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#4780: WC #20: My town gives you a lift. 7 40x40 5 matthew (mattman)
#4782: WC#20 - White Dove of the Desert 19 40x40 2 Teresa K (fasstar)
#4785: WC#20: Ann Arbor, MI 7 40x40 3 Greg DiLeo (gd)
#4787: WC #20: How Fast Does Bull Run Run? 7 48x32 4 K Chouinard (codenumerator)
#4791: WC #20 - A little bit of twang... 13 50x35 3 Jennifer Jones (geekess)
#4794: WC #20 Sad and terrible 11 55x25 3 Petra Lassen (Stjarna)
#4800: WC#20 Great Livermere 10 40x40 2 Naomi Millar (sailormewtwo)
#4803: WC#20 My town - unfortunately! 20 40x40 5 Meg Tayler (rebelcat)
#4819: WC #20 : The Sun Rises In The East 6 33x38 5 dewilbee (aguler01)
#4830: WC #20: Red Sea 10 40x30 4 Tyler Buglewicz (tbugs14)