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#6076: # 36 WCP DEMO 9 20x20 3 Jota (jota)
#6079: #36WCP: Way Below 9 40x40 5 Tyler Buglewicz (tbugs14)
#6082: #36 WCP: No hooves, no saddle... 6 20x40 5 Tyler Buglewicz (tbugs14)
#6083: #36WCP: My kids love her 6 38x42 4 Shallyn (shallyn)
#6088: #36 WCP: Blue Heart 10 35x40 3 MMD (mmd)
#6106: #36 WCP - Found in the Mediterranean 12 50x30 2 Meg Tayler (rebelcat)
#6108: WCP # 36 - Gotta light? 8 40x40 5 Jennifer Jones (geekess)
#6110: #36WCP Well, only half.. 6 20x20 3 vindersloon (vindersloon)
#6111: #36 WCP - Exodus 9 30x30 3 Ugo (ugo)
#6112: #36 WCP: Lost or Survivor? 15 30x25 5 Teresa K (fasstar)
#6129: #36 WCP - Something else found in the Mediterranean! 6 40x40 3 Meg Tayler (rebelcat)
#6138: WCP #36 Due to Popular Demand 6 40x40 3 Julie Katz (katwomanjulie)