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#861: I Felt Obliged 8 42x21 3 Naomi Millar (sailormewtwo)
#875: Another Puzzle Obsession 19 16x20 5 Naomi Millar (sailormewtwo)
#1289: White Lake Dweller 6 40x45 5 Naomi Millar (sailormewtwo)
#2987: For the moment, it's a standoff 16 25x40 4 Naomi Millar (sailormewtwo)
#3745: WC#7 - A Semitypical View 7 50x30 5 Naomi Millar (sailormewtwo)
#4800: WC#20 Great Livermere 10 40x40 2 Naomi Millar (sailormewtwo)
#5876: #34 WCP Blue Bird 9 25x45 3 Naomi Millar (sailormewtwo)
#5982: 8BT#1 - "I like swords!" 8 18x26 3 Naomi Millar (sailormewtwo)
#5986: 8BT#2 - "I should have mentioned this at the beginning..." 4 24x25 4 Naomi Millar (sailormewtwo)
#5987: 8BT#3 - "In the arena of logic..." 3 18x25 3 Naomi Millar (sailormewtwo)
#5988: 8BT#4 - "It's called 'Super Ultra Fine Print'" 2 18x27 4 Naomi Millar (sailormewtwo)