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#4387: WC #17--Happy Birthday!! 8 40x40 5 Joseph Jessen (gijoex2)
#4392: WC #17 Christmas Song 5 30x30 4 Corey Beaudoin (red)
#4395: WC 17: An easy one 10 30x15 4 K Chouinard (codenumerator)
#4403: WC#17 one of the classics 9 25x30 2 Rea Aksglæde Karlsen (Rea)
#4409: WC#17 - Naughty or Nice 5 50x30 5 Jake Griffin (jako7286)
#4410: WC # 17 part of the play 7 20x20 3 vindersloon (vindersloon)
#4411: WC#17 - Jolly Soul 3 52x28 3 Jake Griffin (jako7286)
#4412: WC#17 - Jolly Soul 2 7 40x30 2 Jake Griffin (jako7286)
#4430: WC#17 bad to the bone 11 40x40 5 sanane samanye (maceraseven)
#4446: WC #17 Dreamy 30 30x30 2 m2 (mercymercy)
#4448: WC #17 What kind of night? 10 25x30 2 Arduinna (arduinna)
#4454: WC#17 Several Carols... 6 50x30 3 Tonia Bergh (tonia)
#4462: WC #17 can you hear them? 7 40x40 2 Rea Aksglæde Karlsen (Rea)
#4468: WC# 17 Die Kline Stadt der Heilege Konig 14 45x30 2 Byrdie (byrdie)