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#6253: #38 WCP: Madiba 5 32x48 2 MMD (mmd)
#6263: #38 WCP: Bahati's Rescue 22 35x45 2 Teresa K (fasstar)
#6267: WCP #57 - Achluophobia meets Bogyphobia 6 35x30 3 Francie (eicnarf)
#6299: #38 WCP - born in England on 23 November 1887 17 40x40 2 Ugo (ugo)
#6313: #38 WCP Ruminating 12 35x45 4 Meg Tayler (rebelcat)
#6314: #38 WCP A is for Water 7 35x35 3 Meg Tayler (rebelcat)
#6317: #38 WCP: Cat 10 30x40 2 Robyn Broyles (ginkgo100)