#689: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Dec 29, 2011
not hibernating, still eating ....way too much lol
#690: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on Dec 29, 2011
Sylvain is much like the good china...worth a lot, very nice and pulled out of hiding for big events.
#691: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Dec 29, 2011
sounds like a theme David :)
#692: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Dec 30, 2011

#693: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jan 13, 2012
Ok the WCP just turn 100 this week. It took us a couple of years to achieve this and that awsome that it continue this long and this strong since day one. With many new members entering this website every weeks and playing in the wcp there are mostly past theme that new user would have appreciate participating in. So here a little poll that COULD serve as a future theme for the wcp

What old theme you wish to see re-use in the WCP ?

Maybe ( and that maybe since I no longer control the decision made in the wcp) it can bring back to live the most popular theme from past aera

Have fun
#694: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jan 13, 2012
You don't have to start repeating themes yet! There's plenty that have not been done yet. Didn't we once have a suggestion request? I can't find it, but I know there were some cool ideas that I haven't seen used yet.

Here are a few:

What's hiding in your closet?

I'm Game! (favorite board game)

Favorite childhood memory

Home Sweet Home (something special about your town/city)

World Expo (in South Korea this summer)

Summer Olympics (in London this year)

NASA (The Rover will land on Mars this year)

Bob and Kate (lots of choices here - at home, having a baby, go shopping, out on the town, 2nd honeymoon - I miss those guys)

And I really like the travelling gnome idea

And of course my idea, 100 years ago... :-)

#695: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jan 13, 2012
Teresa you are right but the idea came to me after seeing Tom King invitation to movie theme puzzle ( wich was wcp #1).

As far as the theme list you just mention they all are interesting.

I think that 101 is in the box right now plus Tom's traveling gnome will probably be 102 or something so that open thing up starting at 103.... will see
#696: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jan 13, 2012
I wanna know what Teresa has hindin in her closet
#697: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jan 13, 2012
Well, I already showed you my drawers, Tom. :-D

#9465, #9467, #9473, #9496, #9508, and #9547.

#698: Tom King (sgusa) on Jan 22, 2012
Never knew this forum existed. The instructions for many puzzles refer us here for rules. I guess I need to cross reference between puzzle #, date, and specific rules?
#699: Jota (jota) on Jan 22, 2012
They are also listed on the Honors tab Tom.
#700: Tom King (sgusa) on Jan 22, 2012
Many of them refer to this forum for specific rules. I have read the red notes since November when I started creating them. Many of the older puzzles refer to this forum for specifics.
#701: Gator (gator) on Jan 23, 2012
Look at post 632 on this thread.
#702: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on Jan 23, 2012
I'm really wishing that the puzzle links on the Honors page had the mouse-over context menu so I could peek at solutions from one page.

I'll give someone a dollar to make a page that shows images of the winning solutions for all 100?
#703: Jota (jota) on Jan 23, 2012
@ Tom it's a bit challenging but worth it, i hope!
@ David LOL
#704: Kristen Vognild (Kristen) on Jan 23, 2012
I think we may need an extra week or so, to give us time to solve all the previous 100 winning puzzles!
#705: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jan 23, 2012
lmbo Kristen
#706: Tom King (sgusa) on Jan 23, 2012
As I did #1, it was pretty easy to see only house rules applied (and it was the Wild West, then). Post 632 refers to #88 going forward. I would hate to have someone disqualified because they missed, "Must include one red pixel" someplace in this thread..
#707: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jan 23, 2012

after I left the wcp (no more free time) Jota and Tom decide to cut the double posting and stop writing special rule directly in the description on the honor tap so for 1-88 just check my post with NEW THEME in it. It will give you any specific rule we decide to throw in. for 89-100 just check the red description directly in the honor tab. That way you should be able to track any specific criteria esk for a theme in particuliar

hope it will help
#708: Kadou (Kadou) on Feb 6, 2012
Weekly Challenge #102: What WE can do without webpbn ...
Is that a "we" as individuals or as a collective?

Also, will there be a third member judging future WCs?
#709: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Feb 6, 2012
Kadou...this was my idea and I was thinking WE as each we who cares to compete. The other does sound like fun.
WE: Jota & I are taking applications for a 3rd judge.
#710: Kadou (Kadou) on Feb 6, 2012
You have been two for a while now, and it seems difficult to recruit a third judge. So, I was thinking the third judge could be a "guest" judge. Someone who would be part of the judging panel for a given Challenge without "permanent" status. An active player who could prepare theme and rules for one WC where he/she is available and willing to judge.
What do you think?
#711: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Feb 6, 2012
I'll leave it up to Jota...but frankly,,, i don't like a part time judge...sorry Kadou
#712: Jota (jota) on Feb 7, 2012
We do need a third or more permanent judges, it's a difficult process, believe it or not, sometimes we have to do it over the phone, or adapt the dates because one of us is not available, etc. it's becoming kind of tense when we have to travel or are busy.To fit a non-permanent person on this will make it even worse.
Then we have the times when we are in disagreement ... Tempers fly (JK) but the system we had for resolving conflicts among 3 does not apply among 2. Another difficult aspect is to keep the focus, hence the mistake David found in that perfect blue square puzzle.

I understand where you are coming from, so let's continue to try to find a solution.
#713: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Feb 7, 2012
my solution is a caraffe of merlot :)
#714: Teresa K (fasstar) on Feb 7, 2012
I would like to apply for the job. I can be available every other Sunday.

As a judge, I would be committed to solving each contest entry, and to judge them based on:
* image (quality, detail, recognizable)
* solving experience (not too hard, not too easy)
* creativity (original idea, clever title, etc.)
* extra points for that "Aha!" experience we all love

And... I think I can come up with some pretty good themes. Anyone object to the ideas I posted above in #694?

#715: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Feb 7, 2012
Hurray I try to convince you to be judge awhile ago but you could not take it at the time. Great addition to the judging panel. Only bemol is the lost of a great competitor in the WCP.

I'm sure you 3 will do amazing thing and assure it will continue to grow and bring enjoyment to all user here in webpbn.com

thank you T (and as always to Maria and Tom too) for keeping this so alive and so great.

BTW Tom I love you 3 ( or 4 or 5) Q interview love the humor the personnality you bring to it.

#716: Kadou (Kadou) on Feb 7, 2012
Awesome! Thanks Teresa! I know it's not an easy task, so... good luck! :)
#717: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Feb 8, 2012
you got my vote T.... Jota will tell you what program to download to meet with us ....hugsssssssss
#718: Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) on Feb 8, 2012
Congratulation, Judges!
You are truly not three of a kind, but three great personalities for a great future of the competition.
#719: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on Feb 8, 2012
terrific idea!
#720: Jota (jota) on Feb 8, 2012
Welcome Teresa!
We "meet" on Yahoo messenger at 7PM Eastern time.
Well see you on the 15th.
If you have any questions email me please.
#721: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Feb 9, 2012
T...you need to contact me via e-mail and tell me your screen name so i can accept you as a friend and then can start our conference room.
#722: Tom King (sgusa) on Feb 9, 2012
Awesome, Teresa. Thanks for doing this.
#723: Kadou (Kadou) on Feb 20, 2012
Some topic ideas I just had...
"What makes you...
laugh/cry/happy/sad/surprized/scared/angry/hungry/excited/upset/nervous/feel loved/aroused/any other emotion you can think of.
#724: Teresa K (fasstar) on Feb 20, 2012
I like your idea, Kadou. Thanks.
#725: Kadou (Kadou) on Mar 5, 2012
What a WC theme!
"men...what would you like to see different in women....women: what would you like to see different in men?"

This is a woman's dream challenge... There are so many things that women would like changed about men, while men see women as near perfect.

Feels like a battle of the sexes! 3> vs }p
hehe! :)
#726: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Mar 6, 2012
I'll take the blame or credit for this one, Kadou :D
#727: Teresa K (fasstar) on Mar 18, 2012
Well, this turned out to be a better contest than I thought it would be. Great entries! Very difficult to judge this time. In fact, if all three of us would have had our way, you all would have been winners!
#728: Tom King (sgusa) on Mar 20, 2012
Kind of waiting for the "Roamin' Gnome...?"
#729: Teresa K (fasstar) on Mar 20, 2012
I like that one too. Let's see what the other judges think.
#730: Teresa K (fasstar) on Apr 1, 2012
WCP has been discontinued.

Well, I've only been a judge for a short while, and now the contest is no more. You can't believe how tough that job is. Everyone argues, no one can agree on a winner. And there are complaints that the quality of the contest entries aren't that great. So we just decided that we're not going to do it anymore.

Sorry folks. That's the way it goes.
#731: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Apr 1, 2012
and Teresa outta be spanked :(
#732: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Apr 1, 2012
April Fools!

Having been a prior judge, I KNOW for a fact that your sentence "Everyone argues, no one can agree on a winner" is not true.

Good one, though. :-)
#733: Teresa K (fasstar) on Apr 1, 2012
Maybe things were different when you were a judge, Adam. But the past several weeks have been very uncomfortable in the judges' court. One week someone just doesn't show. Another week, some one is out of town. It's like the commitment just isn't there. One judge has a hot temper, another judge has a potty mouth, and I have been referred to as a total b*tch.

Someone complained to Sylvain, and he said "Well, let's just call it quits, then. It's over!"

You may think it's a joke, but we sure aren't laughing. Bad timing I guess.
#734: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Apr 1, 2012
I'l be a good lad here and confirm ITS TRUE WCP is over


sorry I forgot it was my duty to upload the winner and new theme tonight
#735: Teresa K (fasstar) on Apr 1, 2012
Aw, heck. Adam was right. April Fools.

Tom and Jota are super fun to judge with. It really is hard though to pick only three winners, with so many imaginative puzzle creators.
#736: Teresa K (fasstar) on Apr 1, 2012
Glückwünsche to Conzick, who now holds the top rank on the honors list!
#737: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Apr 2, 2012
#738: Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) on Apr 3, 2012
Thank you. Vielen Dank, Teresa!
#739: Tom King (sgusa) on Apr 12, 2012
Make them all judges. Then, I'll have a chance. Kadou, Conzick, David, Brian, Kristen, et cetera... There should be 200 judges, and one contestant...

#740: Jota (jota) on Apr 12, 2012
#741: Teresa K (fasstar) on May 13, 2012
This contest requires landscape format. That means it has to be wider than it is high. For example, it can be 50 wide and 30 high, or 45 wide and 35 high, or 40 wide and 25 high. Just don't go crazy and make it 65 wide and 15 high, okay? 50x30 would be best. :-)
#742: Kadou (Kadou) on Jun 11, 2012
WC # 111...
Can a puzzle be in only red or only blue? Or does it have be in both red and blue? I imagine white is ok... :P
#743: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jun 11, 2012
both Kadou ....15x15 only also...and yes the white base is a must
#744: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jun 11, 2012
IE: Red White and Blue
#745: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jun 25, 2012
Just a little word to say how a great job our 3 officiating judges are doing. Great job to all 3 of you. Love to way you continue to play with my "baby". I still trying to keep an eye on it from time to time and I love everything you do with it.

So once again Bravo and keep up the good job

your friend Sylvain
#746: Jota (jota) on Jun 25, 2012
It's becoming harder and harder, we keep trying but it's very difficult my friend!
#747: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jun 25, 2012
Sylvain, did you take a look at all the puzzles in the past contest? These creators are developing so much talent and they just keep getting better!
#748: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jun 26, 2012
I enjoy it so far. Drop in sometime Sylvain and input your ideas.
#749: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jun 26, 2012
Yes T I had the chance to peek at some new puzzle in the few last WCP and it must be so hard to choose from having so many hight caliber entry avery week.

But as hard as it is for you 3 its a great thing for the website and the community and that what the WCP was set up for at first, helping people find idea to let they imagination and talent do the rest and create new amazing puzzle for all others to enjoy. Way back then when I start in here thet was like 3-5 people posting all the puzzle, then I start trying to do some, at the same time Marz was starting to, then came Adam and the rest follow with the wcp giving them a start in puzzle creation. Guess my crazy idea work well.

We should not forgive to thank once again Jan who was cool enougth to let me a stage in wich I could set that thing up creating the honor tab and all the pages for the wcp.
#750: Tom King (sgusa) on Jul 2, 2012
Everyone did a fabulous job! It is a vibrant, fun community. Thanks, Tom
#751: Jota (jota) on Mar 3, 2013
Just a thought: WCP # 127 Only three contestants, which is not strange since out of the last 100 puzzles on the site, Kurt has created 39, Al 23 and Tom King 4, apart from them, the only other "productive" creator is Norma with 13. That's a total of 79% of the puzzles.
#752: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Mar 6, 2013
The "puzzler" on NPR's Car Talk takes the summer off. Maybe our puzzle would also enjoy a little time away.
#753: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Mar 6, 2013
Good point.
#754: Ruby Hammer (rubyqhammer) on Mar 6, 2013
According to the Honors button this is where the contest theme is supposed to be announced, but I am not seeing anything. Why the jump from post #750 in Jul 2012 to #751 in Mar 2013?
#755: Kristen Vognild (Kristen) on Mar 7, 2013
They stopped posting here; now the contest rules are at the Honors tab, listed by date, unless more information is needed.
#756: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Mar 17, 2013
WE could sure use another judge for the contest. This week we couldn't agree so we did, for the first time ever, make 2 winners. Please contact Jota or me for consideration.
#757: Tom King (sgusa) on May 29, 2013
Not interested in multi-color or large puzzles. Kristen (both of them), Kurt, Norma, Aldege, Joe, Dave, Brian, Travis, both Teresas would be outstanding. Forgetting one or two and apologize. One used to be a judge... Ask Kai or Kadou. They have the most honors and a bit of a chip. Might be the perfect way to mend fences and get them active here. Just my thoughts...Tom
#758: Jota (jota) on Jun 23, 2013
Sorry again for posting early, still in Europe and crazy about the time. Last one ... for now!
#759: cathy mcweeney (catty) on Feb 5, 2019
when does the new weekly challange post and how do i enter
#760: Jota (jota) on Feb 5, 2019
We have not done it in a while. Check the Honors tab on the left.
#761: cathy mcweeney (catty) on Oct 27, 2022
#762: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Oct 27, 2022
I would love to see it back again!
#763: Joe (infrapinklizzard) on Oct 27, 2022
If we wanted it back as a competition, we'd have to get some judges on board who were willing to put the time in every <challenge period> to solve the puzzles and judge them.

Another possibility is to just issue a prompt as a challenge each week. This could provide inspiration for puzzlemakers, but no ranking would be awarded.
#764: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Oct 28, 2022
I'm cool with the regular challenge topic, because I have a hard time coming up with ideas. Lately, I've just done riffs off of other people's puzzles (or titles).
#765: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Oct 28, 2022
I like the idea of having a prompt.
#766: Jota (jota) on Oct 28, 2022
If you need a judge, I'm in.
#767: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 28, 2022
What I liked most was to see the different interpretations of the same subject.
#768: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Mar 21, 2024
Okay! The new plan is to have a theme to inspire puzzle-making! No winners or losers, just an idea that might inspire creative puzzle making.

I'll add themes while this is getting re-started, but in the future I would like to find some other people to be in charge of picking the themes.

The first new theme is:

WebPBN will be 20 years old on March 24, 2024. Let's celebrate with 20x20 puzzles on the topic of WebPBN's 20th Birthday!

Please add #180 to the puzzle's name, so people can find them. Thanks!
#769: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Mar 28, 2024
This week's theme is:

Pick someone who has solved more than 1000 puzzles but rarely posted anything and illustrate their name.

Tip: You can click on Users and then click on Puzzles Solved to find users who have solved a lot of puzzles.

Thanks to Yonah Kondor for the idea!

Please add WCP #181 to the name of the puzzle, so people can find it.
#770: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Mar 28, 2024
Is there a size or color limitation?
#771: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Mar 28, 2024
#772: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Mar 29, 2024
I should clarify that for "making puzzles about people who have rarely posted anything" I was thinking especially of people who haven't posted many (or any) comments. Though the puzzles that are already posted are fantastic too!!
#773: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Mar 29, 2024
Picking themes for the WCP is harder than I expected!

I was thinking that WCP #181 would be a way to welcome and celebrate people who might feel shy about commenting. I am worried that the entries could come out sounding like a person is not creating enough puzzles, and that is definitely not what I was aiming for! I hope people know that whether or not they ever create any puzzles, they are welcome here.

#774: Alicia Snyder (prinny) on Mar 29, 2024
Oh ok, is there a way to see how many people are or aren't commenting?
#775: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Mar 30, 2024
That is a good question! One option would be to look at the list of which active users have been here the longest, and if someone is *not* listed there, that means they have never posted a puzzle or a comment. That list is here:

In Google Chrome, you can search for a particular person in the list by doing control-F.
#776: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Apr 4, 2024
This week's theme is Files. Maximum puzzle size 15x15.
#777: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Apr 5, 2024
And, of course, please put WCP #182 at the end of the puzzle's title. Thanks!
#778: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Apr 11, 2024
New theme: TV episodes from the past. Thanks to Teresa for the idea! Please put WCP #183 at the end of the title.
#779: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Apr 12, 2024
I should clarify that the theme was from a long-ago comment that Teresa made in this thread. I have not heard from her in a long time and am worried, and hope that she is okay.
#780: Alicia Snyder (prinny) on Apr 12, 2024
I sent her a msg on FB, we'll see if I get a response.
#781: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Apr 18, 2024
New theme: Kristen's and David's weddings!

Puzzles must have 2:1 dimensions -- for example 15x30 or 10x5.

Please put WCP #184 in the title.
#782: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Apr 18, 2024
Aww! Not everyone is on Facebook, though. For those of you who can't see my photos, we got married last Saturday at the Birmingham Zoo, up by the elephants. The weather was perfect, and the elephants came right up to where the guests were (while Nick & I were off having pictures taken).
#783: Alicia Snyder (prinny) on Apr 18, 2024
Oh yay! I love double weddings... Great idea.
#784: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on Apr 19, 2024
Very sweet of you to do this topic! My fiancee would be jealous that Kristen got married by elephants, she loves them...especially Sri Lankan elephants because that's where her parents came from. If anybody needs context/inspiration for my wedding, we are getting married in October at the Mint Museum in uptown Charlotte, NC. There's a current picture of us in my bio if you click my user name :)
#785: Jota (jota) on Apr 25, 2024
New theme: Best Vacation spot! WCP #185
#786: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Apr 26, 2024
To keep people posted: Jota and JoDeen will be in charge of picking the themes. Thank you to both of them!
#787: Bill Eisenmann (Bullet) on May 17, 2024
I propose a topic to be reflected or mirrored images. This is inspired by Puzzle # 6310, and my comment.
#788: Spot (Pspaughtamus) on May 27, 2024
I see that the WCP is still happening, but where are the topics/themes posted?
#789: Jota (jota) on May 27, 2024
On the left, Honors tab.
#790: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Jun 22, 2024
I'm sitting in for Jota and JoDeen for a couple of weeks. This week's theme is The Longest Day. It's inspired by the summer solstice and the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, but there is room for other interpretations.
#791: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Jun 28, 2024
This week's theme is "What's hiding in your closet?" The idea was posted by Teresa K, years ago. If you create a puzzle for the challenge, please add "WCP #194" to its title.

Also, I have a question: Teresa wrote in #694 that a theme could be "Bob and Kate (lots of choices here - at home, having a baby, go shopping, out on the town, 2nd honeymoon - I miss those guys)."

I am wondering whether Bob and Kate were regular webpbn characters at some point, or if they are from a TV show or book, or if Teresa invented them for the weekly challenge?

Goto next topic

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